LE Phases Flashcards
Phase I
Approach & Identify
Phase II
Conduct Boarding
Phase III
Apprehend & Seize
Phase IV
Custody and Disposition
Question 21 on ALPHA Report
Indicators to build RS
Question 27 on ALPHA Report
Recommend Boarding Y/N
ROA Form
Alpha Report
ROV Form
Victor Report
Detect and
Phase I: Approach and Identify
Reasonable Suspicion Indicators
Horseshoe Purpose
Safety hazards
Indicia of Nationality
RS in Phase I
Rub marks
Multiple antennas
Traveling north in a drug trafficking vector
Things to plan/that occur during Phase I
Apportionment key
Warning shots
Disabling Fire
Pack for boarding: water, snacks, NPGs, sunglasses, sunscreen, first and second line gear, ASSA Kit, BO kit, EMT bag, Ionscan swabs, TFS
Comms: Radio check
PMC: Fit, Form, Function
Muster crew on bow
Phase II: Conduct Boarding
Phase II: RS
Documentation: ZARPE ( in conflict)
EISS: Fresh paint, new construction, moldy fishing gear
ASSA: unaccounted for space
Ionscans: Drugs or explosives
RS–> Minimally intrusive search
PC (find contraband)–> Destructive search
Phase III: Apprehend and Seize
Detainee processing/Evidence/disembark
Phase IV: Custody & Disposition
Custody of crew/Detainee management/Case package/rep sample
Before you can get off the boat…
Fill out a LE-02 (form for LEDO)
Phase III Things to do
Detain, Frisk, PFD, Move to mother ship?
Rep Samples (10Kg for Cocaine)
Send detainees, rep sample, case package to National Security Cutter
Transfer contraband: Keep in mind stability of vessel, chain of custody
Drugs: Pictures of tests, approximate weight
Imagery: Before, during, after
360 degree photos of everything you do
Get drugs and people off vessel
Electronics: weigh points, channels on radios, tracklines, anything programmed, logs, counter intel
Phase IV Things to Do
Will we sink it?
Do not take anything off the vessel if you are going to transfer it
Before you can get off boat: LE-02
Where are we going to hold detainees? Security watch
Statements: Case package
Right of Approach
Under international law, the right of warships and other duly authorized vessels or military aircraft in international waters to approach any vessel and to verify its nationality through questioning
Right of Visit
Under international law, the right of warships and other duly authorized vessels or military aircraft international waters to board a vessel of unknown nationality in order to determine its nationality, or to board any vessel suspected of engaging in piracy, slave trade or unauthorized broadcasting
Alpha Report
Consolidated EPAC Boarding Report
Victor Report
EPAC Right of Visit Form
What/purpose of voyage
Where: specific zones
When: specific dates/duration
Anything conflicting➡️RS indicator