Laws Of Thermodynamics Flashcards
What is a thermodynamic system?
A thermodynamic system is the matter enclosed within an arbitrary but precisely defined system boundary. Everything external to the system is defined as the surroundings or environment.
What is an open system?
A system that has mass flowing across system boundaries.
What is a steady state system?
An open system that has mass entering and exiting at the same rate.
What is a closed system?
A system that has no mass crossing the system boundaries. Closed systems can have variable volumes.
What is an isolated system?
A system that has neither mass nor energy crossing the system boundary.
Adiabatic Process
A process in which no heat energy crosses the system boundary. This includes throttling and isentropic processes.
Isentropic Process
An adiabatic process in which there is no entropy production. It is reversible.
Throttling Process
An adiabatic process in which there is no change in enthalpy, but for which there is a significant pressure drop.
Isobaric Process
constant pressure processes
Isothermal Process
constant temperature process
Isometric/Isochoric Process
constant volume process
Quasistatic/Quasiequilibrium Process
A process that can be divided into a series of infinitesimal deviations from equilibrium. During each step, the property changes are small, and all intensive properties are uniform throughout the system.
Reversible Process
A process performed in such a way that, at the conclusion of the process, both the system and local surroundings can be restored to their initial states. Quasiequilibrium processes are considered to be reversible.
Standard Sign Convention
An increase in the systems heat, enthalpy, entropy and internal energy would be positive, while a decrease would be negative. Work done by the system on the surroundings is positive and work done on the system by the surroundings is negative.
First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy is not created nor destroyed. It changes forms and energy at the beginning of the process must equal the energy at the end of the process.
FLT (Closed Systems)
The net heat energy, is equal to the addition of the net internal energy plus the work. This is true because heat energy entering the system can either be used to increase the temperature (internal energy) or be used to perform work on the surroundings. In most cases, the changes in potential and kinetic energies can be disregarded for closed systems.
Reversible Boundary Work
The work done by or on a closed system during a process. It can be used with irreversible processes as long as the total work performed is recognized as the sum of reversible and irreversible parts.
Special Cases of Closed Systems (Ideal Gases)
For a closed polytropic system. The ideal gas law and reversible boundary work will be effected by the type of process the ideal gas is going through.
FLT (Open Systems)
The net heat gain is equal to the internal, potential, and kinetic energies. Plus shaft and reversible flow work. The subscripts i and e denote the conditions at the inlet and exit points of the system.
Reversible Flow Work
The work required to cause the flow into the system against the exit pressure. Since reversible flow work is the work being done on the system, it is always negative.
FLT (Non Steady Flow Open Systems)
If the system is not a steady flow system and more mass enters the system than exits it. Stationary mass will be stored within the system. Which will also store energy by virtue of its temperature (internal energy), pressure (flow energy), and elevation (potential energy). The rate of change in the energy storage within the system is represented by the change in product of the mass of the fluid in the system and specific internal energy storage of the system over time.
Special Cases of Open Systems
For an adiabatic, steady flow polytropic system with negligible changes in potential and kinetic energies. The ideal gas law and reversible flow work will be effected by the type of process the gas or substance is going through.
FLT (Steady Flow Open Systems)
If the mass flow rate is constant, the system is a steady flow system and the first law is known as the steady flow energy equation. Generally the kinetic and potential energy terms are insignificant compared with the thermal energy term. The specific enthalpy represents the combination of internal energy and reversible flow work. The work term, is the shaft work or shaft power.
Shaft Work (Shaft Power)
The work that the steady flow device does on the surroundings. This device is also known as the output shaft and its used to transmit energy out of the system. Which is positive for turbines and combustion engines and negative for pumps and compressors.
Nozzles and Diffusers
Flow through them is essentially adiabatic. No work is done on the fluid as it passes through, friction is minimal and potential energy changes can be neglected in most cases.
