Law & Ethics Pt 3 Flashcards
What is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?
Enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. These law protect employees and job applicants against employment discrimination.
This pertains to employers with at least 15 or more employees who worked for the employer for at least twenty calendar weeks (In this year or last).
In regards to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Federal laws protect employees and job applicants against employment discrimination when it involves?
Unfair treatment because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Harassment by managers, co-workers, or others in the work place because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Denial of a reasonable workplace accommodation that the employee needs because of religious beliefs or disability.
Retaliation because the employee complained about job discrimination or assisted with a job description investigation or lawsuit.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Who does the Immigration Reform and Control Act apply to?
The Immigration Reform and Control Act applies to most employers (although the specific employee count is unclear).
**The Employment and Labor Law seeks to preserve jobs for American citizens and immigrants who are authorized to work in the United States.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
What was the Immigration Reform and Control Act created for?
Amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to make it unlawful for a business to:
1) Hire for US employment any alien knowing that such person is unauthorized to work, or any person without verifying his or her works status or 2) continue to employ an alien knowing of such person’s unauthorized work status.
Established an employment verification system (1-9). Requires 1) the employer to attest, on a form developed by the Attorney General, that the employee’s work status has been verified by examination of specific documents 2) the worker to similarly attest, that he or she is a U.S. citizen or national, or authorized alien; and 3) the employer to keep such records for three years in the case of referral or recruitment, or the later of the three years or one year after employment termination in the case of hiring.
Who does the Fair Labor Standards Act apply to?
Everyone in the practice.
Any employee working more that 40 hours a week must be paid overtime.
Why was the Fair Labor Standards Act created?
It was created to establish minimum wage, over time pay standards and to regulate employment of minors.
State minimum wage may be higher than the federal, whichever is higher.
Overtime is 1.5 times the regular rate of pay.
A worksheet is 7 consecutive, regular recurring, 24-hour periods totaling 168 hours.
Exemption to overtime pay; any individual involved in executive, administrative or professional duties.
When it comes to the Fair Labor Standards Act, what are the requirements in regards to the employment of minors?
Must be at least 16 years of age to work in non-farm related jobs.
Youths 14 or 15 may be permitted to work outside school hours with a work permit.
They can work 3 hours per during school days/ 8 hours a day non-school.
Work cannot begin before 7 am or end after 7 pm or 9pm during summer break.
In regards to the Fair Labor Standards Act, what is exemption from overtime based on?
**In order to be exempt..
Salary level: minimum exempt salary level is $455/week.
Salary Basis: predetermined compensation is paid weekly, biweekly or monthly. Compensation cannot be reduced because of variation in the quality or quantity of work.
Job Duties:
Executive: management of the practice and directs work of two or more employees.
Administrative: primary duty is performance of office or non-Manuel work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or employer’s clients.
Professional: primary duty must be the performance of work requiring advanced knowledge, defined as work that is predominantly intellectual in character and work that requires consistent exercise of discretion and judgement.
The Wage and Hour Division of the US Department of Labor enforces the_________ ________ __________ Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created to enforce the ___________ ________ Act.
Civil Rights Act
What are some things that Sexual Harassment in the work place can involve?
Discrimination based:
Gender based discrimination
Sex discrimination based on pregnancy.
Sexual Harassment
**Employer can be held responsible for actions of employees, clients and vendors.
What are two types of sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo - occurs when submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting the individual (applies to protect classes as much as it does gender).
Hostile Environment - unwelcome conduct that is either sexual in nature or is directed at a person because of the persons gender and unreasonably interferes with the individuals job performance or creates and intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, even if it leads to no tangible or economic job consequence.
What steps can employers take to to prevent sexual harassment?
Employers can take steps to prevent sexual harassment by training managers, informing employees of their rights to raise issues how to raise issues, create an anti-harassing policy and developing appropriate sanctions.
_______________ Occurs when submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting the individual (applies to protect classes as much as it does gender).
