Leadership board Flashcards
FPCON Levels
Neutral Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta
Methods of Recon
Ariel and Ground mix
5 Paragraphs of an OPORDER
Situation Mission Execution Sustainment Command and Signal
When would you salute left handed
When holding a guidon individually and not in formation.
From guidon position of attention, snap finger extended left hand to the shaft of the guidon at the chest midline.
3 Types of IED’s
Types of Dislocated Civilians
Evacuee's Expellee's Migrants Stateless Person Refugee's
5 C’s in IED
Cordon Clear Check Call Control
Where is information for pattern analysis gathered from?
Checkpoints TCPs Patrols Recon Field Interviews Soldier and Leader Observations Media Sources
Wreath in SGM rank
The wreath in a SGM rank denotes a SGM in a command position known as CSM
Methods of LEO Patrols
Bicycle Foot Mounted Military Working Dog Boat Fixed
MPI investigation example
Property loss over $1,000 in value
Cross pistols in Regimental Crest
Represent the MP Mission, to ASSIT PROTECT AND DEFEND.
OPORDER Regualtion
ATTP 5-0.1
Command and Staff Officer Guide
What % Grade becomes and obstacle
General Order 1
I will guard everything within the limits of my post and inly quit my post when properly relieved
Wat regulation Covers PRT
TC 3-22.30
Three Types of Recon
7 Steps to the Ethical Decision Making Process
- Identify the problem
- Gather Information
- Develop Criteria
- Generate Possible Solutions
- Analyze the Possible Solutions
- Compare Possible Solutions
- Make and Implement the Decision
Colors of units on a Map
Show unit affiliation Green - Neutral Yellow - Unknown Blue - Friendly Red - Enemy
What is the Infantry Bible
FM 3-21.8
- The infantry rifle platoon
and squad
Variables used to develop realistic and robust training in operational environments P - Political M - Military E - Economic S - Social I - Information I - Infastructure P - Physical Environment T - Time
DA From 4002
Evidence / Property Tag
General Order 3
I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief
Pattern Analysis
Information that is gathered and then analyzed to gain a situational understating in the battlefield
2 Types of Route Recon
Stars in SGM rank
1 star with no wreath = SGM
2 Stars = r CSM of the Army
8 Steps to Military Decision Making Process
- Receipt of the Mission
- Mission Analysis
- Develop Course of Action
- Analyze Course of Action
- Compare the Course of Actions
- Approve a Course of Action
- Produce the Order
- Rehearsals, Execution, Assessment
Mission Enemy Terrain and Weather Troops and Support Available Time Available Civil Considerations
5 MP Missions
Maneuver and Mobility Support Law and Order Police Intelligence Internment and resettlement Area Security
What is MCOO
Modified Combined Arms and Obstacles
These are items placed on an overlay to indicate obstacles or impassible spaces
Types of Charts for TOC OPS/Battle Tracking
Diamond in 1sg Rank
Diamond is a Master Sergeant in a command position. The lozenge, or diamond in 1SG’s rank use dates back to at least the Civil War. Great Britain used it to denote Hierarchy and achievement
What is the MP Bibel
FM 3-19.4 -Military Police Leaders Handbook FM 3-39 - Military Police Operations
Predictive Analysis
Course of actions deter criminal activity that are developed by criminal intelligence from information gathered
Line of Sight and Pace Method
Method to find slope using line of sight and pace.
1.75 x number of sight pictures
0.75 x number of paces
number of sight pictures / number of paces x 100
3 Types of Civil Disturbance Crowd Tactics
NCO Leader Book
ADRP 6-22 - Army Leadership ADP 6-22 - Army Leadership and the Profession
Commanders Critical Information Requirements
- Friendly Force’s information
- Essential elements of friendly information
- Priority intelligence requirements
- Enemy elements information
8 Troop Leading Procedures
- Receive the Mission
- Issue the WARNO
- Make a Tentative Plan
- Initiate Necessary Movement
- Conduct recon
- Complete the Plan
- Issue the OPORDER
- Supervise
2 types of SHARP reports
Restricted - Chain of Command - Law Enforcement Unrestricted - SARC - Chaplain
Genral Order 2
I will obey my special orders and I will preform all my duties in a military manner
MP History
EST 26 September 1941
Irregular history dating back to 1776
Used to analyze terrain and weather Observations and Fields of Fire Avenues of Approach Key and Decisive Terrain Obstacles Cover and Concealment
How many years of experience must a MWD handler have before becoming a kennel master?
6 years
Principle duties of the 1SG
Health and Welfare of Soldiers
Advising the Commander
Which Exercises in CD1 have a moderate cadence?
Mountain Climber
Single leg Push Up
Tools of Pattern Analysis
Pinwheel. patterns are cyclical like a pinwheel
DA From 4137
Chain of Custody / Evidence Log
What is DRA
Decision and Risk Analysis
3 Tasks to Develop Host Nation Support
Decisive operations
Shaping Operations
Sustainment Operations
Types of Military Working Dogs