LE Flashcards
Levator ani
O: Body of pubis, fascia of obturator internus, spine of ischium
I: Perineal body; anococcygeal body; walls of prostate, vagina, rectum, and anal canal
N: 4th sacral nerve, pudendal nerve
A: Supports pelvic viscera; sphincter to anorectal junction and vagina
O: Spine of ischium
I: Lower end of sacrum and coccyx
N: 4th and 5th sacral nerve
A: Assists levator ani to support pelvic viscera; flexes coccyx
Gluteus maximus
O: Outer surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament I: Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur N: Inferior gluteal nerve A: Extends and laterally rotates hip joint; through iliotibial tract, it extends knee joint
Gluteus medius
O: Outer surface of Ilium I: Lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur N: Superior gluteal nerve A: Abducts thigh at hip joint; tilts pelvis when walking to permit opposite leg to clear ground
Gluteus minimus
O: Outer surface of Ilium I: Anterior surface of greater trochanter of femur N: Superior gluteal nerve A: Abducts thigh at hip joint; tilts pelvis when walking to permit opposite leg to clear ground
Tensor fasciae latae
O: Iliac crest I: Iliotibial tract N: Superior gluteal nerve A: Assists gluteus maximus in extending the knee joint
O: Anterior surface of sacrum I: Upper border of greater trochanter of femur N: 1st and 2nd sacral nerves A: Lateral rotator of thigh at hip joint (medial rotator after 90 degrees flexion)
Obturator internus
O: Inner surface of obturator membrane
I: Upper border of greater trochanter of femur
N: Sacral plexus (nerve to obturator internus)
A: Lateral rotator of
thigh at hip joint
Gemellus superior
O: Spine of ischium I: Upper border of greater trochanter of femur N: Sacral plexus (Nerve to obturator internus) A: Lateral rotator of thigh at hip joint
Gemellus inferior
O: Ischial tuberosity I: Upper border of greater trochanter of femur N: Sacral plexus (Nerve to quadratus femoris) A: Lateral rotator of thigh at hip joint
Quadratus femoris
O: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity I: Quadrate tubercle of Femur N: Sacral plexus (Nerve to quadratus femoris) A: Lateral rotator of thigh at hip joint
O: Anterior superior iliac spine
I: Upper medial surface of shaft of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
A: Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip
joint; flexes and medially rotates leg at knee joint
O: Iliac fossa of hip bone
I: With psoas into lesser trochanter of femur
N: Femoral nerve
A: Flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh is fixed, it flexes the trunk on the thigh as in sitting up from lying down
O: Transverse processes, bodies, and intervertebral discs of the 12th thoracic and five lumbar vertebrae
I: With iliacus into lesser trochanter of femur
N: Lumbar plexus
A: Flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh is fixed, it flexes the trunk on thigh as in sitting up from lying down
O: Superior ramus of pubis
I: Upper end of linea aspera of shaft of femur
N: Femoral nerve
A: Flexes and adducts thigh at hip joint
Rectus femoris
O: AIIS (straight head); ilium above acetabulum (reflected head)
I: Quadriceps tendon into patella, then via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
A: Extension of leg at knee joint; flexes thigh at hip joint
Vastus lateralis
O: Upper end of shaft of femur
I: Quadriceps tendon into patella, then via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
A: Extension of leg at knee joint
Vastus medialis
O: Upper end of shaft of femur
I: Quadriceps tendon into patella, then via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
A: Extension of leg at knee joint; stabilizes patella
Vastus intermedius
O: Anterior and lateral surfaces of shaft of femur
I: Quadriceps tendon into patella, then via ligamentum patellae into tubercle of tibia
N: Femoral nerve
A: Extension of leg at knee joint; articularis genus retracts synovial membrane
O: Inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
I: Upper part of shaft of tibia
N: Obturator nerve
A: Adducts thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Adductor longus
O: Body of pubis, medial to pubic tubercle
I: Posterior surface of shaft of femur (linea aspera)
N: Obturator nerve
A: Adducts thigh at hip joint, assists in lateral rotation
Adductor brevis
O: Inferior ramus of pubis
I: Posterior surface of shaft of femur (linea aspera)
N: Obturator nerve
A: Adducts thigh at hip joint, assists in lateral rotation
Adductor magnus
O: Inferior ramus of pubis; ramus of ischium; ischial tuberosity
I: Posterior surface of shaft of femur (linea aspera); adductor tubercle of femur
N: Obturator nerve (adductor portion); sciatic nerve (hamstring portion)
A: Adducts thigh at hip joint, assists in lateral rotation; extends thigh at hip joint
Obturator externus
O: Outer surface of obturator membrane and pubic and ischial rami
I: Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur
N: Obturator nerve
A: Lateral rotator of thigh at hip joint
Biceps femoris
O: Ischial tuberosity (long head); linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge of shaft of femur (short head)
I: Head of fibula
N: Tibial portion of sciatic nerve (long head); common peroneal portion of sciatic nerve (short head)
A: Flexes and laterally rotates leg at knee joint; long head also extends thigh at hip joint
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Upper part of medial surface of shaft of tibia
N: Tibial portion of sciatic nerve
A: Flexes and medially rotates leg at knee joint; extends thigh at hip joint
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial condyle of tibia
N: Tibial portion of sciatic nerve
A: Flexes and medially rotates leg at knee joint; extends thigh at hip joint
Tibialis anterior