Quid Pro Quo
__________________ is unwelcome conduct that is either sexual in nature or is directed at a person because of the persons gender and unreasonably interferes with the individuals job performance or creates and intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, even if it leads to no tangible or economic job consequence.
Hostile environment.
The Employment and Labor law umbrellas Pregnancy Discrimination (based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions) — it applies to companies with ______ or more employees.
It applies to companies with 15 or more employees.
In regards to pregnancy discrimination …… what does it employ ?
Woman affected by pregnancy must be treated the same as other applicants and employees on their ability or inattentive to do the work.
Applies to employers with 15 or more employees.
Employees must be allowed to work at all times during pregnancy as long as she can perform the duties of the job.
Employment and labor law umbrellas Americans with disabilities Act (1990) —-
How many employees must an employer have, and how long must the employee be on the payroll to qualify?
An employer must have at least 15 employees and these individuals would have to be on the payroll at least 20 weeks during the year.
Employment and Labor Laws blankets age discrimination…
Who was this created to protect and how many employees must an employer have?
Created to protect employees forty years old or older.
**This pertains to employers with twenty or more employees.
Employment and Labor Law blankets the Family and Medical Leave Act. How many employees must an employer have to qualify?
Employers must have 50 or more employees who work 20 or more calendar weeks in current or previous year.
Full time, part time, temporary, and permanent must be counted.
Employees who work at least 1,250 hours during the 12 month (25 hours a week) period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave.
In regards to the family and medical leave act, how many weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during a 12 month period is the employee entitled to?
The employee is entitled to a total of 12 work weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during a 12 month period.
Leave can be taken for child birth, adoption, care of spouse, child, or parent, serious health condition of employee.
**Except for a highly compensated “key” employees, any employee who takes leave will be entitled to return from leave to the position held before the leave commenced or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and working conditions.
Who and What Does Workers Compensation protect?
Workers compensation pertains to all employees and protects their interests if involved in work-related injuries. For accidental injuries, illnesses, or deaths that arise out of employment, employers are required to provide compensation including salary and covering cost of reasonable and necessary hospital, surgical and medical expenses.
*State laws have been enacted in all 50 states to help employees collect damages.
The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) - Employers pay tax on this!
Provides unemployed workers with modest financial support in the event of a temporary period of involuntary unemployment.
The Federal Unemployment Tax Act provides funds that states can use to administer unemployment benefits.
Because of joint administration, practice managers need to understand state and federal rules and send tax payments and returns to both.
Burden of proof is usually with the employer to show that the former employee quit without good cause.
Keep good records to help refute unjustified employment claims.
Who qualifies?
Virtually all employees
Claimants must be available and able for work.
Disqualified if employee voluntarily quit job.
The Employee retirement income security Act (ERISA) —-> What to know
Pertains to employees in qualified benefit programs (Retirement income, stock purchase, group medical insurance and prepaid legal services)
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 provides safeguards for employee interests in any employer-sponsored plan.
*ERISA does not require employer to provide these benefits.
Title I: Out lines reporting and disclosure obligations, minimum participation rules, vesting and funding requirements, and fiduciary standards (Enforced by department of labor)
Title II: Covers amendments to the internal Revenue Code (enforced by the IRS)
Title IV: Establishes a pension plan benefit insurance program for underfunded or terminated plans and is administered by Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
*Annual reports must be filed with DOL (Department of labor), IRS , and PBGC (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ) as well as to participants and beneficiaries.
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - Cobra
What to know…
Applies to employers with 20 or more employees who leave under certain circumstances. Qualified individuals are allowed to extend their coverage on a self pay basis for a period of 18 months to thirty six months after termination of employment. The length of time depends on the type of qualifying events that gave rise to the COBRA rights.
COBRA has numerous notice requirements on employers, plan administrators and covered employees.
Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
What should you know?
All employees are eligible. Protects employees health - insurance coverage when they change jobs, limits exclusions for preexisting conditions, and prohibits discrimination against employees and dependents based on their health status.
