Law and Admin Flashcards
What are some changes the QP needs to be aware of?
Windsor Framework
Supply chain for Northern Ireland
Medicinal products intended for the UK market (including NI) must: (i) be authorized by the MHRA; and (ii) bear a clear “UK only” label, which may be placed anywhere on the pack.
Effective from 1 January 2025
What are the legal duties of a QP
Defined in HMR (SI2012:19196) schedule 7 part 3
- each batch of medicinal products manufactured checked in accordance with national regulations
- Each batch has undergone a full qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of all the active substances, all other tests or checks necessary to ensure the quality of medicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the MA
- Certification is recorded in a register or equivalent document.
Difference between legal duties for UK and EU QP
EU QP complies with 2001/83
Also includes safety features
What countries does the UK have an MRA with?
UK MRA’s are:
New Zealand
United States of America
Which products does the MRA not apply to?
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Medicinal products derived from human blood or blood plasma
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Medicinal gases
Homeopathic products
Medicinal products derived from human blood or blood plasma
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Medicinal gases
Medicinal products derived from human blood or blood plasma
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
New Zealand
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
United States of America
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Medicinal products derived from human blood or blood plasma
What do you know about the International Recognition Procedure?
It is effective from 01 Jan 2024,
New licensing route for medicines (pre and post authorisation procedures) allows the MHRA to conduct targeted assessments by recognising approvals from trusted partner agencies.
Approved Reference Regulators are Australia, Canada, European Commission, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore and the USA
Recognition A and B (different timelines). B is for: ATMP, First-in-class new active substance, Incorporates novel or cutting-edge technologies, Fractionated plasma product
Where can the Routine duties be found. Can you state them?
Annex 16
- All activities associated with manufacture and testing of the medicinal product have been conducted in accordance with the principles and
guidelines of GMP. - The entire supply chain of the active substance and medicinal product up to the stage of certification is documented and available for the QP. This should include the manufacturing sites of the starting materials and packaging materials for the medicinal product and any other materials
deemed critical through a risk assessment of the manufacturing process. - All audits of sites involved in the manufacture and the testing of the been carried out and that the audit reports are available.
- All sites of manufacture, analysis and certification are compliant with the terms of the MA for the intended territory.
- All manufacturing activities and testing activities are consistent with those described in the MA.
- The source and specifications of starting materials and packaging materials used in the batch are compliant with the MA.
- Active substances manufactured in accordance with GMP and distributed in accordance with GDP
- Importation of AS comply with the requirements of Article 46(b) of Directive 2001/83/EC.
- Excipients have been manufactured in accordance with GMP.
- TSE status known and compliant with MA
- All records are complete and endorsed by appropriate personnel. All
required in-process controls and checks have been made. - All manufacturing and testing processes remain in the validated state.
Personnel are trained and qualified as appropriate. - Finished product quality control (QC) test data complies with the Finished
Product Specification described in the MA, or where authorised, the Real
Time Release Testing programme. - Post-marketing commitments relating to on-going stability data continues to support certification.
- Change impact evaluated and additional checks and tests are complete.
- Investigations to batch certification including OOS and OOT.
- Complaints, investigations or recalls do not negate conditions for certification.
- Required TA’s in place.
- SI programme is active and current.
- Distribution and shipment arrangements are in place.
- Safety features have been affixed to the packaging.
What are the legal duties of an IMP QP?
SI 2004:1031 Part 6 Section 43
EU regulation 536/2014 and Regulation 2017/1569
- Manufactured and assembled to GMP, PSF and appropriate authorisations,
- import from outside the EU/EEA then it is made to GMP equivalent to UK GMP
- testing carried out to comply with PSF
- Certify and document in a register or equivalent
What are the legal duties of a QP for Veterinary Products?
SI 2013:2033 Schedule 2 Part 1 Section 11
EU regulation 2019/6
- Manufactured and assembled to GMP, and marketing authorisation
- import from the EU/EEA to carry out full qualitative analysis, quantitive of actives, other tests show compliance to MA
- Where MRA applies, accept on CofA.
- Certification on a control report
What are the different types of variations?
