Law/Policies related to Philippine Public Flashcards
An Act Providing for the Establishment of
Congressional, City, And Municipal Libraries
and Barangay Reading Centers Throughout
the Philippines, Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor and other purposes. The law
was passed on June 17, 1992.
Republic Act No. 7743
Philippine Librarianship Act: Regulating the
practice of Librarianship and prescribing the
qualifications of librarians. The law was
passed on November 19, 1992.
Republic Act No. 6966
An Act Creating The National Commission
For Culture And The Arts, Establishing
National Endowment Fund For Culture And
The Arts, And For Other Purposes enacted on
April 3, 1992.
Republic Act No. 7356
Declaring the month of November 1991 and
every year as Library and Information
Services Month. The proclamation was issued
in November 1991.
Proclamation No.837
Designating the period from November 24 to
30 each year as the National Book Week
Proclamation No.109
Code of Ethics for Registered Librarians
issued on August 14, 1992
Professional Regulation
Commission Resolution
No.02 s. 1992
Rules and Regulations implementing the
Philippine Librarianship Act issued on July
20, 1992
Professional Regulation
Commission Resolution
No. 01 s. 1992
Setting a policy regarding purchases and
acquisition of library books and materials,
fixing liability and accountability of
government librarians., retirement and
insurance of library books and materials, and
Commission on Audit
Circular 94-012
Requiring the settlement of and clearance
from accountabilities of government officials
and employees prior to their transfer or
acceptance of their resignation issued on June
Commission on Audit
Circular No.155
Instituting the procedures and criteria for the
selection and the recommendation of
nominees for appointment to vacant positions
in the Professional Regulatory Boards under
the Professional Regulatory Commission
issued on December 9, 1991.
Executive Order No.496
Creating the Presidential Commission on
Culture and Arts issued on January 30, 1987.
Executive Order No.118
On Legal and Cultural Deposit issued on
October 18, 1975.
Presidential Decree
On the compulsory licensing or reprinting of
educational, scientific or cultural books and
materials as a temporary or emergency
measure whenever the prices thereof become
so exorbitant as to be detrimental to the
national interest, issued on September 3,
Presidential Decree No.
285 as amended
On tax exemptions for all donations to the
National Museum, National Library and the
Archives of the National Historical Institute,
issued on January 9, 1974.
Presidential Decree No.
Creating the Professional Regulation
Commission and prescribing its powers and
functions, issued on June 22, 1973.
Presidential Decree No.
Copyright Law: Decree on the Protection of
Intellectual Property 1972.
Presidential Decree No.
Changing the name of the Bureau of Public
Libraries to the National Library issued on
June 18, 1964.
Republic Act No. 3873
Providing for the establishment, operation
and maintenance of municipal libraries
throughout the Philippines and appropriating
funds therefor enacted on June 18, 1949.
Republic Act No. 411
Amending the Revised Administrative Code
in its provision on data and documents
supplied to the Bureau of Public Libraries
enacted on June 5, 1948.
Republic Act No. 228
Renaming the National Library to “Bureau of
Public Libraries”
Executive Order No. 94
Transferring the National Library from the
national Assembly to the Department of
Public Instruction and for other purposes
enacted on August 23, 1938.
Commonwealth Act No.
Abolishing the National Museum of the
Philippine Islands, transferring its division of
history and fine arts to the National Library,
and all its other divisions to the Institute of
Science enacted in 1932.
Commonwealth Act. No.
Creating the National Museum of the
Philippine Islands providing for its powers,
functions and personnel and funds and
changing the name of the Philippine Library
and Museum to the National Library enacted
on December 7, 1928.
Commonwealth Act. No.
Consolidating all libraries belonging to any
branch of the Philippine Insular Government
for the creation of “The Philippine Library’’ and for the maintenance and regulation of the
same issued on May 20, 1909.
Act No. 1935
Consolidating the Philippine Public Library,
the Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights
and Trademarks of the Executive Bureau and
the Law and Library Division of the
Philippine Assembly to form an organization
to be known as “Philippine Library and
Museum: under the administrative control of
the Secretary of Public Instruction issued on
February 4, 1916.
Act No. 2572
Providing for the establishment of a public
library to be known as “The Philippine Public
Library’’ making suitable appropriation
therefore, and for other purposes enacted on
June 3, 1908.
Act No. 1849
Changing The National Library to National
Library of the Philippines (NLP) enacted on
May 13, 2010.
Republic Act No. 10087
Local Government Code
Republic Act 7160
An Act Modernizing the Practice of
Librarianship in the Philippines Thereby
Repealing Republic Act No. 6966, Entitled
“An Act Regulating the Practice of
Librarianship and Prescribing the
Qualifications of Librarians,” Appropriating
Funds Therefor and For Other Purposes
approved on February 19, 2004.
Republic Act No. 9246
An Act Establishing the Municipality of Batac, Province of llocos Norte, the Crispina-Marcos Memorial Library and Museum enacted without Executive approval on
September 30, 1972.
Republic Act No. 6557
An Act Changing The Nomenclature of the
Tondo Congressional District Library in
Tayuman, Tondo, Manila into Sentro ng
Karunungan Library, Appropriating Funds
Therefor and For Other Purposes approved
on June 3, 2010
Republic Act No. 10124
[An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property
Code and Establishing the Intellectual
Property Office, Providing for Its Powers and
Functions, and for Other Purposes] otherwise
known as the Intellectual Property Code of the
Republic Act No. 8293
An Act Protecting Individual Personal
Information In Information And
Communications Systems In The
Government And The Private Sector,
Creating For This Purpose A National
Privacy Commission, And For Other
Republic Act No. 10173