Laws & Ethics Flashcards
the movement to increase the use of the term veterinary nurse in the US and Canada due to it more accurately reflecting the job at hand, the level of education needed, and skills required in modern veterinary practices
Veterinary Nurse Initiative
The group that guides and structures the development of specialties for veterinary technicians
Committee on Veterinary Technician Specialties (CVTS)
Committee on Veterinary Technician Specialties
The group that establishes specific veterinary technician program requirements and evaluates programs to ensure they’re meeting those requirements
Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA)
Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities
The sub-group within the AVMA that regulates veterinary technician programs
How many essential and recommended tasks are there in the Accreditation Policies and Procedures Handbook of the CVTEA?
The 2 groups that developed the Veterinary Technician National Examination
- Professional Examination Service (PES)
- American Association of Veterinary State Board (AAVSB)
American Association of Veterinary State Board
Professional Examination Services
How many questions are on the VTNE and what is the format? Where is it taken?
170 multiple choice questions - 150 scored + 20 unscored
Test centers throughout North America
a structured approach to patient care that ensures that consistent excellent care is provided to each patient
Veterinary Technician Practice Model
List the 5 steps of the Veterinary Technician Practice Model
- Gather patient data
- Identify/prioritize patient evaluations
- Develop/implement patient care plan
- Evaluate patient response to care
- Repeat steps 1-5
List the 3 categories of VT Patient Evaluations
- Actual physical + psych problems of the patient
- Relating to the risk of or potential future problems
- Relating to the owner
The most critical problems in the VT patient evaluation
Foundation Issues
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Critical Safety / Acute Pain (Severe)
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Noncritical Safety
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Chronic Pain / Acute Pain (Mild to Moderate)
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Prioritization of VT Patient Evaluations:
Give 6 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 1 (oxygenation)
- Altered Gas Diffusion
- Altered Ventilation
- Cardiac Insufficiency
- Decreased Perfusion
- Obstructed Airway
- Risk of Aspiration
Give 6 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 2 (Critical Safety / Acute Pain (Severe))
- Acute Pain
- Electrolyte Imbalance
- Hyperthermia (Severe)
- Hypothermia (Severe)
- Postoperative Compliance
- Preoperative Compliance
Give 2 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 3 (Hydration)
- Hypervolemia
- Hypovolemia
Give 7 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 4 (Elimination)
- Altered Urinary Production
- Urinary Incontinence
- Bowel Incontinence
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Inappropriate Elimination
- Self-Care Deficit
Give 7 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 5 (Nutrition)
- Altered Oral Health
- Abnormal Eating Behavior
- Ineffective Nursing
- Self-Care Deficit
- Overweight
- Underweight
- Vomiting/Diarrhea
Give 11 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 6 (Noncritical Safety)
- Altered Mentation
- Altered Sensory Perception
- Hyperthermia
- Hypothermia
- Impaired Tissue Integrity
- Risk of Infection
- Risk of Infection Transmission
- Self-Inflicted Injury
- Status Within Appropriate Limits
- Owner Knowledge Deficit
- Non-compliant Owner
Give 3 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 7 (Chronic Pain / Acute Pain)
- Mild to Moderate Pain
- Acute Pain
- Chronic Pain
Give 3 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 8 (Activity)
- Exercise Intolerance
- Reduced Mobility
- Sleep Disturbance
Give 7 VT Patient Evaluations in:
Priority 9 (Utility)
- Aggression
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Client Coping Deficit
- Client Knowledge Deficit
- Inappropriate Elimination
- Reproductive Dysfunction
a written plan developed in order to address the VT evaluations from step 2 of the VT practice model and includes measures to be independently taken by the VT
Technician Interventions
What are the 4 tasks that only veterinarians can complete?
- Diagnose
- Prescribe
- Prognose
- Surgery
Define Veterinarian
individuals who have completed 4 years of veterinary school, received a DVM or VMD, and are the leader of the veterinary health care team
individuals who have met the requirements for admission to a respective academy of specialists and have been accepted by that academy
Veterinary Technician Specialists
individuals who typically work in positions such a project leader, practice supervisor, or teacher in a veterinary technology program
Veterinary Technologist
How many areas of specialty does NAVTA recognize?
How many VT specialist societies does NAVTA recognize?
What are the 6 VT specialty societies recognized by NAVTA?
- Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians
- Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinary Technicians
- Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society
- The American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians
- The American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians
- Association of Zoo Veterinary Technicians
Individuals who are directly involved in the nursing care of hospitalized patients while helping with practice management issues
Veterinary Technician
individuals who are involved in the care of animals, have completed a 4-6 month education program, and are often trained on the job
Veterinary Assistant
individuals that have completed 6 months of additional training at a registered facility and care for the animals used in research facilities and teaching institutions
Laboratory Animal Technicians and Technologists
individual who takes care of the accounting aspects of the practice including payroll, paying bills, and ordering supplies
individuals who coordinate and oversee the behind-the-scenes tasks that promote the efficient delivery of medical care to patients
Veterinary Practice Manager
Animal Care Technician
Animal Health Technician
Certified Veterinary Practice Manager
Certified Veterinary Technician
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Licensed Veterinary Nurse
Licensed Veterinary Technician
On-the-Job Trained (Vet Assistant)
Registered Animal Health Technician
Veterinary Assistant
Veterinary Hospital Manager
Veterinary Medical Doctor (UPenn)
American Association of Laboratory Animal Science
Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician
Laboratory Animal Technician
Laboratory Animal Technologist
Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Science
Associate Registered Laboratory Animal Technician
Registered Laboratory Animal Technician
Registered Master Laboratory Animal Technician
Which group established the veterinary technician code of ethics?