Pumps and Compressors
A pump or compressor converts mechanical energy into fluid energy. Are assumed to be adiabatic and capable of isentropic compression. However due to inefficiencies, the actual exit enthalpy will deviate from the ideal isentropic enthalpy.
Isentropic Efficiency (Pumps and Compressors)
The isentropic efficiency can be calculated by two methods. The first is using the ratio of the ideal work input to actual work input. The second is using the specific enthalpy. Actual properties are usually measured and known. Ideal properties are obtained assuming an isentropic process with the exit pressure not being affected by the inefficiency.
Turbines can generally be thought of as pumps operating in reverse. A turbine extracts energy from the fluid, converting fluid energy into mechanical energy. It is assumed to be adiabatic and capable of isentropic expansion. However due to inefficiencies, the actual exit enthalpy will deviate from the ideal isentropic enthalpy.
Isentropic Efficiency (Turbine)
The isentropic efficiency can be calculated by two methods. The first is using the ratio of the actual work output to ideal work output. The second is using the specific enthalpy. Actual properties are usually measured and known. Ideal properties are obtained assuming an isentropic process with the exit pressure not being affected by the inefficiency.
is a device that adds heat to the water at low (near atmospheric pressure) pressure and produces saturated steam. Evaporators add most, if not all of the heat of vaporization. Potential and kinetic energies can be ignored
Boiler (Feedwater)
is a device that adds heat to water and produces superheated steam. The superheating may occur in the boiler, or there may be a separate unit known as a superheater. Boilers add most, if not all of the heat of vaporization. Superheaters add additional energy known as superheat or superheat energy. Potential and kinetic energies can be ignored.
A condenser is a device that removes heat from the saturated or superheated steam. Usually, all of the superheated energy is removed, leaving the steam as a saturated liquid. Some of the heat of vaporization may also be removed, resulting in a subcooled liquid. Potential and kinetic energies can be ignored.
Heat Exchangers
A heat exchanger transfers heat from one fluid to another through a wall separating them. They have two working fluids, two entrances and two exits. No work is done within a heat exchanger, it’s usually well insulated (adiabatic) and the potential and kinetic energies of fluids can be ignored.
Feedwater Heater
A feedwater heater uses steam to increase the temperature of water entering the steam generator. The steam can come from any waste steam source but is usually bled off from a turbine, while the water that is heated usually comes from a condenser. These operations can be adiabatic and have two or more input streams (a bleed steam input and a condenser liquid input).
Open Feedwater Heaters
A open feedwater heater, also known as direct contact heater or mixing heater, physically mixes the steam and water.
Closed Feedwater Heater
A closed feedwater heater, is a traditional closed heat exchanger, that can operate at either high or low pressures. There is no mixing of the water and steam in the closed feedwater heater and the cooled stream leaves the feedwater heater as a liquid.
Second Law of Thermodynamics (Environment)
The entropy of the environment always increases in real processes.
Second Law of Thermodynamics (Working Fluid)
A substance can be restored to its original state without increasing the entropy of the environment only in a reversible system.
Second Law of Thermodynamics (Equipment)
A machine that restores the working fluid to its original state, requires a heat sink, or a machine rejects more energy than the useful work it performs.
Second Law of Thermodynamics (Natural Processes)
A natural process that starts in one equilibrium state and ends in another will go in the direction that causes the entropy of the system and the environment to increase.
Thermal Reservoir
A thermal reservoir is an infinite mass with a constant temperature. Since the reservoir has infinite mass, it’s temperature, does not change when energy is supplied or absorbed.
Heat Source
When the thermal reservoir supplies energy, it is known as a heat source.
Heat Sink
When the thermal reservoir absorbs energy, it is known as a heat sink.
Entropy Production (Isothermal Process)
The total change in entropy when heat is transferred to or from the reservoir/system.
What is the entropy production equal to?
Is the ratio of heat, that enters the reservoir/system, to the temperature of the reservoir.
What are the entropy production
Entropy production cannot be less than zero. If a process is reversible then it can be equal to zero. If its irreversible then it has to be greater than zero.