Lavarsi [lavato, lavandosi] Flashcards
Lavarse - to wash oneself
I wash (myself)
mi lavo
you (familiar) wash (yourself)
ti lavi
he washes (himself)
si lava
we wash (ourselves)
ci laviamo
you (plural) wash (yourselves)
vi lavate
they wash (themselves)
si lavano
I would wash (myself) (in the past, regularly)
mi lavavo
you (familiar) would wash (yourself) (in the past, regularly)
ti lavavi
he would wash (himself) (in the past, regularly)
si lavava
we would wash (ourselves) (in the past, regularly)
ci lavavamo
you (plural) would wash (yourselves) (in the past, regularly)
vi lavavate
they would wash (themselves) (in the past, regularly)
si lavavano
I will wash (myself)
mi laverò
you (familiar) will wash (yourself)
ti laverai
he will wash (himself)
si laverà
we will wash (ourselves)
ci laveremo
you (plural) will wash (yourselves)
vi laverete
they will wash (themselves)
si laveranno
I washed (myself)
mi lavai
you (familiar) washed (yourself)
ti lavasti
he washed (himself)
si lavò
we washed (ourselves)
ci lavammo
you (plural) washed (yourselves)
vi lavaste
they washed (themselves)
si lavarono
I would wash (myself)
mi laverei
you (familiar) would wash (yourself)
ti laveresti
he would wash (himself)
si laverebbe
we would wash (ourselves)
ci laveremmo
you (plural) would wash (yourselves)
vi lavereste
they would wash (themselves)
si laverebbero
..that I wash (myself)
..che io mi lavi
..that you (familiar) wash (yourself)
..che tu ti lavi
..that he wash (himself)
..che Lei/lui/lei si lavi
..that we wash (ourselves)
..che noi ci laviamo
..that you (plural) wash (yourselves)
..che voi vi laviate
..that they wash (themselves)
..che loro si lavino
..that I washed (myself)
..che io mi lavassi
..that you (familiar) washed (yourself)
..che tu ti lavassi
..that he washed (himself)
..che Lei/lui/lei si lavasse
..that we washed (ourselves)
..che noi ci lavassimo
..that you (plural) washed (yourselves)
..che voi vi lavaste
..that they washed (themselves)
..che loro si lavassero