O: Lateral shaft of tibia and interosseous membrane
I: Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal bone
N: Deep peroneal nerve
A: Extends foot at ankle joint; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joint; holds up MLA of foot
Extensor digitorum longus
O: Anterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Extensor expansion of lateral four toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve
A: Extends toes; extends foot at ankle joint
Extensor hallucis longus
O: Anterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of distal phalanx of great toe
N: Deep peroneal nerve
A: Extends big toe; extends foot at ankle joint; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints
Peroneus tertius
O: Anterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of 5th metatarsal bone
N: Deep peroneal nerve
A: Extends foot at ankle joint; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints
Extensor digitorum brevis
O: Calcaneum
I: By four tendons into the proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor tendons to second, third, and fourth toes
N: Deep peroneal nerve
A: Extends toes
Peroneus longus
O: Lateral surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform
N: Superficial peroneal nerve
A: Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports lateral longitudinal and transverse arches of foot
Peroneus brevis
O: Lateral surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of fifth metatarsal
N: Superficial peroneal nerve
A: Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports lateral longitudinal and transverse arches of foot
O: Lateral condyle of femur (lateral head); above medial condyle (medial head)
I: Via tendon calcaneus into posterior surface of calcaneum
N: Tibial nerve
A: Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; flexes knee joint
O: Lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
I: Posterior surface of calcaneum
N: Tibial nerve
A: Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; flexes knee joint
O: Shafts of tibia and fibula
I: Via tendon calcaneus into posterior surface of calcaneum
N: Tibial nerve
A: Together with gastrocnemius is powerful plantar flexor of ankle joint; provides main propulsive force in walking and running
O: Lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur
I: Posterior surface of shaft of tibia above soleal line
N: Tibial nerve
A: Flexes leg at knee joint; unlocks knee joint by lateral rotation of femur on tibia and slackens ligaments of joint
Flexor digitorum longus
O: Posterior surface of shaft of tibia
I: Bases of distal phalanges of lateral four toes
N: Tibial nerve
A: Flexes distal phalanges of lateral four toes; plantarflexes foot at ankle
Flexor hallucis longus
O: Posterior surface of shaft of fibula
I: Base of distal phalanx of big toe
N: Tibial nerve
A: Flexes big toe; plantar flexes foot at ankle joint; supports MLA of foot
Tibialis posterior
O: Posterior surface of shafts of tibia and fibula and interoesseous mebrane
I: Tuberosity of navicular bone and other neighboring bones
N: Tibial nerve
A: Plantarflexes foot at ankle joint; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports MLA of foot
Abductor hallucis
O: Medial tuberosity of calcaneum and flexor retinaculum
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Flexes and abducts big toe; braces MLA
Flexor digitorum brevis
O: Medial tubercle of calcaneum
I: Four tendons to four lateral toes—inserted into borders of middle phalanx; tendons perforated by those of flexor digitorum longus
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Flexes lateral four toes; braces medial and lateral longitudinal arches
Abductor digiti minimi
O: Medial and lateral tubercles of calcaneum
I: Base of proximal phalanx of fifth toe
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Flexes and abducts fifth toe; braces lateral longitudinal arch
Quadratus plantae
O: Medial and lateral sides of calcaneum
I: Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Assists flexor digitorum longus in flexing lateral four toes
Lumbricals (4)
O: Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
I: Dorsal extensor expansion; bases of proximal phalanges of lateral four toes
N: Medial plantar nerve (first lumbrical); lateral plantar nerve (remainder)
A: Extends toes at interphalangeal joints
Flexor hallucis brevis
O: Cuboid, lateral cuneiform, tibialis posterior insertion
I: Base of proximal phalanx of big toe (medial tendon to medial side, lateral tendon to lateral side)
N: Medial plantar nerve
A: Flexes metatarsophalangeal joint of big toe; supports medial longitudinal arch
Adductor hallucis
O: Oblique head bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal bones; transverse head from plantar ligaments
I: Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of big toe
N: Deep branch lateral plantar nerve
A: Flexes metatarsophalangeal joint of big toe; holds together metatarsal bones
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
O: Base of 5th metatarsal bone
I: Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of fifth toe
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Flexes metatarsophalangeal joint of little toe
Dorsal interossei (4)
O: Adjacent sides of metatarsal bones
I: Bases of proximal phalanges (first: medial side of second toe; remainder: lateral sides of second, third, and fourth toes); dorsal extensor expansion
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Abduction of toes; flexes metatarsophalangeal joints and extends interphalangeal joints
Plantar interossei (3)
O: Inferior surfaces of 3rd, 4th, 5th metatarsal bones
I: Medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges of lateral three toes
N: Lateral plantar nerve
A: Adduction of toes; flexes metatarsophalangeal joints and extends interphalangeal joints