LE2 - Blood and Hematopoiesis, Nervous Tissue and Nervous System, Muscle Tissues and Lymphatic Tissue Flashcards
- Identify the cell.
- Which layer of the centrifuged blood is it found?
Buffy Coat
- Identify the tissue.
What growth factor facilitates its differentiation?
Megakaryocyte and red cell production
- Identify the RBC stage
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (*Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
- Identify the shape of the cells below
A decrease in erythropoietin will suggest a disease in which organ?
What blood cell is elevated in a patient with the picture below?
Identify the cell
Give one function
Identify the “type” of muscle
Identify the “type” of muscle.
Identify the “type” of muscle.
Identify “marked” segment. (red bracket)
Identify “marked” segment. (red bracket)
Identify this segment of muscle innervation. (yellow circle)
Identify this part of the cardiac conduction system. (yellow arrows)
Identify “marked” segment. (red brackets)
Identify pointed structure. (black arrows)
Identify this connective tissue covering. (black arrows)
Connective Tissue Coverings: Endomysium, Perimysium, Epimysium. *Subtype: Fibrous.
o Endomysium – Loose Connective Tissue; Covers individual myocytes.
o Perimysium – Dense Irregular Connective Tissue; Covers each muscle bundle or fascicle.
o Epimysium – Dense Irregular Connective Tissue; Covers the whole muscle.
Identify the structure pointed at. BE SPECIFIC.
Identify structures pointed.
Identify structure pointed at by the blue arrow.
What are the stained cytoplasmic cell clumps?
Identify structure pointed at.
Identify pointed structures.
Identify structure pointed at by the yellow arrowhead labelled A
Identify cells found in this image.
Identify the cell pointed at by the black arrow.
What type of neuron is C?
A : Bipolar (Interneuron)
B : Multipolar (Motor Neuron)
C : Unipolar (Sensory Neuron)
What cells are pointed by what arrows?
What cells are colored white?
Identify the cell pointed
Identify the cell
Erythropoiesis : PB-PORE
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). *Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
Identify the cell
Basophilic Erythroblast
Erythropoiesis : PB-PORE
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). *Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
Identify the cell
Polychromatic Erythroblast
Erythropoiesis : PB-PORE
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). *Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
Identify the cell
Orthochromic Erythroblast
Erythropoiesis : PB-PORE
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). *Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
Erythropoiesis: Proerythroblast, Basophilic Erythroblast, Polychromatic Erythroblast; Ortochromic Erythroblast,Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte.
o Proerythroblast:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor of RBC; Cells are large; (+) Nucleoli; Basophilic Cytoplasm; Cells are Mitotic (Undergo cellular division; Actively producing RNA → Basophilic Cytoplasm).
o Basophilic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than erythroblast; (-) Nucleoli (Nucleolus disappeared); Intensely Basophilic cytoplasm because of Ribosomes. Stops RNA Production, reached the peak.
o Polychromatic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller than its precursor; Condensed Checkerboard Nucleus (Nucleus starts to condense in not uniform manner; “Checkerboard Appearance”); Gray-Green Cytoplasm because of hemoglobin accumulation (Hemoglobin Begins to Rise + Ribosomes = Gray-Green). *Observable Hemoglobin Stages. As long there are RNA, it is followed by hemoglobin synthesis.
o Orthochromic Erythroblast:
▪ Smaller Pyknotic Nucleus (Nucleus is uniformly condensed; About to extruded out; “Small Condensed Nucleus); “Normoblast”; Last stage where nucleus is seen; Pink Cytoplasm due to hemoglobin accumulation.
o Reticulocyte:
▪ No Nucleus (Extruded out; “Absent Nucleus”); Pink-Orange with Bluish Hue (Due to Remaining Ribosomes); Reticular Network seen on Cresyl Blue (Ribosomes in network like pattern);
▪ High Number: Indicative of Massive Chronic or Severe loss of blood.
▪ Low Number: Indicative of Suppression of BM; Chemotherapy, Aplastic Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Forms of Bone Malignancies. *Number in circulation is good indicator of BM activity.
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
myeloblast is the most immature recognizable cell in the myeloid series
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Promyelocyte:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor; Cells are large; Large nucleus; Mitotically active; (+) Nucleoli; (+)
Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules (*Present in all granulocytes); *Round Nucleus.
▪ *Primary granules secreted in Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Zone)
Neurophilic Myelocyte
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Myelocyte:
▪ Wide range in cell size (Morphologically, large or small); Mitotically active.
