Leadership and Management: Past and Present Flashcards
Acronym to help nurses remember the key components of moral courage
CODE was chosen because (1) code means urgent need to respond (act) in situations involving danger and (2) the word reminds nurses of their moral obligation outlined in the ANA code of ethics
What does C in CODE stand for
Courage to be moral, which requires : O.D.E.
What does O in CODE stand for
Obligations to honor (what is the right thing to do?)
What does D in CODE stand for
Danger management (What do I need to handle my fear?)
What does the E in CODE stand for
Expression and action (What action do I need to take to maintain my integrity?)
Moral Character
possession of the virtues of:
Moral Courage
Individual’s capacity to overcome fear and stand up for his/her core
Moral Virtue
Performance of repeated acts of virtue (e.g. courage); a habit of practicing virtue
Moral Wisdom
Understood to include moral perception, moral sensitivity, and moral imagination
Moral Perception
ability to observe what is happening from a moral perspective
Moral Sensitivity
Ability to incorporate an extensive array of information, take action on it, and respond to individual needs in a moral way
Moral Imagination
ability to reflect on what it might be like to be an individual in this set of circumstances
Moral Integrity
to feel good about oneself in a fundamental way, to perceive oneself as both a professional who does good work and as a person of character who strives to live a moral life
Ethical Competence
Ability of a person to analyze and respond to a moral problem, unrestrained by automatic responses and beliefs/emotional fixations
How might one describe the difference between being a manager and leader
a manager guides, directs, and motivates
a leader empowers other
the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives
this implies management is the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization through the deployment and manipulation of resources
those who take risks, attempt to achieve shared goals, and inspire others to action
individuals will follow by choice not because they have to
What determines if a person is a leader
their behavior not a job title
A manager does what compared to a leader
a manager will accomplish, have responsibility and conduct
a leader will influence and guide direction, opinion, and course of action
Characteristics of Leaders
Obtain power through means other than delegated authority, like through influence
wider variety of roles than managers
may or may not be a part of a formal organization
focus on group process, information gathering, feedback and empower others
emphasize interpersonal relationships
direct willing followers
have goals that may or may not reflect those of the organization
What is important to recognize about being a leader
it is an easy thing to lose if others stop following you
10 Fatal Leadership Flaws
lack of energy or enthusiasm
acceptance of mediocre performance
lack of clear vision and direction
poor judgment
not collaborating
not walking the talk
resisting new ideas
not learning from mistakes
a lack of interpersonal skills
failing to develop others
___ are assigned a position by the organization
____ often do not have delegated authority but obtain power through other means such as influence
___ have a wider variety of roles than managers
____ have a legitimate source of power due to delegated authority that accompanies the position
___ have specific duties and responsibilities they are expected to carry out
___ emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis, and results
___ focus on group process, information gathering, feedback, and empowering others
___ may or may not be part of the formal hierarchy of the organization
___ emphasize interpersonal relationships
___ direct willing followers
___ have goals that may or may not reflect those of the organization
__ manipulate people, the environment, money, time, and other resources to achieve the goals of the organization
___ have a greater formal responsibility and accountability for rationality and control than ____
managers; leaders
___ direct willing and unwilling subordinates
What are some good qualities of a leader
takes risks
empowers others
directs others
goal oriented
communicates well
What are some good qualities of a manager
detailed and fact oriented
needs data for decisions
understands the team
sees the organization as a whole
fiscally aware
has many responsibilities
Scientific Management Theory
“The one best way to accomplish a task”
How do we motivate employees to increase efficiency and productivity
4 Overriding principles of scientific management
- Rule of Thumb - Efficiency, Control of Time, and Energy - Scientific Design use
- Match Employee to the Job based on strengths and weaknesses
- Employees are motivated by money - rewards increase their work
- Managers and Employee roles should be separate, independent, and cooperative with work shared equally (Mangers plans, prepares, supervises and worker works)
Frederick Taylor
Creator of Scientific Management
What is the result of scientific management
increased productivity and profit as well as efficiency
Management Process
a 5 stage framework for managers to see what planning is needed to make changes happen in an organization and to allow work on team building and providing motivation
5 Steps of the Management Process
- Planning (what are the goals, objectives, rules, changes)
- Organizing (How will the changes occur, plans)
- Staffing (Who will be responsible, team building)
- Directing (How will work get done, motivating, conflict management, delegation, collaboration)
- Control ( performance, evaluation, legal and ethical control, fiscal aspects)
(A continuous cyclical process)
Fayol and Gulick
Came up with management theory / management process of POSDC
What was seen as a shortcoming of scientific management
the lack of a human element
What began to add the “human element” to management theory
the Human Relations Era focused on people rather than machines
Human Relations Era Management
Adding the human element to management
