Law on Partnership - General Provisions Flashcards
By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind themselves to contribute ______, ______, or ______ to a ________, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a _________.
Money; property; industry; common fund; profession
What is the legal definition of partnership?
The legal definition of partnership, often referred to as “co-partnership,” is presented from the viewpoint of a contract.
Provide definitions of a partnership.
A partnership is the following:
1. A contract
2. An association
3. A legal relation
4. A status arising out of a contract
5. An organization
6. An entity distinct from its members
7. Joint undertaking
Describe the partnership’s relation to sole proprietorship and corporation.
As a form of business organization, it falls between two EXTREMES of organizational form — the single proprietorship and the corporation.
What may partners contribute with each other?
Partners may contribute their (1) money, (2) property (3) effects, (4) labor, (5) skill, or (6) some combination of these to a partnership.
How does Article 1767 of the Civil Code relate to the concept of partnership?
Article 1767 of the Civil Code considers the term “partnership” as the agreement itself out of which a partnership is created, characterizing it as a contract.
How does the Anglo-American idea of partnership differ to the Civil Code’s view in terms of the basis of the concept?
The Anglo-American idea of partnership is based on the RESULT of the contract or agreement of the parties creating the partnership, representing the juridical relation growing out from the express or implied agreement of the parties. The Civil Code views the partnership as the agreement itself.
Is the difference between the Civil Code and American concept of partnership substantial or superficial?
The difference between the Civil Code and American concept of partnership is more apparent than real, emphasizing the semantic distinction between considering a partnership as the agreement itself (Civil Code) and as the juridical relation resulting from the agreement (American concept).
What is a basic tenet of Spanish and Philippine law regarding the juridical personality of a partnership?
A basic tenet of Spanish and Philippine law is that a partnership has a JURIDICAL personality of its own, distinct and separate from that of each of the partners (Art. 1768).
How does the American and English law view the juridical personality of a partnership?
The American and English law does NOT RECOGNIZE a separate juridical personality for a partnership; instead, a partnership is considered merely an extension of its members. Some U.S. states classify partnerships as legal entities.
What theory of partnership does the Uniform Partnership Act codify, and how does it differ from the entity theory?
The Uniform Partnership Act codifies the “aggregate theory” of partnership more than the “entity theory” or Roman Law theory. Unlike the entity theory, which views a partnership as a separate legal entity, the aggregate theory considers a partnership as a conglomerate of individuals, not as a separate legal entity from its owners.
What is the aggregate theory of partnership of the US legal system in terms of its obligation to pay taxes?
The aggregate theory of partnership states that a partnership form of business does not exist separately as a legal entity from its owners; therefore, a partnership is not treated as an entity that pays taxes.
What is the taxation treatment of partnerships in the Philippine jurisdiction?
Partnerships (except general professional partnerships) are treated as corporations for income tax purposes and are subject to tax as such.
Is the practice of a profession considered a business or enterprise for profit in a general professional partnership?
Strictly speaking, the practice of a profession is NOT considered a business or enterprise for profit.
What does the law allow regarding the joint pursuit of a profession by two or more persons?
The law allows the joint pursuit of a profession by two or more persons as partners. However, in such cases, it is the individual partners, not the partnership itself, who engage in the practice of the profession and are responsible for their own acts.
Can individuals practice a profession as a corporate entity?
No, the law does not allow individuals to practice a profession as a corporate entity. Personal qualifications necessary for the practice of a profession cannot be possessed by a corporation.
According to the aggregate theory, why could a partner not maintain an action against his partnership?
Under the aggregate theory, since a partnership is seen as an aggregate of individuals rather than a separate entity, a partner suing the partnership would essentially be suing himself. In this view, obtaining a judgment both in favor of and against the same person simultaneously is not possible.
How is practicing law in terms of a partnership characterized?
The right to practice law is a privilege or franchise rather than a natural or constitutional right.
What is the distinction between a partnership for the practice of law and partnerships formed by other professionals or for business?
The text emphasizes that a partnership for the practice of law is not akin to partnerships formed by other professionals or for business. It is not formed for carrying on trade or business or for holding property. It is ONLY a mere relationship or association for a non-business purpose.
How is the use of nom de plume, assumed, or trade names in law practice viewed? Why?
The use of a nom de plume, assumed name, or trade name in law practice is deemed improper.
In legal practice, the right to practice law is often regulated by state-specific licensing requirements. Using a misleading name or representation, such as a nom de plume, might create a FALSE IMPRESSION that all members have EQUAL PROFESSIONAL STANDING or are LOCALLY ADMITTED when that may not be the case.
