LE Arterial Complex Pathology Flashcards
what are 2 other names for Buerger’s Dx?
What is it?
what is it associated w/?
are bypasses effective?
Thromboangitis obliterans (TAO)
Inflammation of medium to small vessels in LE
Thrombosis secondary to inflammation
High risk of limb loss
90% men
Associated with heavy smoking
Bypasses are not effective treatment b/c small vessel disease
a _______ is the Dilation of all layers of vessel wall
what types are there?
what’s the deal with its size?
dissecting - only from ao to iliacs, doesn’t get down into LE too much
LE arterial >1.5 cm. if it increases in size 50% + it is an aneurysm. normal size of common iliac is 1cm hence 1.5cm is aneurysmal
follow into both iliacs and document both sides
If the 2D gain is _______, you may
Miss the aneurysm and see just true lumen with color
too low
what is this?
Aneurysm with Graft
Put graft around pop aneurysm.
Check size of aneurysm on f/u
Check flow in graft
what type of imaging is this ofot he pop artery? is anythig going on?
Note a small focal aneurysmal dilatation of the popliteal artery.
The rest of the arterial tree appears to be normal without wall irregularity
what are some characteristics of a psuedoaneurysm?
what is it secondary to?
Pulsating hematoma, hole in the vessel
No true walls
Flow in and out of vessel via same hole
Spectral to and fro flow
Color Ying Yang sign
Swirling within PA
Out in systole, back in diastole
Secondary to needle stick (most common), surgery (graft) or infection
what do you need to find in a peudoan?
what types of treatment are available?
where should the color scale be?
Find the neck or necks
Assess width
Thrombin injection
Surgical repair
Lower color scale to see ying-yang
flow, relatively slow swirl
what procedure do you
Find neck with US
Compress with TD until flow stops in PA, should still have flow in artery
Hold 10-15 min, repeat up to 4-6X
Risk DVT
Some labs put PPG on foot to document continued flow to foot
Pseudoaneurysm Compression
what steps must you take w/ PA Thrombin Injection? what is it used for?
Find neck with US
Guide injection where flows AWAY from vessel
Image thrombosis of PA
Risk are thrombosis of artery
clot pseudoa
what type of flow would you expect to see prox and distal artery and vein of an AV fistula?
what are these often secondary to?
Artery prox low resistance
Artery distal low amplitude and high resistance
Vein proximal is pulsatile
Decrease in pressure distal
Secondary to needle stick, surgery, infection or in situ graft.
what is AKA Compartment Syndrome
Restricted flow in pop only with vigorous exercise
No vascular stenosis
impingement of artery by something
The Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES)
PAES Entras the popliteal artery by
medial head of the _______ (most common) – popliteal diviates medially
rarely by the deeper popliteus muscle
May be induced by______
repetitive trauma or acute trauma with secondary fibrosis
what symptoms are associated w/ PAES?
Calf pain with exercise
Other pathology with these symptoms:
Atherosclerosis (but if patient is young, athletic, etc. this doesn’t fit)
Muscle injury
Shin splints
Compartment syndrome
____ is the loss of pedal pulses when ankle is actively or passively dorsiflexed with the knee extended.
the Decrease/loss of flow documented with duplex scan with ankle flexsion.
what are the pitfals of this?
PAES or entrapment
Pitfalls: many normal subjects block their popliteal arteries with active ankle flexion (6).
Arteriography shows a characteristic appearance usually with medial deviation of the proximal popliteal artery and either post-stenotic dilatation or segmental occlusion of the mid-popliteal artery.
what is this?
Arteriogram in a patient with short segmental occlusion of the right popliteal artery due to entrapment.
Note the smooth appearance of the proximal and distal arteries.