Lattin Phrases Flashcards
Anno Domini
in the year of our Lord
Ante Meridiem
Before noon
Deo Volente
God willing
et alia
and other things
et cetera
and the rest
exempli gratia
for example
in that same place
id est
that is
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
Infra dignitatem
beneath one’s dignity
Nemine contradicente
no one contradicting
Nota Bene
note well
opus citatum
the work previously cited
Post Meridiem
After noon
Post Scriptum
Written afterwards
Pro et contra
For and against
Pro tempore
For the time being
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Which was to be demonstrated
Quod vide
Which see
Requiescat In Pace
May he rest in peace
Senatus Populusque Romanus
The Senate and the Roman People
Verbum sat sapienti
A word to the wise is sufficient
Alma Mater
Foster mother, nurse
Foster child, nurseling
Ante Bellum
Before the war
Ars longa, vita brevis
Art is long, life short
Bona fide
In good faith
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Casus belli
An occasion of war
Ceteris Paribus
All other things being equal
De jure
On the basis of right, legally
De minimis non curat lex
The law does not care about the smallest things
De mortuis nil nisi bonum
(Say) nothing but good of the dead
De novo
Deo volente
God willing
Dies Irae
Day of wrath (Judgment Day)
Dominus vobiscum
The Lord be with you
Dramatis Personae
Masks of the drama, (Characters in the play)
E pluribus unum
One from many
Ignis Fatuus
Foolish fire
In esse
In being
In extremis
Among the last things, (At the point of death)
In flagrante Delicto
While the crime is blazing, [(Caught) in the act]
In hoc signo vinces
In this sign you will conquer
In loco parentis
In the place of a parent
Inter alia
Among other things
Ipse dixit
He himself said so
Ipso factor
By that very fact
Iapsus calami
A slip of the pen
Iapsus linguae
A slip of the tongue
Mens sana in corpore sano
A sound mind in a sound body
Trifles, minor details
Mirabile dictu
Amazing to say
Modue operandi
Method of working
Nos Sequitur
It does not follow
Nunc dimittis
Now lettest thou depart
O tempora! O mores!
Oh, the times! Oh, The customs!
Obite dictum
Said by the way
Opus citatum
The word previously cited
Per capita
By heads, (For each individual)
Per diem
By the day, each day
Per se
In itself, intrinsically
Pons asinorum
Bridge of donkeys
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
After this, therefore because of this
Quid pro quo
Something for something
Rara avis
A rare bird
Sub rosa
Under the rose, (Secretly, privately)
Sui generis
Of its own kind (and no other),(Unique)
Summa cum laude
With highest praise
Summum bonum
The highest good
Vice versa
The order having changed, (Conversely)
Viva voce
By the living voice, (Orally)
May he live, (Long live)
Vox Populi
The voice of the people