Laws & Cases Flashcards
Addresses the civil rights of ELL students, foremost among those their right to equal access to all education programs. In addressing these rights, it provides a structure that ensures the delivery of the comprehensible instruction to which ELL students are entitled.
Florida Consent Decree
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin
Title VI if the Civil Rights Act
Enacted in congress in 1968 as Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as amended. It established a discretionary competitive grant program to fund bilingual ed. programs for economically disadvantaged language minority students, in recognition of the unique educational disadvantages faced by non-English speaking students
Bilingual Education Act
In 1981, a significant decision regarding the ed. of language-minority students. The circuit court established a three-pronged test for evaluating programs servicing ELLs
Castaneda V. Pickard
This civil rights statute prohibits states who receive federal funding from denying equal opportunity to an individual on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin. Specifically prohibits states from denying equal ed. opportunity to limited English proficient students
Equal Education Opportunity Act of 1974
First enacted in 1965, and reauthorized every 5 years. Was reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Established that the “separate but equal” doctrine adopted in Plessy V Ferguson has no place in the field of public ed.
Brown Vs. Board of Education
A suit filed by Chinese parents in SF in 1974 that led to a landmark Supreme Ct ruling that identical ed. does not constitute equal ed. under the Civil Rights Act
Lau v. Nichols
Requires that student evals must be conducted in child’s native lang., and that parents must be informed of the evals and their rights in a lang. they understand. IEPs must state the modifications of instruction, methods, and materials needed for both native lang. and English as a second lang instruction
established in 1974 by congress to help school districts meet their responsibility to provide ed. opportunities to ELLs
The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), Lang Enhancement, and Academic Achievement
has responsibility for enforcing Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. It investigates allegations of compliance with federal civil rights laws in schools that serve special student populations, including lang. minority students
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged of the ESEA of 1965 as amended in 2001, supports programs to assist economically disadvantaged and at-risk students. Under the no child left behind act, it includes provisions for instruction and assessment of ELLs for academic achievement and ELP
Title I
The focus of the title is on assisting school districts in teaching English ti LEP students and in helping them meet the same challenging State standards required of all other students
Title III
1982 US SC ruled the 14th amendment prohibits states from denying free public ed. to undocumented immigrant children regardless of immigrant status
Plyer V Doe
Mandates increased accountability by states and districts regarding adequate yearly progress for lang minority students, especially under Titles I and III by setting annual achievement objectives for LEP students and setting ELP as the objective
No child left behind act