Mental Health Parity Act of (1996)
What should you know?
All employees are eligible. Provides for fairness and consistency between medical and surgical benefits and mental health benefits for all employees. Other words, group health care plans or insurers are required to offer the same annual or life time dollar limits on mental health benefits as they do for medical or surgical benefits.
In regards to employment and labor laws, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of (1988) was created to protects….
Employee or prospective employees.
Prohibits most private sector employers from directly or indirectly requiring an employee or prospective employee to take any lie detector test.
Employers may not discharge, discipline or discriminate against, or deny employment or promotion or threaten to take any legal action against any employee or prospective employee who refuses to take any lie-detector test.
Employee Polygraph Protection Act does permit polygraph testing of some job applicants based on the type of company (guards, security service)
Employee Polygraph Protection Act has stringent requirements for this type of testing.
In regards to the Employment and Labor Law - Required Department of Labor Posters are….
**Every employer regardless of the number of employees must post and maintain Department of Labor Posters in a prominent location.
Posters must include:
Families first Corona Virus response Act Paid Leave Notice.
*Fair Labor Standards Act and Minimum wage
*Equal Opportunity provisions of the law
*The Family and Medical Leave Act
*OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection requirements - The right to know.
* The Employee Polygraph Protection Act
*The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
*Right to join/ form unions and associations
*There are state workplace poster requirements as well.
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act if a relief veterinarian has a set schedule with your practice, but also continues to provide random relief shifts for other practices, are they considered an independent contractor?
No, they are not considered an independent contractor because of the set schedule.
When it comes to the employment of minors, which age group can only work 3 hours per day during school days and 8 hours a day on non schools days? They also cannot begin work prior to 7am.
A) 14-15 year olds
B) 14 -16 year olds
C) Any employee under 17 years of age.
A) 14 - 15 year olds.
___________ occurs when submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting the individual (applies to protected classes as much as it does gender.
A) Equal exchange burden
B) Quid Pro Quo
C) Tit for Tat
B) Quid Pro Quo
Who enforces the federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination?
A) The Fair Labor Standards Act
B) The Civil Rights Act
C) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - Enforces laws that make discrimination illegal in the workplace.
The Fair Labor Standards Act - Is a United States labor law that creates the right to minimum wage, and “time-and-a-half” overtime pay when people work over forty hours a week. It also prohibits employment of minors in “oppressive child labor”.
Explain Confidentiality -
The duty of keeping secret or private information pertaining to a patient’s health that was obtained during the formation of a diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis of the animal.
*Not all states specifically recognize veterinary - client - patient confidentiality but the ethical considerations remain the same whether state recognized or not.
The Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the AVMA (PVME) requires veterinarians to protect the personal privacy of clients and patients and not reveal confidences unless required by law or unless it becomes necessary to protect the health or welfare of other individuals or animals.
Although medical records are considered the property of the practice ; they are considered privileged and confidential and should not be released except by court order or consent of the patients owner.
Veterinarians should obtain their clients written or documented consent prior to releasing information or providing copies of records to other persons including other veterinarians. A simple consent to release medical information/ records is sufficient.
*In most states the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the AVMA (PVME) does NOT have the force of law.
In regards to Confidentiality and Medical Records, A clients consent to release patient information is not consent to release financial or personal identification information on the client.
Why is receiving authorization via a phone call a complicated situation?
Request for medical information via the phone can be a complicated situation because the caller’s identity cannot always be confirmed.
Some states require veterinarians to report animal abuse or neglect to :
Child protection/welfare authorities due to some studies suggesting a correlation between animal abuse and child abuse.
*States that have animal abuse reporting requirements will generally protect the reporting veterinarian from civil lawsuit or disciplinary action providing the report was made in good faith.
(This slide is in regards to global views of state confidentiality regulation’s)
For states that do have statues or regulations, the client, not the veterinarian, owns the confidentially and only the client can waive it.
