LE ROM and MMT Testing Flashcards
90/90 Knee Extension PROM
Documentation, normal value, endfeel
SLR Position Hip Flexion ROM
- Pt position, landmarks
- Supine, palpate ASIS for post. pelvic tilt
- PROM only, hamstring length test
- stationary: trunk midline
- axis: greater troch
- moving: femur midline to lat epicondyle
SLR Position Hip Flexion
- document, Normal value, endfeel
“Supine PROM SLR R Hip Flexion: 62º”
- no endfeel, or firm muscular if hamstrings tight
Hip Flexion ROM
- Pt position, landmarks
- Supine, palpate ASIS, knee flexes with hip, PROM only
- Stationary: trunk midline
- Axis: greater troch
- moving: midline femur to lat epicondyle
Hip Flexion ROM
- Document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM L Hip Flexion: 0º-120º”
- no endfeel, post pelvic tilt
1st MTP Extension ROM
- position, landmarks
- Supine w foot off edge
- stationary: midline 1st MT
- axis: 1st MTP joint
- moving: midline 1st proximal phalanx
1st MTP Extension ROM
- document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM L 1st MTP Extension: 0º-70º with a firm endfeel”
(AROM first)
Ankle Composite PF ROM
- position, landmarks
- supine, foot off edge, do DF first to make sure can get to 0º
- stationary: midline shank toward fibular head
- axis: distal to lat malleolus
- moving: parallel to base of calcaneus
Ankle Composite PF ROM
- document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM R Ankle Composite PF: 0º-50º with a firm endfeel”
AROM too
Ankle Composite DF ROM
- position, landmarks
- supine, foot off edge
- note resting position
- stationary: midline shank to fibular head
- axis: distal to lat malleolus
- moving: parallel to base calcaneus
Ankle Composite DF ROM
- document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM R Ankle Composite DF: 0º-20º with a firm endfeel”
Knee Extension ROM
- position, landmarks
- supine, bolster under ankle
- stationary: midline femur to greater troch
- axis: lat epicondyle femur
- moving: midline shank to lat malleolus
Knee Extension ROM
- document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM L Knee Ext: 0º with a firm endfeel”
0º-5º means hyperext.
Knee Flexion ROM
- position, landmarks
- supine
- stationary: midline femur to greater troch
- axis: lat epicondyle femur
- moving: midline shank to lat malleolus
Knee Flexion ROM
- document, normal, endfeel
“Supine PROM L Knee Flexion: 0º-140º with a soft endfeel”
MMT Grading System
5 = holds max resistance 4 = mod resistance 3+ = min resistance 3 = full ROM against gravity 3- = over 50% ROM against gravity 2+ = under 50% ROM against gravity 2 = full ROM in gravity eliminated 2- = partial ROM in gravity eliminated 1 = palpable muscle contraction 0
Hip Flexion MMT
- Iliacus & Psoas Major
- Femoral Nerve
- Pt seated w legs dangling, stabilize iliac crest or shoulder, don’t need to palpate
- “R Hip Flexion OR Iliopsoas 4/5” - still normal
Knee Extension MMT
- Quadriceps
- Femoral nerve
- Pt seated w legs dangling, *towel under test knee, stabilize upper thigh, palpate quads, *apply resistance in slight flexion
- “R Knee Ext OR Quadriceps MMT 5/5”
Knee Flexion MMT
- Hamstrings
- Sciatic nerve
- Pt prone w feet off table, stabilize pelvis, palpate hamstrings, *apply resistance in 50-70º flexion
- *watch for hip flexion (sartiorius) or PF (gastroc)
- “R Knee Flexion OR hamstrings 5/5”
Ankle DF MMT
- Tibialis Anterior
- Common Fibular
- Pt seated w legs dangling, stabilize behind calf, palpate tib ant, DF and invert, *apply resistance in PF/eversion direction
- “R DF or tibialis anterior MMT 5/5”
Ankle PF MMT
- Gastroc & Soleus
- Tibial N
- Heel raises: *1 bilateral first to see full ROM, then single leg, hold hands for balance, don’t count compensations
- “R PF or Gastroc-soleus 25/25 single leg heel raises”
1st MTP Extension MMT
- Extensor Hallucis Longus
- Deep Fibular N
- Pt seated w legs dangling, stabilize forefoot in neutral, palpate tendon, *apply resistance with thumb
- “R Great toe extension OR extensor hallucis longus MMT 5/5”
90/90 Position Knee Extension ROM
- Pt position and landmarks
- supine, testing hip and knee flexed to 90º, other leg extended
- PROM only, hamstring length test
- stationary: midline of femur toward greater troch
- axis: lat epicondyle femur
- moving: midline of shank to lat malleolus
Hip Abduction MMT
- Gluteus medius
- Pt sidelying, bottom leg flexed, *trunk & pelvis rotated slightly forward (eliminate TFL)
- Stabilize pelvis (eliminate QL), ABD & slightly extend hip, palpate glut med, resistance on distal aspect of femur
- “R Hip ABD or Gluteus Medius MMT 5/5”
Hip Adduction
- Adductors, Pectineus, Gracilis, L2-L4
- Pt sidelying, stabilize pelvis w trunk & hold upper leg in *30 ABD, adduction w femur & pelvis in neutral, palpate adductors, resistance on distal femur
- “R Hip Adduction MMT 5/5”
Hip Extension MMT
- Glut max, inf gluteal N
- Pt prone OR standing with upper body on table (if positive Thomas test)
- Stabilize pelvis, 90º knee FL (avoid hamstrings**), palpate glut max, if standing hold ankle while applying force to femur
- “R Hip Extension MMT 5/5”
Hip External Rotation MMT
- Little 6 ER’s L4-S2
- Pt. seated w legs dangling, stabilize distal femur, **watch for hip flexion/trunk lean, no need to palpate
- “Hip ER MMT 5/5”
Hip Internal Rotation MMT
- Glut min/med, TFL, sup gluteal
- Pt seated w legs dangling, stabilize medial distal femur, palpate glut med/TFL
- watch for hip flexion/pelvis elevation/trunk lean
- “R Hip internal rotators MMT 5/5”
Toe Extension MMT
- extensor digitorum longus & brevis, deep peroneal N
- Pt. seated w legs dangling, ankle neutral, stabilize MT, palpate dorsal-lateral foot, apply resistance with fingers on toes like piano keys
- Compensation: ankle DF
- “R toe extension MMT 5/5”
Peroneals MMT
- Peroneus longus & brevis, superficial peroneal nerve
- Pt. long sitting/supine w feet off table, stabilize distal shin, PF-evert, palpate peroneals
- stand on medial side of foot, hold under foot, pull in DF-inversion
- subs: toe FL, PF-inversion using posterior compartment
- “R peroneus longus & brevis MMT 5/5”
Tibialis Posterior MMT
- Pt. long sitting or supine w feet off table, stabilize shin, PF & invert, palpate tib post tendon
- Hand wrapped under foot, pull in DF & eversion
- Watch for toe FL or DF-inversion
- R tibialis posterior MMT 5/5”