In the formation of partnerships for the practice of law, no person should be admitted or held out as a practitioner or member who is not a member of the legal profession duly authorized to practice, and amenable to professional discipline.
How is the partnership for practice of law distinguished from partnership for business?
The practice of law is distinguished from business by emphasizing its intimate and peculiar relationship to the administration of justice, and it is cautioned against being considered a mere “money-making trade.”
What are the primary characteristics that distinguish the legal profession from business?
The primary characteristics that distinguish the legal profession from business include:
(a) A DUTY of public service, with emolument being a by-product, where one can attain eminence without necessarily making much money.
(b) A RELATION as an “officer of court” to the administration of justice, involving sincerity, integrity, and reliability.
(c) A FIDUCIARY relationship with clients in the highest degree.
(d) A RELATIONSHIP with colleagues at the bar characterized by candor, fairness, and an unwillingness to resort to business methods of advertising, encroachment on their practice, or direct dealing with each other’s clients.
What are the characteristic elements of a partnership?
- Consensual
- Nominate
- Bilateral
- Onerous
- Commutative
- Principal
- Preparatory
Why is the contract of partnership considered consensual?
The contract of partnership is considered consensual because it is perfected by mere consent, meaning it is established upon the express or implied agreement of two or more persons.
What makes the contract of partnership nominate?
The contract of partnership is considered nominate because it has a special name or designation in the legal system.
Why is the contract of partnership characterized as bilateral?
The contract of partnership is characterized as bilateral because it is entered into by two or more persons, and the rights and obligations arising from it are always reciprocal.
How is the onerous nature of the contract of partnership described?
The contract of partnership is described as onerous because each party aspires to procure a benefit for themselves through the giving of something.
What does the term “commutative” mean in the context of the contract of partnership?
The term “commutative” means that the undertaking of each partner is considered as the equivalent of that of the others in the contract of partnership.
Why is the contract of partnership considered principal?
The contract of partnership is considered principal because its existence or validity does not depend on some other contracts.
Describe the preparatory nature of the contract of partnership.
The contract of partnership is characterized as preparatory because it is entered into as a means to an end, specifically to engage in business or a specific venture for the realization of profits with the intention of dividing them among the contracting parties.
What is a partnership contract according to Art. 1818?
It is a contract of agency.
What are the essential features of a partnership
(1) There must be a VALID contract;
(2) The parties (two or more persons) must have LEGAL CAPACITY to enter into the contract;
(3) There must be a mutual contribution of money, property, or industry to a COMMON FUND;
(4) The OBJECT must be LAWFUL; and
(5) The primary purpose must be to OBTAIN profits and to DIVIDE the same among the parties.
It is also required that the articles of partnership MUST NOT BE KEPT SECRET among the members.
Explain partnership relations as to its origin and in terms of contracts.
Partnership relations have their origin in an agreement, either express or implied, and exclude associations that do not stem from a contractual foundation.
Is the existence of partnerships created by law alone or by the operation or implication of law?
No, there is no such thing as a partnership created solely by law or by the operation or implication of law alone.
Differentiate between the contract and the partnership relation?
Partnership relation is not the contract itself, but the result of the contract. In other words, the partnership relation is the outcome or consequence of the voluntary agreement between the parties.
How is the partnership relation evidenced in terms of form?
The partnership relation is evidenced by the terms of the contract, which can be oral or written, express or implied from the acts and declarations of the parties. This is subject to the provisions of Articles 1771 to 1773 and the Statute of Frauds.
Can the election to become a member of a partnership be sufficient to establish the partnership relation?
Yes, the election to become a member of a partnership can be sufficient to establish the partnership relation, and the member does not need to sign any articles of partnership.
Can the partnership relation be informally created?
The partnership relation can be informally created, and its existence can be proved by manifestations of the parties involved.
What is the customary document used to embody the terms of the partnership association?
Articles of Partnership
What information is typically included in the Articles of Partnership?
The Articles of Partnership typically include information such as the following:
1. Name, nature or purpose, and location of the firm
2. Powers, rights, duties, and liabilities of the partners among themselves
3. Contributions of the partners
4. Manner in which profits and losses are to be shared
5. Procedures for dissolving the partnership
What are the requisites for a partnership contract?
The requisites are:
1. consent and capacity of the contracting parties
2. the object (subject matter) of the contract
3. the cause (established purpose).
What is a necessary element for making an agreement for a partnership valid as in the case of other contracts?
A necessary element for making an agreement for a partnership valid is the existence of a valid consideration between the partners.
A bought a secondhand car. He told B that he would give B half the profit of its sale if B would repair the car. B did not repair the car. A hired C to do the work and later sold the car at a profit. Is B entitled to any of the profit.
