Le Preposizione Flashcards
When to use ‘a’
- Before the names of cities and small islands
- Before nouns such as casa, scuola, teatro, piedi, letto, and tavola
When to use ‘in’
- Before continents, countries, states, regions, and large islands
- Before nouns such as classe, biblioteca, ufficio, chiesa, citta, montagna, campagna, viaggio, crociera, and vacanza
- Before nounds indicating means of transportation, such as treno, aereo, macchina, bicicletta, autobus, tassi, and pullman.
When to use ‘da’
- Before a person’s name, title, or profession to refer to their home/workplace
- Before a disjunctive pronoun to represent their home/workplace
- *Contracts with the definite article**
They live in Venice
Abitano a Venezia
Have you been to Europe?
Siete stati in Europa?
I would like to live in Tuscany.
Vorrei abitare in Toscana.
Tonight we are going to Pietro’s.
Stasera andiamo da Pietro.
We went to Capri.
Siamo andati a Capri.
Did you come to school yesterday?
Sei venuto a scuola ieri?
Are you going to the mountains?
Vai in montagna?
Do they live in the city or in the country?
Vivono in citta o in campagna?
I stayed at home.
Sono restato a casa.
Are we going home on foot?
Andiamo a casa a piedi?
We came by car.
Siamo venuti in macchina.
They went on vacation to Sicily.
Sono andati in vacanza in Sicilia.
I’m going to bed.
Vado a letto.
I’m going to Doctor Pini’s office.
Vado dalla dottoressa Pini.
Are you coming to my house tomorrow?
Venite da me domani?
Are you going to your friend’s house?
Vai dal tuo amico?