Type 1 - prior approval not required
- 1A - submit within 12 month of change
- 1AIN - notify immediately after implementation
Type 2 - prior approval required
Type 1B - neither type 1A or 2
Updates to legislation a QP needs to be aware of
EU - CT Regs
Name the countries approved for import by the MHRA
Regulation 18A of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 will allow importation of human medicines into Great Britain under a UK wholesale dealer’s licence from the following countries, provided that the UK wholesale dealer confirms that each batch has been certified by a Qualified Person (QP) in a listed country
EU countries, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
What are the safety features?….Are they required for all products?…What about IMPs
Directive 2011/62/EU (FMD) introduced requirement for all prescription medicinal to have safety features. - to enable verification of individual packs - tamper evidence seals of outer packaging.
Delegated regulation 2016/161 (to apply from Feb 2019).
Safety features required for the sale, distribution and supply of products:
- 2D barcode, and human readable format containing the following:
1. Product Code – Name, common name, pharmaceutical form, strength, pack size and type
2. Serial Number – numeric or alphabetic – must be randomised and comprise a max of 20 characters
3. National Reimbursement Number (if present)
4. Batch Number and Expiry Date
- Tamper-evident device
European Medicines Verification System <EMVS> to allow verification of authenticity by Wholesalers & distributers. verified and decommissioned before being dispensed. High risk also verified at the wholesaler.</EMVS>
Required for prescription but some exceptions e.g. Homeopathic, ATMPs, Radiopharmaceuticals, Medicinal gases, Electrolyts
Not required for non prescription, unless in the annex (omeprazole, also national CAs can add)
Not required for IMP but tamper evidence is required anyway and the IRT (interactive Response Tech) tracks.
You have an API manufactured and tested in India, Drug Product Manufactured and Tested in the US, Imported into Germany, QP in the UK
- Licences for all Sites (MIA in EU and MA), Check GMP certificates of API+DP manufacturer, API QP dec, Excipient risk assessment
- Import: DP import testing (if it’s not on the MRA), API cert of conformity (not required as not being imported to EU)
- Supply chain: mapped and risk assessed
- Audits: manu & test of DP and manu of API (conf distribution and storage arrangements)
- Reference: (at manu site or import testing site) and retention (at QP release site) samples
- Stability: does not NEED to be in the EU
- Batch release: per annex 16
- QTA: Details above , including QP shared responsibilities.
What is the regulatory basis for the QP?
Directive 2001/83/EC: (41 and 48) : MAH must have at least one QP, (49) qualifications/practical experience, (50) ‘transitional’ QPs who acted as a QP pre 20 May 1975, (51) legal responsibilities, (52) MS ensures duties of the QP are fulfilled. Directive 2001/83/EC needs to be transposed into National Law of each MS.
SI: 2012-No.1916 (17 parts and 35 schedules). Most relevant parts for the QP are Schedule 7: QP: educational requirements, experience and responsibilities
What is a directive?
Unlike regulations, Directives are interpreted into national laws (S.I. in the UK)
How are the regulations transposed into UK law?
Regulations have binding legal force throughout every Member State and enter into force on a set date.
What information is contained in a PSF?
EU GMP Volume 4 Annex 13:
A Product Specification File is a file containing or referring to all info needed to draft the instructions on: processing, packaging, QC, batch release and shipping of an IMP.
PSF is continually updated through development (with version control). Includes the following, at a minimum:
- Protocol
- Randomisation codes
- Approved label copy
- Manufacturing methods
- Specs and test methods for starting materials, packaging materials, Intermediate, bulk and finished product
- Stability data
- Storage and shipping conditions
What changes to EU GMP guidance does the QP need to be aware of?
Annex 1: (PC Dani 5)
- PUPSIT will stay
- CCI expectation is 6 monthly to annual CCI checks (some MS require all batches)
- Distilation is no longer the only process for WFI production
- Align with PIC/S - i.e. there was US involvement
- New technology (isolators/RABS must be used)
- ICHQ9 and Q10 principles incorporated
- 5um particle monitoring in qualification of cleanroom not required
Annex 15: refers to the EMA guidance regarding a full toxicological assessment to derive a safe HBEL. A subsequent Q+A (2016) introduces the concept of “non highly hazardous” products which considers the 1/1000th minimum therapeutic dose approach as sufficiently conservative.