No, there was no partnership between A and B because of the absence of consideration for A’s promise.
What personal relation exists in a partnership?
In a partnership, there exists a personal relation in which the element of DELECTUS PERSONAE (choice of person) is emphasized, involving trust and confidence between the partners, thus their FIDUCIARY NATURE, UNLESS otherwise provided in the partnership agreement.
Can the presence of a period for a specific duration prevent the dissolution of a partnership?
No, the presence of a period for specific duration or the statement of a particular purpose for the creation of a partnership does not prevent its dissolution by the act or will of a partner.
What does the doctrine of delectus personae allow partners in terms of the power to dissolve a partnership?
The doctrine of delectus personae allows partners the power, although not necessarily the right, to dissolve the partnership.
Can any partner dictate the dissolution of a partnership? What is the requirement?
Yes, any partner may dictate the dissolution of the partnership at their sole pleasure. The dissolution must be done in good faith. If done in bad faith, it can potentially result in liability for damages.
Translate delectus personae.
“Choice of a person.”
This element of delectus personae is true only in the case of what?
In case of general partner, not as regards a limited partner.
What does the law presume in the absence of a choice of person or delectus personae in a partnership?
The law presumes a lack of partnership.
Under what circumstances may a person be subjected to partnership liability under principles of estoppel? What is the nature of such partnership liability?
A person may be subjected to partnership liability under principles of estoppel when he holds himself out, or permits himself to be held out, as a partner in an enterprise. In such cases, there is no actual or legal partnership relation, but merely a partnership liability imposed by law in favor of third persons.
Can a partnership be created without a definite intention to create it?
Yes, a partnership may be created without any definite intention to create it.
The substance, not the name of the arrangement, determines the legal relationship, although the designation adopted by the parties is considered indicative of their intention.
How is the existence or non-existence of a partnership determined in the absence of a written agreement?
In the absence of a written agreement, the existence or non-existence of a partnership must be determined from the following:
1. the conduct of the parties
2. any documentary evidence bearing thereon
3. the testimony of the parties.
Unless otherwise provided, majority commences at the age of what?
18 years
By what manner does emancipation generally take place?
Attainment of majority
What are the two ways for emancipation to take place?
(1) By the marriage of the minor; or
(2) By recording in the Civil Register of an agreement in a public instrument executed by the parents exercising parental authority and the minor at least eighteen years of age. Such emancipation shall be irrevocable.
What is essential for the parties to have before a valid contract of partnership can be formed?
The necessary legal capacity to enter into the contract
Who cannot give their consent to a contract of partnership for having no legal capacity?
The following cannot give their consent to a contract of partnership:
(a) Unemancipated minors
(b) Insane or demented persons
(c) Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
(d) Persons who are suffering from civil interdiction
(e) Incompetents who are under guardianship
According to Article 1782, who cannot enter into a UNIVERSAL partnership?
Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation or advantage cannot enter into a UNIVERSAL partnership.
Can a married woman enter into a contract of partnership without her husband’s consent?
A married woman may enter into a contract of partnership even without her husband’s consent. However, the husband may object under certain conditions.
What is the general rule regarding donations or grants of gratuitous advantage between spouses during the marriage, according to Article 87?
According to Article 87, the general rule is that every donation or grant of gratuitous advantage, whether direct or indirect, between spouses during the marriage shall be void.
Are there any exceptions to the prohibition of gratuitous advantages between spouses according to Art. 87?
Yes, there is an exception. Article 87 allows for moderate gifts that spouses may give each other on the occasion of any family rejoicing.
Does the prohibition mentioned in Article 87 apply only to legally married couples?
No, the prohibition also extends to persons living together as husband and wife without a valid marriage.
What does Article 73 stipulate regarding the exercise of a legitimate profession, occupation, business, or activity by either spouse without the consent of the other?
Article 73 states that either spouse may exercise any legitimate profession, occupation, business, or activity without the consent of the other. However, the other spouse may object only on VALID, SERIOUS, or MORAL grounds.
In case of a disagreement between spouses regarding one’s objection to the other’s exercise of a profession or activity in Art. 73, what does the court decide?
In case of disagreement, the court shall decide:
(a) Whether the objection is proper, AND
(b) Whether benefit has accrued to the family prior to the objection or thereafter. If the benefit accrued prior to the objection, the resulting obligation shall be enforced against the separate property of the spouse who has not obtained consent.
According to Article 73, what does the provision not prejudice?
The provision of Article 73 does not prejudice the rights of creditors who acted in good faith.
Is there a prohibition against one partnership being a partner in another partnership?
No, there is no prohibition against a partnership being a partner in another partnership.