believes managers are one WITH the employee
Believes that managers need to cooperate not domineer over employees and that the managers behaviors will correlate with efficiency or not
Believes employee participation in decision making is needed and flexibility, see the worker, and engage the worker is needed
Shortcoming of Human Relation Theory
some did not like the less structured environment
time consuming
Hawthorne Effect and Management
Paying more attention to the worker will increase their productivity
part of human relation theory
Theory X and Theory Y Managers
Idea that X managers think employees are lazy, need direction and constant supervision, and are indifferent to organizational needs
Y managers believe workers enjoy work, are self motivated, and are willing to work hard to meet personal and organization goals
The idea is that the Y managers attitude will boost productivity
Great Man Theory / Trait Theory
The idea some are born to lead and others are born to be led
Some oppose this by saying some can come into leadership with work and when the situation needs it not just naturally
Lewin, White, and Lippit isolated what from emphasis of what a leader does to be what is important
their leadership style
3 Types of Leadership Styles
Authoritarian (Autocratic)
Laissez Faire
Authoritarian (Autocratic) Leadership Style
Control, Coercion, Close Minded, Criticism, Focus on “I” or “Me”
Sometimes necessary in urgent and emergent situations where strong delegation is needed
Democratic Leadership Style
less control, motivated by rewards, open communication, collaborative decision making, constructive feedback, focus on “we”
Transformational leadership
What is the differing results of Authoritarian v Democratic Leadership Styles
Authoritarian has high productivity and feelings of reduced frustration and predictable work but at the cost of creativity, self motivation, and autonomy (often found in large bureaucracies and the armed forces)
Democratic is the other end - you value ideas and experiences and learning from others - it is good for groups working together for extended periods (but can be less efficient quantitatively)
Laissez Faire Leadership Style
lack of control and direction, permissive, open communication, group focus, not typically seen as productive in this setting
however will ill defined problems and a call for creativity and productivity if the group is highly motivated and self directed it can be useful for alternative solution making
Situational and Contingency Leadership Theories Say What
That there is no one size fits all answer to what leadership style is best
Contingency approach basically means no one leadership style is ideal for every situation and that different people are potentially better leading in different styles based on the situation
Situational approach states the appropriateness of the leadership style then is based on followers level of maturity as well with it moving from task oriented to relationship oriented
Interactional leadership Theory (Present Day)
Idea that leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship of the leaders personality and the specific situation
So there is a three way relationship between the uniqueness and aspects of the leader, follower, and situation they are functioning in
Leadership effectiveness in interactional leadership theory requires
the ability to use the problem solving process
leader is a motivator
performance and productivity
has vision and is able to empower and inspire staff
demonstrate fairness, competence, dependability, and creativity
manager models behavior, encourages, and shares values
leaders and followers to share same passion for work
Transactional Leader
a traditional manager concerned wiht the day to day operations
Transformational (Theory) Leader
manager is committed, has a vision, and can empower others with this vision
What are some traits of strength based leadership
empower the worker
recognize uniqueness of employees
provide safe work environment
learning ready
positivity and focus on strengths
service to others
Kouzes and Posner
came up with 5 practices for exemplary leadership
What are the 5 practices for exemplary leadership
- Modeling (values and self awareness)
- Inspiring a shared vision (inspirational vision, followers want to work with leader on goals)
- Challenging the process (sees the changes needed and makes it happen)
- Empowering others (foster collaboration, trust, and sharing of power)
- Encouraging the heart (celebrate others and their achievements toward the goal)
What are some traits of a Transformational leader
long term vision
sees the bigger picture
recognize the effect of interactions with others - team oriented
deals with conflict well
sees necessary changes as positive
able to balance this with managerial needs and transactional needs
Emotional intelligence
ability to perceive, understand, and control one’s emotions and the effects those emotions have on others
Defining Qualities of Emotional intelligence
self awareness
self regulation
social skills
Full Range Leadership Model
full range leader is someone who can apply transactional, transformational and stepping back laissez faire leadership styles at any time or situation when needed
made by Bass and Avolio in 1993
Integrated leader-managers
a leader and a manager in one
the two have a symbiotic/synergistic relationship
6 Traits of an integrated Leader-Manager
- Think Long Term
- Look outward toward the larger organization
- influence others beyond their own group
- emphasize vision, values, and motivations
- politically astute
- think in terms of change and renewal
Challengers for Leadership/Management today in Healthcare
Quality and safety in healthcare
Limited accessibility to healthcare
Healthcare disparities
health and human resource planning
high workload
patient satisfaction
sustainability of the healthcare system and financing
increasing healthcare cost
long waiting times and congestion
changes in more strict legislation, regulations and enforcement of such
increased disease burden, promotion and prevention- people are living longer
pandemic controls.
