Law Office Admin Flashcards
What is the time frame in which a comprehensive training orientation and initial evaluation needs to be completed?
60 days or 120 days for ARC members. An initial eval must take place for members moved to new assignments (PCS, PCA, and/or new duty position)
What information should be covered during a comprehensive training orientation?
The duties of the supervisor, the duties of the trainer/certifier, the duties of the trainee, criteria for award of a skill level, and CDC administration.
What information should be covered during an initial evaluation?
1) What the trainee should be doing; 2) duty hours and shifts, including non-duty time; 3) safety requirements on AF Form 55, Employee and Safety Health Record; 4) all time and training requirements for UGT and/or QT; 5) responsibilities of trainee, trainer, task certifier, and supervisor; 6) AFSC, duty position, core and home station training, and deployment/UTC req; 7) CDC requirements; 8) Formal/informal training req
List procedures to assist with planning/prioritizing work assignments
Check for the following:
- Mandatory suspense/due dates of tasks being assigned.
- Training status of subordinate being assigned specific tasks
- Projected leave/TDY
How and when should you assign/delegate duties to personnel?
Only delegate when members are task certified and adequately trained on the specified duties and if they’re available to complete the tasks in a timely manner.
For example, don’t assign a court to someone who is currently undergoing CDC completion.
Who completes a comprehensive training orientation?
How often must quadrennial tours occur and how long do they last?
Once every four years and they last for two weeks.
What is the purpose of a quadrennial tour?
To provide training and professional growth for a paralegal all while assisting a regular AF unit at the same time.
What is a home station support tour?
A home station support tour is when a regular AF office submits a request for augmentee/home station support through their chain of command.
How does a regular AF office submit a home station support tour request?
The SJA will make a request through their reserve coordinator. The reserve coordinator then works with the MAJCOM senior IMAs and MAs for home station support tours.
Who funds a quadrennial tour?
The ARC unit.
Who funds a home station support tour?
The unit making the request (or their wing).
What is ArcStars and how is it used?
ArcStars is an electronic system used to document a reservist’s training. The system tracks date, type, and duty location of the work performed and is commonly used for EPRs to track what work has been completed.
What is the goal/objective of an Art 6 inspection conducted by AF/JAI (The Standards and Inspection Division)?
Ensuring a unit is compliant with the expectations/rules of TJAGC.
How is an Art 6 inspection by AF/JAI graded?
There are five tiers:
1) Outstanding - 94-100%
2) Excellent - 88-93.9%
3) Commendable - 80-87.9%
4) Satisfactory - 70-79.9%
5) Unsatisfactory - < 70%
What happens if a unit receives a score of less than 70% on an Art 6 inspection by AF/JAI?
The unit must be re-inspected.
Who conducts an Art 6 inspection by AF/JAI?
- AF/JAI JAG (team lead)
- HQ AF Paralegal
- Experienced paralegal
**An experienced paralegal must be a MSgt, have 1 yr of exp as a LOS, and hold a key leadership position.
What is the purpose of an Art 6 inspection conducted by TJAG?
To ensure military justice is administered properly, supports good order and discipline, and operates free from UCI.
TJAG uses this opportunity to fulfill their obligations of inspecting AFJAGC, ensuring legal offices are pursuing issues that they have identified, and gives TJAG the opportunity to meet with local CCs to identify/address concerns.
What sources give TJAG and inspectors authority to conduct their inspections?
- Article 6, UCMJ
- 10 U.S.C § 806
- 10 U.S.C § 8037
- AFI 90-201
- AFI 51-109
What is the purpose of the Utilization and Training Workshop (UTW)?
To determine/define training requirements/forum for a specialty.
Who attends the UTW?
The career field manager (CFM), AETC Training Manager, MAJCOM Functional Manager, SMEs, AFJAGS, and others.
How many phases of the UTW are there and what are their descriptions?
There are four phases: Phase I: Determine Need Phase 2: Specialty Training Requirements Team Phase 3: U&TW Phase 4: Post U&TW
What occurs during Phase I of the UTW?
