Leadership Flashcards
Define leadership
Process where individual influences group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2016)
What is the 3 factor taxonomy? (Katz & Mann, 1955)
3 important skills for successful leaders are Interpersonal (dealing with people), technical (knowledge of processes) and conceptual (intelligence, problem-solving)
Strengths & weaknesses of the skills approach?
S: makes leadership available to everyone, focus on developing skills
W: weak predictive value on effective leadership
Define traits
Stable characteristics that differentiate individuals and make us behave in a particular way
What are the Big 5 personality traits?
Openness to experience (open-minded, creative)
Conscientious (ambitious, self-disciplined)
Agreeable (friendly, trusting)
Neuroticism (anxious, worrisome)
Pro’s and con’s of the trait approach?
P: benchmark for selection
C: not useful for training & development, most important leadership trait is subjective
What’s the difference between authoritarian and democratic leadership?
A: power rests solely with the leader for decision-making
D: responsibilities shared with the group
Fiedler’s contingency theory + evaluate
2 leadership styles, task and person-oriented + least-preferred co-worker scale; leader-member rs, task structure and power of leader’s are 3 components of situational favourableness
Task-oriented = need for achievement > need for social relationships, view LPCs more negatively
Person-oriented = need for social relationships > need for achievement, view LPCs more positively
Situational leadership theory (Hersey and Blanchard) + example
Tailor our leadership approach to ability and willingness of followers
4 leadership styles = telling, explaining (engages with followers), participating, delegating (DEPT)
E.g. Steve Jobs (Apple) took a delegation approach to leadership, hired the best people for the areas he was unspecialised in
Different types of leadership according to Burns (1978)?
Transactional = focus on exchange between leader/follower
Transformational = focus on engaging with group to create connection between that increases motivation, e.g. Steve Jobs
Pseudo transformational = focus on leader’s own interests over group (can be negative, exploitative)
Give examples of the different types of leadership according to Burns, 1978?
Transactional = Bill Gates often checked in on teams to ensure they understood requirements and goals, beginning of company strict procedures, little freedom for employees
Transformational = Mohandas Gandhi + his non-violent protests for independence in India
Pseudo-transformational = Adolph Hitler
What are the 4 I’s of Transformational Leadership (Bass and Avolio)
Inspirational motivation (communicating high expectations)
Idealised influence (strong role models)
Individualised consideration (helping followers through challenges)
Intellectual simulation (encouraging creativity)
What are the different stages of Bass Leadership Continuum?
Transformational > transactional > laissez-faire leadership
Define Laissez-faire leadership style
Leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions
What are the different examples under the different types of leadership in relation to the Bass Leadership Continuum?
Transactional = Management By Exception (managers only intervene when workers fall behind targets or something has gone wrong)
Transformational = Charismatic leadership
Laissez-Faire = non transactional (hands-off)
What are the pro’s and con’s to transformational leadership?
P: effective, values followers
C: Over-importance of senior members (heroic leadership bias), no correlation between leaders and changes in followers
What is the theory of charismatic leadership? (House, 1976)
Personality characteristics, e.g. dominant, self-confident, strong moral code
Behaviours, e.g. strong role model, communicates goals and high expectations
Effect on followers, e.g. trust leader’s word, increased confidence, emotionally involved
What are the different ways charismatic leaders can persuade/influence followers?
Persuasion by..
1) Framing (giving meaning to a vision in a way that produces excitement)
2) Rhetorical craftiness (using metaphors, vivid imagery)
(Change in perspectives vs engaging the team)
What are the 5 characteristics of authentic leaders? (George, 2003)
Purpose (understand it)
Relationships (trusting)
Values (strong)
Heart (mission)
People Respect Values So Heavy
Pro’s and con’s of authentic leadership?
P: learnable, provides broad guidelines to leaders
C: theory still in its early stages (concepts aren’t fully developed)
Define servant leadership (Laub, 1999)
Focus on developing people, staying authentic, valuing individuals and focus on building a COMMUNITY over individual needs
Pro’s and con’s on servant leadership?
P: altruism (giving back without expecting) is a central component, leaders should share control
C: perceived moral superiority, may be unattractive to shareholders (may increase costs with T&D, consensus building reduces decision-making process)
Differences between leadership & management?
Leadership = set direction/action to achieve vision, aligns ppl, produces change (can be bad)
Management = plan/budget, organise staff, delivers for stakeholders
The different components of an organisation?
Formal: strategy, goals, management, structure
Informal: culture, leadership