LE 2 - ChE Law Flashcards
for experienced ChEs, set standards for these kinds of people on whether they are qualified to have a license or not
to supervise and regulate
In the GCS, one hour of L&D roughly equates to
one CPD point
Policies in Chemical Engineering Law
- to supervise and regulate
- to upgrade
- to reserve
Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Registration
- Any act of misrepresentation in connection with an alleged performance of chemical engineering services
- Acts inimical to the chemical engineering profession
- Gross immorality or commission of any act involving moral turpitude
Scope of Examination
- Physical and Chemical Principles
- General Engineering
- and Chemical Engineering
Republic Act No. 318 is hereby repealed and all other laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations,
ordinances, other issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act are hereby superseded, repealed or
amended accordingly
Repealing Clause
a person duly registered and a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card issued by the Board of Chemical Engineering and by the Professional Regulation Commission
Chemical Engineer
All applicants for registration for the practice of chemical engineering shall be required
to pass the licensure examination prescribed herein
Examination Requirement
Powers and Duties of the Regulatory Board
- supervises and regulate the practice of the chemical engineering profession
- determines and evaluates the qualifications of the applicants for registration
- adopts rules and regulations for the practice of chemical engineering
- submit annual reports to the Commission
- prosecute and institute criminal action against any violator of RA 9297
- adopts a Code of Ethics and a Code of Technical Standards for the practice of chemical engineering
- investigates violations to RA 9297, the ChE Code of Ethics, and the Code of Technical Standards
- administer oaths in connection with the performance of its functions
- adopt an official seal and prescribe the seal of the chemical engineering profession
- hears and decides administrative cases filed against chemical engineers and firms employing chemical engineers
What are the different definition of terms?
- practice of chemical engineering
- industrial plant
- unit process
- unit operation
- professional chemical engineering subjects
- chemical engineer
involves chemical change during the manufacture of industrial or consumer products or the treatment of industrial or chemical wastes
Unit Process
It may be suspended or revoked for non-compliance with the provisions of this Act
Certificates of Compliance
The documents he signs, uses or issues in connection with the practice of his profession must indicate his
- Certificate of Registration
- Professional Identification Card Number
- date of issuance
- duration of validity
- Privilege Tax Receipt (PTR)
What should be stated in the roster of chemical engineers
- names
- registration number
- places of business
composed of a chairman and two other members
Chemical Engineering Board
A phrase used in Criminal Law to describe conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals
Moral Turpitude
Current Members of the Chemical Engineering Board (source: philstar)
Chairwoman: Engr. Ofelia V. Bulaong
Member: Engr. Shirlyn B. Chua-Reyes
Member: Cezar S. de la Cruz
Certificate of Registration shall
- State the full name of the registrant
- The registration number of the registrant
- Signed by the Chairman and Members of the Board
- Signed by the Commissioner of the Commission
- Authenticated by the official seal of the Commission
No foreign chemical engineer shall be granted any of the right or privilege under this Act unless
the country of which he is a subject or citizen grants the same or similar rights or privilege to Filipino chemical engineers
Foreign Reciprocity
physical operation by which a desired step in an industrial process is conducted or controlled
Unit Operation
practice of the chemical engineering profession to Filipino citizens
to reserve
offering of professional chemical engineering service for a fee, salary, reward, or compensation paid directly or through another person or even without such reward or compensation
Practice of Chemical Engineering
Prohibition in the Practice of Chemical Engineering
- advertising himself
as a chemical engineer without a valid certificate of registration or when such has been suspended or
revoked - Attempt to use as his own the certificate or seal of another person or impersonate any registered
chemical engineer - Furnish the Board or Commission any false information or document in order to secure a Certificate of Registration
Rating in any examination subject must be
not less than 50%