Annex 17: to become real time release
This will no longer only relate to Sterility testing - based on risk
Annex 21- Importers of Medicinal Products
To clarify requirements re: sampling and testing of imported products. (Physical and FISCAL importation)
Published as Vol 4 Part 4.
EP for Water for Injection (WFI)
EP for WFI revised, allowing Osmosis
What are the legal duties of the PVQP?
This was changed by amending Dir 2010/84/EU, The only QP PV info included in 2001/83/EC is:
- needs to be permanently available 24/7 and contact should be available to the CAs
- shall reside and operate in the EU
- shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the pharmacovigilance system.
Further duties detailed in the Guidelines on Good PV Practices (GVP) and Eudralex volume 9, such as:
- Pharmacovigilance System master file (PSMF)
- Back up
- Safety profiles, Concerns and commitments relating to safe use
- Submit Data for PV correctly , and prompt response to requests
What is the difference between PIC and PIC/S?
PIC (founded 1970): The Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention - a legal agreement between reg authorities of countries with treaty status (for human or veterinary use).
PIC/S: The Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (founded 1995) - An informal extension of PIC (49 authorities world wide - EU countries, north american countries, Australasian and some asian, some south america and south africa - detailed on PIC/S website……), as EU law did not allow individual EU countries to sign agreements with other non EU PIC countries. only the commission could sign agreements and they arn’t a member of PIC.
What are the responsibilities of an RP
2013/C 343/01 requires wholesale dealers to appoint a Responsible Person (RP) for GDP and details the requirements.
Responsibilities are detailed, such as
- ensuring a quality management system is implemented and maintained;
- training programmes are implemented and maintained;
- coordinating and promptly performing any recall operations and customer complaints are dealt with effectively;
describe the FMD and discuss the relevant sections?
The Falsified Medicines Directive is to protect the public from falsified medicines.
- Safety features
- GMP for Actives
- Risk assessments for Excipients
- GDP for Actives and DP
- Sales at a distance
Do the MHRA publish guidelines – are you aware of any?
The orange guide - GMP
The green guide - GDP
The grey guide - GCP
The purple guide - Pharmacovigelence
Based on the Eudralex.
Also publish their own guidance, for example:
- MHRA GMP Data Integrity Guidance for Industry Draft version for consultation July 2016
- Out of Specification Guidance 2017
- Borderline products
How are the MHRA and ICH related?
The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) brings together:
- regulatory authorities
- pharmaceutical industry
to discuss scientific and technical aspects of drug registration.
Describe the key aspects of pharmacovigilance system
The summary of the pharmacovigilance system should be provided in Module 1.8.1
- proof of QPPV (Contact details of QPPV)
- MS where QPPV resides and operates
- Responsibilities listed in 2001/83/EC, Title IX (Parmacovigelence) eg trending / safety updates
- Reference to location of pharmacovigilance system master file (PSMF)
How could QP monitor that delegated duties were operating correctly?
Quality councils, Reach out sessions, Quality Management Review Meetings, QA department review meetings, Self inspections, Deviation & Root cause monitoring, Corporate Quality KPI/metrics, PQRs
How would you launch a new product and submit an MAA?
Follow all the relevant ICH guidelines and Eudralex volume 4 guidelines during development and in setting up for commercial manufacture/ testing. Also follow EMA preauthorisation guidance Q&A
* decentralised procedure (DCP) : > 1 MS - Reference and conscerned MS review
* mutual recognition procedure if already authorised in a MS - (National is reference MS and need a conscerned)
* national procedure if you want to market a medicine only one MS
* centralised procedure to EU - submit to EMA - Reference and conscerned MS review
To do evaluations, The EMA have access to committees eg - Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) and the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT). Timing applications appropriately enables the working plan to be as efficient as possible.
What is the role of the RPi?
What is the role of the DMRC?
Defective Medicines Report Centre
minimise the hazard to patients arising from the distribution of defective medicines by providing an emergency assessment and communication system between manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, pharmacies, regulatory authorities and users.
You have 4 QPs on site and they cannot agree to the batch disposition on one batch which has an issue, what do you do?
What are recent regulatory updates for UK and EU? What is NIMAR and Northern Ireland protocol?
What are the two laws governing UK medicines?
