Leadership Flashcards
Who gets force choked in episode 4? “I find your lack of faith disturbing”
Admiral Motti
Who does Vader kill in Episode 5 “You have failed me for the last time”
Admiral Ozzel
Who take’s Admiral Ozzel’s place as Admiral?
Firmus Piett
Who says “Use proton torpedos”
General Dodonna
Who oversaw construction of Death Star II?
Tiaan Jerjerrod
Where is the rebel base located in Episode 4?
Massassi Base located on Yavin 4
Who is the Red leader in the battle of Yavin?
Garven Dreis
Luke’s callsign during battle on Hoth
Rogue leader
Luke’s call sign on Hoth on Tauntaun
Echo 3
Who is red leader during battle of Endor?
Wedge Antilles
Who in the Imperial fleet led the battle on Hoth?
General Maximillian Veers (in an AT-AT)
Episode 5 who gets in trouble for losing the millenium alcon “Apology accepted, Captain …”
Lorth Needa
Name of Jabba’s Twilek who falls into rancor pit?
Singer in Max Rebo Band (with lips)
Sy Snootles
What is mined at Cloud City?
Tibanna Gas
Who are the assistants at Cloud City?
Who are the guards at Jabba’s palace?
Lando’s Callsign in Battle of Endor
Gold Wing
What detention block was Leia being held in on Death Star I?
What was Leia’s cell number on Death Star I?
What sound was Obi Wan imitating to scare of sand people?
Krayt Dragon
What part of the second Death Star was targeted by Lando and Wedge in order to destroy it entirely?
Hypermatter core
What type of ship is the millenium falcon?
YT-1300 Freighter
The name of the giant space slug?
What garbage masher unit are Luke, Leia and Han temporarily trapped in on the Death Star?
What number planet in the Hoth system is the rebel base located on?
Who brought Luke to Vader in ROTJ?
Commander Igar
What does Luke say is the Emporer’s weakness?
What’s the name of the Kowakian Monkey Lizard in Jabba’s Palace?
Salacious B Crumb
What species is Max Rebo?
What star destroyer intercepts the Tantive IV?
What star destroyer does the Emperor die on?
What species is Figrin D’an?
What was captain Needa’s Star Destroyer
Who directed Return of the Jedi?
Richard Marquand
Who directed Empire Strikes back?
Irvin Kershner
What planet is closest to the rendezvous point for the battle of endor?