4 Major Leadership roles
transferring responsibilities to another staff member
RN still ultimately responsible for these tasks and the RNs in leadership roles delegate to RNs working with/under them
Taking responsibility for the tasks others perform - involves reviewing workload, understanding skills and knowledge of staff, and evaluating job performance
RNs in leadership roles supervise RNs and other unlicensed personnel working under/with them
Organizing care for patients between 2 or more participants
facilitating appropriate delivery of health care services is needed here
health care team working and coming together to reach a common goal in patient care
this is more how HC workers like RNs, Doctors, etc work together
10 Traits Millennials ID as expecting from leaders
- Own and live company values
- Communicate open and early
- Inspire people to reach higher
- Own their mistakes
- Recognize big wins, small wins, and hard work
- Trust people
- Make the right decision, not the popular decision
- Add value to their teams, helping them to succeed
- Have the courage to be genuine and visible
- Take care of people
Strength Based Leadership
Focuses on the development or empowerment of workers strengths as opposed to IDing problems, improving underperformance, and addressing weakness and obstacles
Level 5 Leadership
5 levels of leadership skill can be present in an organization but typically leaders that are great possess all 5 qualities
It is not necessary to pass every level subsequently to be the fifth level (great leader) but there must be skills and capabilities found at all levels
Servant Leadership
contemporary leadership model that puts serving others as the first priority
relates to 5th level leadership
Principal Agent Theory
Suggests that followers may have an informational (expertise or knowledge) advantage over the leader as well as their own preferences, which may deviate from those of the principal. This may lead to a misalignment of goals
So if the agent (follower) can make a decision on the principal (managers) behalf they may make different choices so you must incentivize them to make the decision appropriate with the organizations best interest
Human Capital
represents the capability of the individual that can create economic value for individuals, employers, and the community
social capital represents what a group can accomplish together
Human Capital Theory states then people and organizations invest in education and professional development if it can have a future payoff as an investment
Authentic Leadership
suggests that in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly
Thought Leadership
refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way to looking at things
Thought Leadership
refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way to looking at things
a person is recognized among his or her peers for innovative ideas and who demonstrates the confidence to promote those ideas
Quantum Leadership
suggest that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity
Quantum Leadership
suggest that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity
Leadership must work with subordinates to ID common goals, exploit opportunities and empower staff to make decisions for organizational productivity to occur - especially when rapid change and transitions
What is a major benefit of using strength based leadership training for students and people at risk
it can move them to at promise by focusing on their interests and strengths
For strength based leadership, a team must have a balance of what 4 leadership domains
Strategic Thinking
Relationship Building
What are the 4 most common things people seek in leaders
What are the 5 levels of Great Leadership
- Highly Capable Individual
- Contributing Team member
- Competent Manager
- Effective Leader
- Great Leader
Self Awareness
the ability to recognize and understand ones moods emotions and drives as well as their effects on others
Self Regulation
the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment
a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment
the ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people
Social Skills
proficiency in handling relationships and building networks; an ability to find common grounds
5 components of emotional intelligence
self awareness
self regulation
social skills
Why is Rebel Leadership important
because leaders should strive for an encourage rebellion in the workplaces because when people break the rules to explore new ideas and create positive change, everyone benefits.
Why is Rebel Leadership important
because leaders should strive for an encourage rebellion in the workplaces because when people break the rules to explore new ideas and create positive change, everyone benefits.
8 Principles of Rebel Leadership
Seek out the new
Encourage constructive dissent
Open conversations - dont close them
Reveal yourself and reflect
Learn everything then forget everything
Find freedom in constraints
Lead from the trenches
Foster happy accidents (mistakes may unlock a breakthrough)
Agile Leadership
Leaders with the ability and agility to think in many new ways so that they can be flexible, adaptable, and fast in decision making
Reflective Thinking and Practice
To be agile you must continually adapt, reflect on progress and setbacks, and adjust their course as needed
Industrial Age v Relationship Age Leadership
Industrial - focus on hierarchy, skills, competition and control
Relationship Age - focus on primarily relationships between the leader and his or her followers, on discerning common purpose, working together cooperatively, and seeking information rather than wealth
What are the 3 Steps for Engaging Employees Through Relationship Building
- invest the Time
- Get the Data
- Evaluate the progress of employee engagement
Integrated Model of Leadership
The balance of industrial and relationship age leadership or the strategic leadership and operational leadership
There needs to be a balance of character and authenticity, influence and abilities, results and performance, and skills and competence
Strategic v Operational Leadership
Operational - management focused
Strategic - activities like clear vision, maintaining a culture that aligns a set of values with that vision, and declaring must do or strategic imperatives the organization needs to accomplish