▪ Frequently Indented Round Nucleus; (+) Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules; (+) Lilac-Staining Specific Granules (Neutrophil). *Stage with both non-specific & specific granules.
Neurophilic Metamyelocyte
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Metamyelocyte:
▪ Smaller; Flattened Nucleus (Nucleus becomes flattened); Primary granules start to disappear; (+)
Lilac Staining Specific Granules. *Golgi Apparatus reduced.
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Promyelocyte:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor; Cells are large; Large nucleus; Mitotically active; (+) Nucleoli; (+)
Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules (*Present in all granulocytes); *Round Nucleus.
▪ *Primary granules secreted in Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Zone)
o Myelocyte:
▪ Wide range in cell size (Morphologically, large or small); Mitotically active.
▪ Frequently Indented Round Nucleus; (+) Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules; (+) Lilac-Staining Specific Granules (Neutrophil). *Stage with both non-specific & specific granules.
o Metamyelocyte:
▪ Smaller; Flattened Nucleus (Nucleus becomes flattened); Primary granules start to disappear; (+)
Lilac Staining Specific Granules. *Golgi Apparatus reduced.
o Band:
▪ Horse-shoe Shaped Nucleus (Nucleus becomes horse-shoe shaped); (+) Lilac Staining Specific
o *Granulocytes → Nucleus becomes segmented into lobes.
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Promyelocyte:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor; Cells are large; Large nucleus; Mitotically active; (+) Nucleoli; (+)
Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules (*Present in all granulocytes); *Round Nucleus.
▪ *Primary granules secreted in Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Zone)
o Myelocyte:
▪ Wide range in cell size (Morphologically, large or small); Mitotically active.
▪ Frequently Indented Round Nucleus; (+) Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules; (+) Lilac-Staining Specific Granules (Neutrophil). *Stage with both non-specific & specific granules.
o Metamyelocyte:
▪ Smaller; Flattened Nucleus (Nucleus becomes flattened); Primary granules start to disappear; (+)
Lilac Staining Specific Granules. *Golgi Apparatus reduced.
o Band:
▪ Horse-shoe Shaped Nucleus (Nucleus becomes horse-shoe shaped); (+) Lilac Staining Specific
o *Granulocytes → Nucleus becomes segmented into lobes.
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Promyelocyte:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor; Cells are large; Large nucleus; Mitotically active; (+) Nucleoli; (+)
Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules (*Present in all granulocytes); *Round Nucleus.
▪ *Primary granules secreted in Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Zone)
o Myelocyte:
▪ Wide range in cell size (Morphologically, large or small); Mitotically active.
▪ Frequently Indented Round Nucleus; (+) Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules; (+) Lilac-Staining Specific Granules (Neutrophil). *Stage with both non-specific & specific granules.
o Metamyelocyte:
▪ Smaller; Flattened Nucleus (Nucleus becomes flattened); Primary granules start to disappear; (+)
Lilac Staining Specific Granules. *Golgi Apparatus reduced.
o Band:
▪ Horse-shoe Shaped Nucleus (Nucleus becomes horse-shoe shaped); (+) Lilac Staining Specific
o *Granulocytes → Nucleus becomes segmented into lobes.
Band Neutrophil
Granulopoiesis (MPM-MBG) : BEN
o Promyelocyte:
▪ Earliest identifiable precursor; Cells are large; Large nucleus; Mitotically active; (+) Nucleoli; (+)
Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules (*Present in all granulocytes); *Round Nucleus.
▪ *Primary granules secreted in Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Zone)
o Myelocyte:
▪ Wide range in cell size (Morphologically, large or small); Mitotically active.
▪ Frequently Indented Round Nucleus; (+) Purple Staining Azurophilic Non-Specific Granules; (+) Lilac-Staining Specific Granules (Neutrophil). *Stage with both non-specific & specific granules.
o Metamyelocyte:
▪ Smaller; Flattened Nucleus (Nucleus becomes flattened); Primary granules start to disappear; (+)
Lilac Staining Specific Granules. *Golgi Apparatus reduced.
o Band:
▪ Horse-shoe Shaped Nucleus (Nucleus becomes horse-shoe shaped); (+) Lilac Staining Specific
o *Granulocytes → Nucleus becomes segmented into lobes.
Cerebral Cortex
Identify the 2 layers:
Molecular & Granular Layer
Cerebral Cortex
Pyramidal Cell
Identify the following?
A. Cerebral cortex,
B. Dura mater
C. Arachnoid mater
D. Pia mater