HMR SI 2012:1916
What is 536/2014? From the new detailed commission guideline (new Annex 13) what are the principles UK decided to adopt?
What is the content of PSF and IMPD?
How are vaccines released in UK ? What is role of NIBSC ?
Who is RPI? How is he/she different to RP role?
What are the changes to Annex 1? What is Contamination control strategy?
API site is moving from UK to India. Finished product site is moving from UK to South Africa. What documents would you require and how would you manage this change?
You mentioned ‘Approved Country’s’ what are these?
White List for the UK
- Brazil
- Israel
- Switzerland
- Korea
- Austraulia
- Japan
Commercial EU & UK product moving their manufacturing & testing plant from Romina to Egypt.
- Where would the testing facility need to be located for EU and UK QP certification (I think they wanted me to demonstrate that importation testing performed in the EU doesn’t need to be repeated in the UK)
What can you tell me about Brexit from a QP perspective?
What can you tell me about COVID from a QP perspective? Have you heard of regulation 174?
What are the differences to certification process for blood derived products or vaccines?
Batches of biological medicines require national certification before they can be placed onto the Great Britain market.
Great Britain will carry out its own independent certification of batches of biological medicines at the NIBSC.
The expectation is that the NIBSC will independently test and certify batches that are to be used exclusively in the UK.
Exception: batches that were manufactured and certified by a country with whom the UK has a relevant Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). UK will have an MRA in place to cover batches manufactured and released in Switzerland or Israel.
Vaccine made and packed in USA, certified in GB. Concerns? What needs to be in place for QP. What if they want to speed things up and send samples separate to batch?
Tell me about recent legislative changes impacting the UK
IRP - International Recognition Procedure
Effective as of 01 Jan 2024
Licensing route using reference regulators (EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland,, Singapore, USA)
Windsor Framework
Approval of medicines for the whole UK market, including NI
Pack must include ‘UK only’
implementation 01 Jan 2025
Changes in guidance?
ICH Q2 - Validation of Methods
ICH Q14 - Analytical Method development
changes around stability indicating properties, using performance charateristics for different techniques, covering QbD
When does the Windsor Framework apply from?
01 January 2025
What are the requirements of the Windsor Framework?
- GB (including NI) will be governed by the MHRA
- UK only labelling
When does the ‘UK only’ labelling have to be applied by?
01 January 2025, stickering is acceptable until 30 Jun 2025
A monoclonal antibody bulk is manufactured in China. It is then imported into GB for filling,
testing and packing. It is then distributed to GB, Northern Ireland and the EU, amongst
other markets.
What are the regulatory requirements?
What would you expect as a QP?
- GMP certificate from China RA
- MIA for mfr
- MA of the product
- UK test laboratory
UK Distribution
EU distribution
- MIA - recertify product, EU test laboratory
for China API
- Tech agreement
- Sampling agreements
- Certificate of Confirmation (not on white list)
- Audit of site + QP Dec
- NIBSC confirmation of testing
- TSE/BSE certificate
- Approved supply chain
What is the latest guidance on Nitrosamines
Working group for ICH M7 addendum assembled for harmonised acceptable intake limits
Describe a new regulation that has been introduced in the EU
Substances of Human Origin (Regulation2024/1938). Replaces the blood and tissue and cells directive. Due to be implemented 7 August 2027.
The regulation defines SoHOs as “any substance collected from the human body, whether it contains cells or not and whether those cells are living or not, including SoHO preparations resulting from the processing of such substance”.
Describe the QP oversight process
For import of medicinal products for a clinical trial from ‘approved country for import’ require an MIA(IMP)
Assurance system to check these IMPs have been certified by a QP in a listed country, before release to the trial. Overseen by a QP in the UK - but does not require recertification.
IMPs coming to Great Britain from Northern Ireland do not require this additional oversight when:
- QP certified IMPs are supplied from the EU/EEA for use at Northern Ireland clinical trial sites and are then onward supplied to Great Britain
- IMPs are QP certified by a Northern Ireland MIA(IMP) holder
IMPs are not made available for use in Great Britain clinical trial sites until appropriate QP certification in a listed country has been verified by the QP named on the UK MIA(IMP)
the clinical trial is authorised by the MHRA before IMP is made available to the Investigator