Law Exam Q's - Actual Attempt #1 Flashcards
If a Licensed PT must transfer a patient, whom and how must they transfer?
WRITTEN response to another PT
What group is the creator and enforcer of the Practice Act?
What is “certificate to penetrate” referring to?
Neuromuscular evaluation
What is the performance of tissue penetration for the purpose of evaluating neuromuscular performance?
What type of supervision is required once the PTLA starts practicing pending licensing exam results?
under DIRECT and IMMEDIATE supervision of the licensed PT
Who is in charge of creating licensing exams for PT and PTA’s?
What is required when supervising a PTALA pending exam results?
A licensed supervising PT must be onsite at ALL times and must have a documented receipt of the letter authorizing the PTALA to practice & have record of the expiration date of the status.
When does the PTBC send out notices of renewal?
60 days prior to expiration date
How many days do you need to notify the board of address or name change?
30 days or a citation will be issued
When does a PT/PTA license expire, if not renewed?
Midnight, Last day of birth month, every 2 years
Failing to renew license after 5 years will result in:
May not be renewed reissued, reinstated or restored, but may apply for and obtain a new license
The following are qualifications for reinstating license:
- Have not committed any acts of crime
- Take and pass exam
- pay all fees
- in addition, 2 years of postgraduate training completed
How long does a military PT have to renew their license once expired?
Must reinstate within 1 year from discharge
2 PT’s (1 senior and 1 junior PT) are told by a patient that she is a victim of abuse. The senior PT will submit a report, what happens to the junior PT if he does nothing?
Nothing will happen to JR PT as long as it is being reported
How do you submit and how soon do you need to report an abuse?
Telephone call ASAP and written report within 2 working days
What is the requirement for someone enrolling in the Diversion rehab program?
Participants must pay the fee to cover the actual cost of administering the program
What must a PT in the diversion program agree to prior to acceptance?
medical and psychiatric initial evaluation
PT and patient are engaged in a relationship outside of work. What is the presumption with this?
Presumed to be INCAPABLE of giving free, full, and informed consent
A letter of reprimand is given to a licensee. What does the board do with this?
Posted on board’s internet website
What is a letter of reprimand?
A letter for minor violations from the Board to a licensee stating their wrong doings and is able for public access
What is the priority of the PTBC?
PROTECT the public
What does a PT need to have prior to being able to perform tissue penetration?
How long do the PT’s keep records?
- 7 years after discharge
- 1 year for minors after they turn 18 years old
What is a patient related task?
Aide performs treatment one-on-one with patient (apply a hot/cold pack)
What is a non-patient related task?
- Observation
- Transport of PT
- Physical support for PT during gait training
- clerical and admin duties
How should a PT say & write their name?
(written): Dr. John Smith, Doctor of Physical Therapy
(spoken): Dr. John Smith, physical therapist
PT aide uses name tag that says PTA with 20 pt font, what is the penalty?
Guilty of misdemeanor
A PT refers a pt to a family member of his, when is this legal?
PT needs to put in writing to patient that they may choose for themselves
How does the board keep track of our CEU’s?
When we renew our license we must also submit proof of completion
Corporations must be in line with what Act?
Moscone Knox Act
When does the board notify us that our license will expire?
60 days prior
In how many days does a licensee need to report change of address?
30 days
What’s the consequence for not reporting an address change within appropriate time frame?
Citation and Admin Fine
Who is allowed to inspect a facility?
A licensed PT appointed by the board or each member of the board, having to do with physical therapy care
What should be listed on a PTs diploma?
School completed, highest degree completed
For a foreign student to work under a PT for clinical service hrs, the PT must be what?
CCCE must be APTA certified CI
What is a PTA NOT allowed to do?
(1)Perform measurement, data collection or care prior to the evaluation of the patient by the physical therapist
(2) Document patient evaluation and reevaluation
(3) Write a discharge summary
(4) Establish or change a plan of care
(5) Write progress reports to another health care professional, as distinguished from daily chart notes
(6) Be the sole physical therapy representative in any meeting with other health care professionals where the patient’s plan of care is assessed or may be modified.
(7) Supervise a physical therapy aide performing patient-related tasks
(8) Provide treatment if the physical therapist assistant holds a management position in the physical therapy business where the care is being provided. For purposes of this section, “management position” shall mean a position that has control or influence over scheduling, hiring, or firing.
A person who has completed the required academic coursework is called?
PTA Student or Intern
When does the PT need to sign a PT intern/students notes?
When does the PT need to sign the PTA’s notes?
Within 7 days, weekly case conference
How does a PT transfer a patient to another PT?
Written system of transfer must occur
Which is an example of aiding and abetting?
Letting an aide work as a PTA
What is the definition of aiding and abetting?
The PT’s inappropriate supervision of PTA’s and physical therapy aides. The PT aide is an unlicensed person who aides a PT in his or her practice and must be supervised at all times by the PT; the PTA assists the PT in his or her practice but cannot practice autonomously
PT gives nutritional advice to a patient, is this legal?
Only if PT says he is not a nutritionist and it is only a suggestion
Which of the following are legal topical medications?
- Bacteriocidal
- debriding
- anesthetic
- anti inflammatory
- antispasmodic
- Adrenocorticosteroids
NOT antiemetic drugs
What is the first thing a PT must do prior to applying topical medication?
MUST have a prescription
How does the board know you’ve actually taken a CEU course?
Title of course, date taken or completed, record of participation
How long do you keep CEU records?
5 years after completion
Practitioner chooses not to perform services on a patient due to pt’s prior criminal record?
MUST treat no matter what circumstances
What is consequence for submitting a fraud bill to Medi-cal?
Felony, suspension of license, 6 months in jail
Consequences for a misdemeanor?
6 months in jail, or $1000 fine or both
How do you get certified to perform electromyography?
Completed course work at a public university
Who do you report to regarding elderly abuse?
to administrator law inforcement
What is the consequence for administering or prescribing excessive drugs or treatment?
Misdemeanor and fine $100-$600 or 60-180 days in jail or both