Law #s From Samplex Flashcards
Art. 245 of the revised penal code
vs. 255 - infanticide
Art. 174 & 175 of the revised penal code
False Medical Certificates
Art. 248 of the revised penal code
Art. 255 of the revised penal code
vs. 245 - parricide
Art. 256 & 257 of the revised penal code
Intentional & unintentional abortion
Art. 258 & 259 of the revised penal code
Abortion practiced by woman herself or parents or midwives or physician
Art. 262 of the revised penal code
Art. 263, 265 , 266 of the revised penal code
Serious, less serious and slight physical injuries
Art. 333, 334, 336 of the revised penal code
Adultery, concubinage& acts of lasciviousness
*** articles with two or more 3’s are about a third party (333/334/336)
Art. 347 of the revised penal code
Stimulation of birth, substitution of 1 child for another, concealment of abandonment of a legitimate child
Art. 365 of the revised penal code
Imprudence & negligence
Republic Act 8353
Amended old law on rape:
1) rape is a crime against persons
2) degenderization (not females only)
3) rape is a crime against chastity
* **does not allow concept of marital rape
Art. 4 of Code of Medical Ethics
Duties of physicians to their colleagues and to the medical profession
Art. 2 of Code of Medical Ethics
Duties of a physician to their patient
Art. 3 of Code of Medical Ethics
Duties of the physician to the community