Lawyer-Client Relationship Flashcards
Undertaking Representation
What happens when a lawyer undertakes representation?
Triggers the full range of duties that the lawyer owes to the client
Undertaking Representation
What duties apply before undertaking representation?
- Duty of Confidentiality
- Duty to avoid COI
Undertaking Representation
While generally lawyers do not have a duty to take clients, when do they have a duty to retain clients?
when representation will violate other ethics or other law
Undertaking Representation
what is the lawyer-client relationship governed by?
the contract entered into by the lawyer and client and by general contract principles, modified by duties that lawyers owe clients.
Undertaking Representation
When does the lawyer-client relationship formally begin?
When a client reasonably beleives that the lawyer has undertaken to provide the cleint with legal service.
Does not depend on the existence of a written contract or a fee payment
A lawyer’s fee must be…
In general, a written contract setting the fee is…
- not required but preferred
- Exceptions (must be in writing):
1. Contingent fees; and
2. fee-sharing
What is a contingency fee and are lawyer’s allowed to use them? Exceptions?
Where the lawyer’s fee comes out of the client’s recovery. They are permitted. Appropriate in cases that produce a “Res,” a pool of recovery money from which the contingent fee may be paid.
1. Criminal cases; and
2. certain domestic relations cases
What are the additional restrictions placed on contingency fees?
- Must be in writing and must be signed by the client
- The written agreement must explain the way in which the fee will be calculated and, in particular, the way in which deductions for expenses will be calculated
- The lawyer must provide an ending statement in writing to the client explaining the outcome of the matter and providing the calculation of the fee and expenses
What special restrictions apply to fee sharing among lawyers in the same firm?
there are none
What special restrictions apply to fee sharing among lawyers in different firms or with nonlawyers?
Permissible only if:
1. Total fee is reasonable
2. Client agrees to the arrangement
3. Agreement is made before the services are rendered; and
4. Agreement is in writing
What is a “forwarding fee,” and does VA approve of it?
Occurs when one lawyer refers the matter to a second lawyer and takes a cut of the fee without actually doing any legal work. The Rules seek to prevent this problem. VA does not like this.
When can fees be share with nonlawyers?
Only under limited circumstances (such as profit sharing for nonlawyer employees or certain retirement plans).
Lawyers cannot enter into multidisciplinary practice (e.g., cannot partner with an accountant or other professionals)
Fiduciary Duty
From the moment the lawyer-client relationship begins,…
the lawyer owes fiduciary duties to the
Fiduciary Duty
The lawyer must exercise… (3)
scrupulous good faith, candor, and care in managing the client’s
Fiduciary Duty
Rules for maintaining client trust accounts?
Lawyers must maintain client trust accounts and safety deposit boxes for the safekeeping of client property.
* Lawyers must maintain the account in the state where they practice
* Lawyers must maintain good records for later examination.
Lawyers must keep their own property completely separate from cleint money and property.
* Only client money may be in the trust account.
* The lawyer must maintain a separate office operating account.
* When a lawyer co-mingles funds with a client’s, the lawyer is subject to discipline
Rule for when a lawyer recieves the property from someone for someone else?
Unless the client agrees to another arrangement, when a lawyer receives property of another, the lawyer must promptly deliver that property and provide an accounting on request.
A lawyer is closing a real estate transaction on behalf of the seller. The buyer delivers to the lawyer, the $2 million purchase price. The lawyer has to deliver it promptly and account for it.
Competence and Diligence
What is the duty of competence?
Requires the lawyer to possess and exercise on the client’s behalf “the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation.”
Competence and Diligence
Differentiate the duty of competence from tort duty for malpractice purposes.
- No damages needed for a lawyer to be disciplined for lack of competence
- A single mistake may form liability for malpractice but will rarely support an ethics violation for incompetence
Does a lawyer need to know the law that governs a client’s case before taking it?
No, they just need the ability to acquire the necessary knowledge with
reasonable diligence.
What are the certain basic skills that all practicing lawyers must have? Special one for VA?
- understanding precedent, legal research skills, ability to identify and evaluate a client’s problem, and writing or drafting skills
- Negotiating, including choosing an appropriate negotiating strategy
What can a lawyer do in an emergency?
the lawyer may provide some limited assistance on a matter in which the lawyer would ordinarily require further research, but the lawyer must limit the service to what is necessary under the circumstances
what is it?
The timeliness aspect of competence
How is the rule that lawyers be diligent on their client’s behalf different form the model rules?
Model Rule 3.2 requires lawyers to expedite matters, but there is no similar requirement in VA
What types of cases have led to lawyer discipline for diligence failures? what excuses have been rejected by courts?
- Cases where the lack of diligence also involved a lawyer who acts incompetently or misleads the client about the progress they have made
- Ordinary events, such as vacation, staff shortages, other work
obligations, are inadequate to excuse a lack of diligence
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
What duty?
Lawyers owe clients a duty to communicate with clients and to meaningfully share decision making responsibilities with them
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
What is the duty to communicate?
lawyer must keep a client informed of the status of the matter and
respond to reasonable requests for information
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
How is the scope of representation determined?
Lawyers and clients can agree to the scope of representation, including the length and breadth of the lawyer’s representation.
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
What do clients decide? What do lawyers decide?
Clients set the goals of representation, lawyers determine the best means to achieve those ends.
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
Rules prohibit lawyer from…
counseling or assisting their clients in the commission of crime or frauds
Communication and Shared Decision-Making
When a lawyer represents a client with diminished capacity,…
the lawyer must attempt to maintain as ordinary a lawyer-client relationship as possible.
Termination of Representation
What duties continue after the relationship ends? What is the proper term for a lawyer terminating representation?
- Confidentiality and CoI
- Withdrawal
Termination of Representation
When must a lawyer withdraw?
- Continued representation will violate ethics rules
- Continued representation will violate other law
- Lawyer’s physical or mental health is impaired
- Lawyer is fired
Termination of Representation
When is a lawyer permitted to withdraw?
If withdrawal may be effected without any material, adverse effect to the client, the lawyer may withdraw
Even if some harm may come to the client from the withdrawal, a lawyer may withdraw when:
1. Client persists in a course of action involving the lawyer’s services that the lawyer reasonably believes is illegal or unjust
2. In the past, the client used the lawyer’s services for crime or fraud
3. Client actions that are repugnant or imprudent
4. Client failure to meet obligations after a warning
5. Unreasonable financial burden
6. Client unreasonably difficult to work with
7. Other good cause
Termination of Representation
When litigation is pending, a lawyer must obtain the ________________________ to withdraw
court’s permission
Termination of Representation
In virginia, even in matters not related to court, a judge has the power to…
order a lawyer to continue to represent a client even when grounds to withdraw exist
Termination of Representation
Duties after termination? (4)
besides confidentiality and CoI
- Minimize the harm to the client upon termination
- Return any unearned fee to the client
- return papers and property belonging to the client
- If the client discharges the lawyer, the lawyer is entitled to receive any fees that have already been earned