Laws and Regulation¨ Flashcards
What are some challenges with WW?
o To save resources
To obtain pure nutrients on arable land, or so they may otherwise be included in the natural cycles. (“Resource management”)
No food shall be wasted
o To keep the soil clean from chemicals
Should sewage sludge really be spread on farmland, with respect to pollution?
Describe sustainable development
o That today’s generation utilizes natural resources without making it difficult for future generations to utilize the resources
o The Brundtland Commission, 1987
An independent UN Commission
What does the EU legislation say about sustainable development?
o EU Treaty art. 3.3
EU shall work for sustainable development… and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment
o EU Treaty art. 21.3
EU should help develop international measures to preserve and improve the quality of the environment and the sustainable management of global natural resources, in order to ensure sustainable development
What is waste?
any substance or object which the holder disposes of or intends or is obliged to dispose of
Describe by-products?
Continues to be used
Produced as an integral part of the production
Does not contravene law
When does waste cease to be waste?
It can be used for specific purposes
There is a market for the product
Meets applicable regulations
Does not lead to generally negative consequences
What is the EU action plan for circular economy?
o Contains initiatives for
waste management
the market for recycled materials
o Critical raw materials sector given particular priority
What does the Swedish Environmental Code promote?
o Promote sustainable development for current and future generations
How should The Swedish Environmental Code be applied?
Human health and environment are protected against damage and inconvenience
Reuse and recycling of materials and energy is promoted
* Ch. 2. Sec. 5.
Everyone who conducts an operation or takes action must save on raw materials and energy and take advantage of the opportunities to 1. reduce the amount of waste, 2. reduce the amount of harmful substances in materials and products; Reduce the negative effects of waste; and 4. recycle waste. In the first instance, renewable energy sources must be used.
* Generally applicable but can only be applied in individual cases. Each case assessed separately
What is BAT?
o Best available technology
Ch. 2. Sec. 3.
Also applicable to resource management
What are the Swedish National Environmental Quality Objectives?
Goal concering the environment.
Not legally binding, but legally relevant. Must be considered in each case
o A non-toxic environment
Will not be achieved
o Zero eutrophication
Will not be achieved
What is the generational goal?
o The overall goal of environmental policy is to pass on to the next generation a society where the major environmental problems are solved, without causing increased environmental and health problems outside Sweden’s borders
What does the law on public water say?
Municipalities have to arrange water services
Technology neutral.
Must be waste-based systems.
And full fill the environmental and health protection requirements,
AND the public system must also full fill the Environmental Code, such as ch. 2 sec.
What is the eco-cycle principle?
What is extracted from nature must be able to be used,
reused, recycled or finally disposed of in a sustainable
way with the least possible consumption of resources
and without harming nature
Describe the main principals of the Swedish Environmental Code
Everyone who conducts an operation or takes action must save on
raw materials and energy and take advantage of the opportunities
1. reduce the amount of waste,
2. reduce the amount of harmful substances in materials and
3. Reduce the negative effects of waste; and
4. recycle waste