a legal document owned by the veterinary practice or the supervising institution and must completely and accurately document all care provided to a patient and all relevant observations made regarding a patient
Medical Record
Give the 4 roles of NAVTA
- Strengthening the VT profession
- Advocating for enhanced awareness of the profession
- Supporting members of the organization
- Working for the sustainability of the organization
List the 3 types of NAVTA membership classifications
- Active
- Associate
- Student
Give 5 benefits of professional organizations
- Networking opportunities
- Continuing education
- Leadership opportunities
- Discounts
- Career building
Most laws and regulations that govern veterinary technology are _______ based.
state specific expectations that govern and define the practice of veterinary medicine and veterinary technology in order to protect veterinary clients, veterinary patients, and the general public
Practice Act
a proposed amendment to the practice act
expectations whose violations will result in sanctions by your state’s veterinary medical board such as suspension or loss of your veterinary technician license, fines, or other disciplinary actions
a crime that involves dishonesty or deception, immorality or depravity, or interference with justice
Crime of Moral Turpitude
a crime that involves murder, rape, distribution of drugs, and misdemeanor offenses such as stalking, harassment, and assault
Crimes of Depravity
Renewing your license requires what 3 things?
- Submitting a renewal application
- Pay a renewal fee
- Verification of continuing education
What are the 2 categories of violations that would warrant disciplinary action?
- Technical Violation
- Substantive Violation
a type of violation that includes practicing with a lapsed license, failure to obtain enough CE, and being disciplined by another state
Technical Violation
a type of violation that includes malpractice, unprofessional conduct, fraud, misrepresentation, working under the influence, practicing beyond the scope of one’s license, and animal abuse/neglect.
Substantive Violations
the conduct that disparages the profession in the eyes of the public
Unprofessional Conduct
the deviation from or failure to conform to acceptable standards of practice
conduct that increases the risk of negligence, even if negligence has not yet actually occurred
Violations that are primarily administrative and no animal is placed at direct risk
Technical Violation
Violations that are associated with misconduct in professional practice
Substantive Violation
List the 5 possible disciplinary sanctions
- License revocation
- License suspension
- License probation
- Reprimand
- Civil penalty
a public censure of a licensee without suspension or probation
a fine paid to the licensing board
Civil Penalty
laws that define the rights and obligations of both employees and employers, as well as specify the requirements for employment standards
Labor Laws
the group that prevents employment-related accidents and illnesses, as well as confirms all workers have a fundamental right to a safe workplace environment
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
the law that provides safe and healthy working conditions for all employees
Occupational Safety and Health Act
the law that imposes certain minimum mandatory conditions for the protection of persons exposed to radiation and engaged in the operation and use of radiation equipment
Radiation Health and Safety Act
the law that defines medical waste, regulates its management and transport, and outlines enforcement processes
Medical Waste Tracking Act
Who enforces the Medical Waste Tracking Act?
Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
drugs or chemicals whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by the government
Controlled Substances
What group enforces federal regulation of controlled substances
Drug Enforcement Agency
Drug Enforcement Agency
the law that establishes minimum standards of treatment and care that must be provided for most warm-blooded animals bred for commercial sale, used in research and higher education, transported commercially, and exhibited to the public
Animal Welfare Act
Animal Welfare Act
The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) does not include what 3 animals?
- Mice
- Rats
- Birds
a group that helps enforce AWA compliance and ensures standards are followed in areas of animal housing, feeding, handling, veterinary care, and review of animal-use protocols
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
The USDA requires what to be established at all registered research labs and schools?
the federal law that prohibits the use of soring in horses participating in shows, sales, exhibitions, and auctions, as well as prohibits drivers from transporting these horses to or from any of these events
Horse Protection Act
Horse Protection Act
a procedure that involves using a number of painful interventions to prompt a hose to lift its feet high when walking
the group that enforces the horse protection act
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
the law that prevents the extinction of imperiled plant and animal life and to recover and maintain those populations by removing or lessening threats to their survival
Endangered Species Act
Which 2 groups enforce the Endangered Species Act?
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The science and art of providing all aspects of professional medical care and treatment for animals, with the exceptions of diagnosis, prognosis, surgery, and prescription
Veterinary Technology
List the 3 levels of supervision required for veterinary technician activities
- Immediate
- Direct
- Indirect
a licensed veterinarian is within direct eyesight and hearing range
Immediate Supervision
a licensed veterinarian is on the premises and is readily available
Direct Supervision
a licensed veterinarian is not on the premises but is able to perform the duties of a licensed veterinarian by maintaining direct communication with the veterinary technician
Indirect Supervision