States with such statues generally agree that these regulations do not apply if:
*The client or client’s agent consent to the release.
*The law requires disclosure
*An animals health is at stake
*A legal dispute has arisen such as malpractice or fee conflict
* A board investigation or disciplinary proceeding exits against the veterinarian or animal owner.
** There is suspected or actual abuse or neglect
*The veterinarian has been served with a subpoena or court order.
Employees should be instructed that they are not to discuss no confidences or patient information with any person other than;
*The client
*The clients agent
*The treating veterinarian
*Other employees involved in the patients care,
This applies even after an employee is no longer with the practice. Consider a written policy statement, signed by all employees and posted with other employee notices.
Employees or veterinarians who have left the employment of the practice ( voluntarily or voluntarily ) generally cannot take or copy, in whole or in part, any client / patient information such as client lists, patient files, etc. There are circumstances in which doing so may lead to a civil lawsuit and/or disciplinary action.
Departing or retiring shareholders, owners, or partners may be permitted to take client lists and information with them depending on what the agreements was with the company.
Patient / Client confidentiality and social media -
“Social media” includes all current platforms and any to be created.
A social media manager should be assigned to review all content prior to posting.
Managers need to be keenly aware of the potential confidentiality breaches in social media on both the practice and employee social media sites. Even the most well intentioned employee can create legal problems for the practice by posting unauthorized photos or confidential text on social media.
The practice cannot dictate what employees post on their own social media sites, but the practice can establish professional guidelines with disciplinary sequences when violated.
Managers need to have a detailed and written Social Media Policy that includes but is not limited to content related to confidentiality such as:
All social media posts on any of the practice websites are to be taken with a camera owned by the practice and never on a personal cell phone.
A separate personal cell phone policy that prohibits any and all recordings or photographing of clients, patients or fellow employees while on duty is suggested.
Only authorized personnel can post to the practice social medical sites.
All photos that contain any client or patient images or detailed text must have the clients pre-authorization to use.
A few more considerations when it comes to Social Media policy confidentiality content…
A statement that any employee conduct, including social media posts, that negatively affect the employees job performance, or the performance of team members, clients, patients, or distributors, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Inappropriate postings include, but are not limited to; discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats of violence, or unprofessional comments.
Various federal and states laws obligate businesses to protect sensitive information in our custody, and managers must make certain that they have a written policy and training program that safeguards client personal and financial information. Considerations:
*Perform regular criminal background checks on all employees.
*Limit keyed access to the building to only the personnel who must have keys.
*Computers with client information should be password protected.
*Shred all paper that contains personal or financial information prior to disposal.
Regularly train and update your employees on clinical security protocols:
*How to gather and store personal information.
*What can and cannot be discussed over the phone, internet, fax or to third parties.
*Instruct employees ants leaving client files or other information unattended where it could be by others.
*Keep staff phone lists, practice emergency numbers, and computer codes where they cannot be seen by the public.
Train employees on identification of various signals that should alert them to potential theft including:
*Inability to provide government issued photo ID
*Handwritten Credit Card Numbers instead of actual credit card.
*Does not resemble photo ID or personal information does not match that previously collected (Such as address or phone numbers).
*Presents altered or poorly copied or forged medical records (often times to obtain prescription medications).
Depending on the State, sharing confidential formation without prior client consent might not be permitted and may result in disciplinary action. This event includes sharing information with out consent with kennels, trainers, or other animal related professionals.
Unauthorized disclosure of information or records may lead to a client claiming invasion of privacy and / or breach of duty to maintain confidentiality.
In most states The Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the AVMA can actually be enforced by law.
A) True
B) False
B) False - the AVMA principles are based more on professional relationships one has with colleagues than moral and ethical issues relating to animals and they cannot be enforced by law as written.
Client confidentiality is a critical part of our profession, with that in mind, when is it considered acceptable for a member of the practice to take client lists and information with them when departing?
A) Never
B) When the maintain “Relief DVM” relationship with the practice.
C) It depends on what the agreement was with the practice.
