LE Posterior thigh and leg Flashcards
Biceps Femoris Long Head
Lateral side of fibular head, lateral condyle of tibia, deep fascia, lateral side of leg
Biceps Femoris Short Head
Lateral side of fibular head, lateral tibial condyle, deep fascia lateral side of leg
Proximal part of medial surface of body of tibia, deep fascia of leg
Posteromedial aspect of medial condyle of tibia
Gastrocnemius: Medial Head
Middle part of posterior surface of calcaneus
Gastrocnemius: Lateral Head
Middle part of posterior surface of calcaneus
Posterior part of calcaneus
Posterior part of calcaneus
Flexor hallucis Longus
Base of distal phalanx of great toe, plantar surface
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Bases of distal phalanges of 2nd through 5th digits
Tibialis Posterior
Tuberosity of navicular bone, sustentaculum tali, 3 cuneiforms, cuboid, and bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal bones
Triangular area proximal to soleal line on posterior surface of tibia, and fascia covering the muscle