LDS Flashcards
List the UK locations
- Leuchars (Scotland)
- Leeming (Pennines region)
- Heathrow
- Hurn (South Coast)
- Camborne (Cornwall area)
List the world locations
- Jacksonville
- Beijing
- Perth
List the inland locations
- Leeming
- Heathrow
- Beijing
List the coastal locations
- Leuchars
- Hurn
- Camborne
- Perth
- Jacksonville
May to October
How many days are in each month?
- May - 31
- June - 30
- July - 31
- August - 31
- September - 30
- October 31
List the variables in the LDS (with units and info)
- Daily mean temperature (°C)
- Daily total rainfall (mm) - solid precipitation melted and included
- Daily mean windspeed (knots or beaufort scale)
- Daily mean pressure (hPa)
- Daily total sunshine (nearest 1/10th of hour)
- Daily mean wind direction (bearings and cardinal (compass) directions)
- Daily maximum gust (knots) - highest instaneous windspeed recorded + direction
- Daily maximum relative humiidty (% of air sturation with water vapour)
- Daily mean cloud cover (oktas - 1/8th of sky covered by cloud)
- Daily mean visibiliy (Dm) - greatest horizontal distance at which object can be seen in daylight
List the variables in the LDS that are in overseas locations
- Daily mean temperature
- Daily total rainfall
- Daily mean windspeed
- Daily mean pressure
List the qualitative variables
- Daily mean windspeed (beaufort scale)
- Daily mean wind direction (cardinal)
- Daily max gust (cardinal)
rest are quantitative
List the discrete (quantitative) variable
- Daily mean cloud cover (oktas)
Amounts of daily total rainfall less than 0.05mm are recorded as what?
- ‘tr’ - trace
- classed as negligible (0) in calcs
4 - descriptive term, beaufort scale, avg speed at 10m above ground
Outline the beaufort scale
- calm (0) - less than 1 knot
- light (1-3) - 1-10 knots
- moderate (4) - 11-16 knots
- fresh (5) - 17-21 knots
Describe 1 knot
- one nautical mile per hour
- approx 1.15mph
What do relative humidities above 95% do?
Give rise ot misty and foggy conditions
What is 1hPa equal to?
100 Pa (N/m²)
Why may a sample from the LDS not generate a sample of the desired size?
Some values are recorded as n/a (or tr)