A) It depends on what the agreement was with the practice.
Does the VHMA have a code of Ethics?
A) Yes.
B) No.
A.) Yes -
Which of the following are NOT acceptable contacts for employees to discuss client or patient confidences?
A) The client’s agent
B) A concerned co-worker
C) Co-workers involved in that patients care
B) A concerned co-worker.
What are the three main details the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was created to address?
1) Establishing a minimum wage
2) Define overtime pay standards
3) Regulate the employment of minors.
Can the owner of the practice, be held responsible for the discriminating actions or behaviors of their employee towards another employee?
Manager Jane Doe is relieved that her small practice of 18 employees is too small to be required to follow make accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should she be relieved? If so, why? If not, why?
No, she shouldn’t be relieved; any employer with 15 or more employees is required to follow the rules of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
When is comes to discrimination in general, what employment matters, aside from hiring, are included in anti- discrimination laws?
All employment decisions should be made without discriminatory intent or appearance. This includes wages, termination, advancement, discipline, ect..
Regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA); define and eligible part-time employees.
Someone who works twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or previous year.
Who pays the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax; employers, employees or both?
Employers. —> only the employer pays FUTA, it is not deducted from the employees wages.
Among other things, What Act also outlines reporting and disclosure obligations, minimum participation rules vesting and funding requirements fiduciary standards for employees who participate in qualified benefit programs (enforced by the department of labor)
ERISA - Employment Retirement Income Security Act.
Which of the following is not a required Labor Law Poster
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
Fair Labor Standards Act and Minimum Wage
The Family and Medical Leave Act
OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Requirements
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Right to Join/Form unions and associations
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is not a required labor law poster. This poster is regarding medical insurance.
Name at least 3 of the 6 potential exceptions to the client confidentiality statues.
1) The client or client’s agent consent to the release
2) The law requires disclosure
3) An animals health is at stake.
4) A legal dispute has arisen such as malpractice of fee conflict.
5). A board investigation or disciplinary proceeding exists against the veterinarian or animal owner.
6) There is suspected or actual abuse or neglect.
Employees are obligated to maintain client / patient confidentiality even after they have left the employment of the practice. True or False.
Employees can legitimately discuss client or patient information with that four people or positions?
*The client
*The client’s agent
*The treating veterinarian
*Other employees involved in the patients care
What entity requires veterinarians to protect the personal privacy of clients and patients and not reveal confidences unless required by law or unless it becomes necessary to protect the health or welfare of other individuals or animals?
The Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the AVMA (PVME)
What is considered a critical statement to include in your Social Media Policy in regards to employees posting confidential photos/videos/text on their personal social media sites?
A statement that any employee conduct, including social media posts, that negatively affects the employees job performance, or the performance of team members, clients, patients, or distributors, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Give an example of 2 questions that cannot be asked during an interview.
Any question that relates to age, marriage, children, or military status cannot be asked.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ?
the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was created to protect employees from unfair work practices.
What is the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA)?
the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA) was created to protect individuals that are enrolled in any armed forces branch. Military members cannot be discriminated against for their past or current service and have the right to return to the same position once they return from deployment.
What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ?
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to protect employees while on the job.
What posters are required to be displayed in a practice?
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Polygraph Protection Act, Family Medical and Leave Act (FMLA), Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
What is the benefit of developing an employee manual?
Employee personal manuals discuss all actions that are expected of employees and may list consequences associated with failure to comply.
What payroll taxes are employers possible for?
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Social Security (SS), Medicare are the taxes that employers must pay for each payroll period.
What is a contract employee?
A contract employee is one who is not employed by the practice, works their own established hours, and is not under the direction of any supervisor.
How many weeks does the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) cover an employee to take unpaid leave?
12 weeks,
Which Act requires employers to pay minimum wage and over time pay?
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
What does NCA stand for?
Noncompete Agreement
What does the abbreviation AD stand for?
Right Ear
AU = Both
AS = Left
AD = Right