Law Names Flashcards
The universal declaration of human rights
Genocide Convention
The convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide
The international covenant on civil and political rights
Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women
CRSR (Refugee convention)
Convention relating to the status of refugees
A political moral philosophy that says the people should be viewed as citizens of the world, rather than a particular state
Realism posits that a state’s primary interest is self-preservation. It must seek power and always protect itself.
All people are in doubt with rights, meaning that rights belong to them, simply by virtue of being human
The moral principles that govern the behaviour of a global actor or their conducting of an activity.
Ethics underpinned the concepts of justice and international law
The concept of moral rightness based on ethics, law, fairness, and equity, which also fix punishment when these ethics of breached
International law
A body of rules established by custom or written legal arrangements that are accepted as binding upon the international community
Asylum seeker
An individual who is seeking international protection, but his claim has not yet been finally decided on by the state in which he or she has submitted it
A refugee is a person who is claim to need protection from persecution in their State of Origin has been assessed and granted
Economic migrant
And economic migrant is someone who chooses to leave his or her State of Origin, purely for financial, and or economic reasons