Law and order Flashcards
initially, law and order is presented through… (ch1)
the boys’ excitement
initially, law and order is presented through…(ch1)
Jack’s control
initially, law and order is presented through…(ch1+ch3)
the use of routine
initially, law and order is presented through…(ch2)
introduction of rules
initially, law and order is presented through…(ch2+3)
the symbol of the conch
finish the quote : ‘a chief…
…a chief!’
finish the quote : ‘vote…
…for chief’
finish the quote : ‘let’s have…
…a vote’
complete the quote : ‘…of voting’
‘this toy…
finish the quote : ‘marching…
…approximately in step’
finish the quote : ‘two…
…parallel lines’
finish the quote : ‘he shouted an…
finish the quote : ‘choir!..
..stand still’
finish the quote : ‘twice…
…a day’
finish the quote : ‘every…
finish the quote : ‘we ought to have…
…more rules’
finish the quote : ‘we’ll have…
finish the quote : ‘I’ll give him…
…the conch’
finish the quote : ‘hands…
finish the quote : ‘like at..
finish the quote : ‘after all
…we’re not savages’
finish the quote : ‘we’re..
finish the quote : ‘where the conch is..
…that’s a meeting’
finish the quote : ‘Ralph lifted…
…the conch from his lap’