Latrina Flashcards
Mass one side feels hard, irregular, immobile, located tail of spence, skin color peud orange (resembles orange peel), dimpling retraction, painless, bloody nipple discharge,
Dx - order mammogram, refer to breast surgeon
Dominant breast/breast cancer
Chronic red scaly rash resembling eczema starts on nipple and spreads to areola, itching, pain, burning sensation, skin lesion enlarges includes crusting, ulceration and bleeding at the nipple.
Paget’s disease of the breast
Recent or acute onset red swollen warm area in breast of younger woman, mimics mastitis, no lump, may pit, turn orange, appear bruised, rare but aggressive breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer
Engorged and painful breasts symptoms 2 weeks before menses and at worst before cycle, resolves after menses Dx - multiple, mobile rubbery cystic masses on both breasts, Tx - stop caffeine, take vitamin E, IS IT “NORMAL IN AGING/ELDERLY”
Fibrocystic breast
Family history is high risk, Men are higher risk,
Tx - patient positive referred to breast specialist, MRI and mammogram, high risk in Jews, refer to counseling and mutation testing
BRCA1/2 associated hereditary breast/ovarian Cancer
Palpate ovary in 1-year post-menopausal woman
Ovarian cancer
Include family history, Jewish descent, BRCA1/2 mutation, lynch syndrome, breast cancer, >55 age, endometriosis, first child at age 30, nulliparity(never completed pregnancy past 20 weeks)
Ovarian cancer risk factors
Pelvic exam, transvaginal US, biopsy, intravaginal US, CA124
Ovarian cancer Dx
chemotherapy, referral surgical oncology eval and treatment
Ovarian cancer Tx
Begins at 21 and every three years till 30 then every 5 years
Pap testing
- Recommends at age 30 with HPV testing to every 5 years, - - HIV positive women
can screen before 21 years of age, stop PAP screening at 65
Is a device used like a scalpel cut thru cervix to treat cervical cancer.
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
KOH aids in diagnosing fungal infections hair, nails and skin, KOH works by causing lysis of the squamous cell which makes it easier to see the hyphae and spores, vaginal specimens do not require KOH.
Potassium hydroxide slide
Test for BV, fish odor is released after dropping KOH on slide
Whiff test
hormone abnormality marked by anovulation, infertility
excessive androgen production and insulin resistance
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
High risk for type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, endometrial hyperplasia, obesity and cancer, infertility, sleep apnea, hirsutism, acne, amenorrhea
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
High Risk
High risk for endometrial cancer
Dx - transvaginal US, testosterone, FSH, fasting glucose.
Tx - low dose contraceptives, spiraladactone for hirsutism, metformin
Post menopause with bleed/PCOS
DEXA >-2.5
-1.5 to -2.4
Vaginal and urinary tract infections screened for diabetes
Persistent infection
Responsible for dysmenorrhea