LE RR Flashcards
According to FMLA Act of 1993 and GO 208.05, to be eligible for FMLA the employee must:
Work for PBSO for 12 months and worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months.
According to 208.05 PBSO will grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any rolling 12 months For one or more of the following reasons: 5
1 for the birth and care of the newborn child of an employee or a domestic partner
2 For placement with an employee or domestic partner of a child for adoption or foster care
3 To care for immediate family member spouse child parent domestic partner or domestic partners child with a serious health condition or
4 To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition as defined in subsection H
5 To care for a spouse child parent domestic partner the Bestic partners child or next of kin of covered service member recovered veteran who is a member of the United States Armed Forces including a member of the national guard or reserves who is undergoing medical treatment recuperation therapy for a serious injury
According to 20.05 the term serious injury or illness means
An injury or illness incurred by the member in the line of duty while on active duty in the arm forces that may render the member medically unfit to perform the duties of the members office grade rank or rating. This includes injuries or illnesses that existed before the beginning of the members active duty and were aggravated by service in the line of duty while on active duty in the Armed Forces eligible employees in this circumstance may be eligible to take up to 26 weeks of leave during a single 12 month.
Cording to 208.051 must first and care leave conclude for birth adoption or foster care
It must conclude within 12 months of birth or placement
According to 208.05 under some circumstances employees may take FMLA leave intermittently which means:
taking leave and small blocks of time by reducing their normal weekly or daily work schedule
According to 208.05 when will intermittent FMLA begin?
Intermittent FMLA will begin the day after my application is submitted And will not be back dated
According to 208.05 is the use of intermittent FMLA for birth and care or placement for adoption authorized?
According to 208.05 FMLA may be taking intermittently:
Whenever medically necessary to care for is seriously ill family member or because the employee is seriously ill and unable to work
According to 208.05 Can donated time be used in conjunction with FMLA