Phase I of the UTW is to determine need. Here they try to ask the question “why do we need this or do we need this?” for training tasks. Primary STRT members are identified, new or revised CDC availability date is set, a new draft of the CFETP is developed, and six months of research is conducted before moving to Phase II by gathering info from the MAJCOM functional Managers.
During Phase I of the UTW, what information is gathered from the MAJCOM functional managers?
Input on specialty description, job performance requirements, skill level training requirements, CDC requirements, wartime training requirements (deployments), core tasks by skill level, MAJCOM unique requirements.
What occurs during Phase II of the UTW?
Phase II of the UTW is labeled STRT (Specialty Training Requirements Team). The primary purpose is for the CFM and functional leaders to determine training requirements and present them to the AETC training manager and course training manager. Part 1 of the CFETP and the AF Enlisted Classification Directory description is finalized. A draft version of the Specialty and Course Training Standards is made.
What occurs during Phase III of the UTW?
The actual workshop is conducted. The attendees are the CFM, AETC Training Pipeline manager, MAJCOM functional managers, AETC/TM, and AETC/Program Element Manager. Here resource issues are resolved to determine who is going to pay for what w/in the career field. Training requirements are adjusted to correct any shortfalls of the current system. Training delivery dates are established. The Specialty and Course Training Standards and CFEPT are finalized.
What are the three segments of Phase III of the UTW?
Segment one is chaired by the CFM and focuses on utilization issues and the specification of training task requirements
Segment two is chaired by the Training pipeline manager and concentrates on training proficiency levels and resourcing.
Segment three is optional, and is convened to resolve outstanding issues.
What are some major items discussed/changed at Phase III of the UTW?
- Revised courses may increase/decrease instructor and student man-year reqs
- Facility, classroom, and equipment requirements
- CDC development schedule
- WAPS testing cycle
What occurs at Phase IV of the UTW?
CFM prepares comprehensive meeting minutes, course development begins, CFM consolidates and publishes new CFETP, and career field trainers/supervisors review new core tasks and conduct OJT as required for all 3,5, & 7 levels regardless of upgrade training status.
What is the CFM responsible for at the UTW?
Determines the need and objectives of the UTW, selects both formal and OJT training SMEs to attend, and coordinates new or revised CDC availability date and production timetable.
What is the goal of the field evaluation survey?
To get raw data on who is performing a task, their experience with the tasks and how often they are performing the task.
What questions do participants answer in the field evaluation survey?
They only answer questions related to tasks they perform in their current position and how much time they spend performing a task.
How is the occupational analysis process conducted?
The AF CFM develops the job field evaluation survey, administers it, analyzes the data, and creates an occupational analysis report.
Who is the field occupational survey administered to?
All eligible active duty, ANG, and AFRC personnel.
How much time must be spent in training to obtain Journeyman status?
12 months UGT or 9 months for retrainees.
How much time must be spent in training to obtain Craftsman status?
12 months UGT or 6 months for retrainees.
What are the minimum qualifications to become a paralegal journeyman?
- Completion of CDCs
- Completion of minimum time in training
- Completion of core tasks in Atch 2 column 2A of CFEPT
- Recommendation by supervisor
- Approval of unit CC
What are the minimum qualifications to become a paralegal craftsman?
- SSgt or SSgt Select
- Completion of minimum time in training
- Completion of core tasks in Atch 2, column 2A & 2B of CFEPT
- Completion of PCC
- Recommendation by supervisor
- Approval of unit CC
What are the supervisor’s responsibilities on progress in OTJ training?
Supervisors must meet mission requirements and provide a quality training program to the trainee by planning, conducting, and evaluating training. They must use the CFEPT and conduct training by creating a master training plan (MTP) from the master task list (MTL).
What are the procedures for documenting training records?
Maintain an AF 623, six-part folder, or other approved training record for all airman in the grades AB-TSgt, SCNOs in retraining status or as directed by AFCFM, and personnel in combat ready duty positions, if required by the AFCFM.
What documents are included in training records?
- AF Form 797
- AF Form 623a (or automated version – TBA)
- CDC enrollment card, scorecards & answer sheets
- AF Form 2096
What items need to be documented when conducting training?
Duty position requirements must be identified. Training start date/completion date should be notated and initialed by the trainee and trainer for all tasks.