Leadership and Motivation Flashcards
I was talking to my sister on Monday and she praised my English.
To praise : express approval or admiration
A deal is an agreement or an arrangement, especially in business.
e.g. a business deal]
agreement - acordo
arrangement - acordo
You can’t choose the majority of your deals
The majority - a maioria
Wealth inequality.
A desigualdade na distribuição da riqueza
In Brazil, the meat needs to be at room temperature before cooking it.
In Brazil, the meat needs to be at room temperature before cooking it.

When I was in Ireland, one point that caught my attention was the price of the rent.
caught my attention - chamou-me a atenção
Caught - /kót/
nineteen eighty-eight
My dad worked as a car salesman.
worked - /workt/

It’s a shame
shame = pena
There is a famous saying:
“There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go”

Existe um ditado famoso:
Não existe vento favorável a quem não sabe onde deseja ir. - Sêneca