Lawyer mobility and imputation Flashcards
Analysis for former clients is more ___ than for current clients.
Look to substantial relationship test:
- Did he get confidential information
- Or was he in the position to get confidential information
a. Turns on confidential information.
If conflict under 1.7 or 1.9 other lawyer are..
imputed (Gen rule)
Unless prohibition is based on personal interest of the prohibited laywer and doesnt present a sig risk of materially limitation..
imputation may not be necessary
Comment 3
personal interest- pro life
non lawyer interest
evaluate circumstances and screen the tainted person
non lawyer interest
just screen doesnt require imputation of entire firm.
lateral conflicts: Not computed if: 1.10
timely screen, not apportioned part of fee, written notice to former client, cert of comp;iance with rules and screen provided to foremr client
gvt lawyers and private practice
requires personal and substantial participation in a matter
Specific rules for gvt lawyer
if personal and sub participant may not rep unless agency gives informed conset, in writing
if govt lawyer cant rep must:
screen, no apportionment of the fee, written notice promtpy;
1.10 General rule
when lawyer is associates in a firm none shall knowingly rep a client when anyone of them practicing alone would be prohibited unless : personal interest, non lawyer interst.
personal interest exception:
personal interest doesnt present a significant risk of materially limit the rep of the client by the remaining lawyers in the firm