Latin Verbs Term 1 Flashcards
Adsum| Adesse| Adfui
To be present
Ago| Agere| Egi
To act
Amitto| Amittere| Amisi
To lose
Amo| Amare| Amavi
To love
Audio| Audire| Audivi
To hear, listen to
Aufero| Auferre| Abstuli
To take away
Capio| Capere| Cepi
To take, capture
Caveo| Cavere| Cavi
To be wary
Celo| Celare| Celavi
To hide
Clamo| Clamare| Clamavi
To shout
Cogito| Cogitare| Cogitavi
To ponder, refelct, consider
Cognosco| Cognoscere| Cognovi
To get to know, examine
Coquo| Coquere| Coxi
To cook
Credo| Credere| Creddidi
To believe
Curo| Curare| Curavi
To look after, care for
Decipio| Decipere| Decepi
To decieve
Deduco| Deducere| Deduxi
To lead away
Defendo| Defendere| Defendi
To defend
Deleo| Delere| Delevi
To destroy
Dico| Dicere| Dixi
To speak, say
Do| Dare| Dedi
To give
Dormio| Dormire| Dormivi
To sleep
Duco| Ducere| Duxi
To lead
Eo| Ire| Ii
To go
Explico| Explicare| Explicavi
To tell, explain
Facio| Facere| Feci
To make, do
Fero| Ferre| Tuli
To bear
Fugio| Fugere| Fugi
To escape
Gero| Gerere| Gessi
To do, act, wage
Habeo| Habere| Habui
To have
Habito| Habitare| Habitavi
To dwell
Inspicio| Inspicere| Inspexi
To look into; inspect, examine
Intro| Intrare| Intravi
To enter
Invenio| Invenire| Inveni
To find
Irrideo| Irridere| Irrisi
To laugh at
Jubeo| Jubere| Jussi
To order, command, tell
Malo| Malle| Malui
To prefer
Maneo| Manere| Mansi
To remain, wait
Mitto| Mittere| Misi
To send
Moneo| Monere| Monui
To advise, warn
Neco| Necare| Necavi
To kill
Nescio| Nescire| Nescivi
To not know, be ignorant
Nolo| Nolle| Nolui
To be unwilling
Nuntio| Nuntiare| Nuntiavi
To announce, report
Opprimo| Opprimere| Oppressi
To suppress; crush; surprise, catch
Ostendo| Ostendere| Ostendi
To show
Perficio| Perficere| Perfeci
To finish, complete; carry out
Pergo| Pergere| Perrexi
To proceed, continue
Porto| Portare| Portavi
To carry
Posco| Poscere| Poposci
To demand
Possideo| Possidere| Posedi
To have, hold, possess
Possum| Posse| Potui
To be able
Promitto| Promittere| Promisi
To promise
Pugno| Pugnare| Pugnavi
To fight
Reddo| Reddere| Reddidi
To return
Respondeo| Respondere| Respondi
To reply
Rogo| Rogare| Rogavi
To ask
Scio| Scire| Scivi
To know
Servo| Servare| Servavi
To save, keep
Sino| Sinere| Sivi
To allow, permit
Solvo| Solvere| Solvi
To release
Sto| Stare| Steti
To stand
Sum| Esse| Fui
To be
Supplico| Supplicare| Supplicavi
To make prayers (to)
Taceo| Tacere| Tacui
To be silent
Tango| Tangere| Tetigi
To touch
Timeo| Timere| Timui
To fear, be afraid (of)
Verbero| Verberare| Verberavi
To flog, beat
Vexo| Vexare| Vexavi
To annoy, trouble, worry
Video| Videre| Vidi
To see
Vincio| Vincire| Vinxi
To bind
Vinco| Vincere| Vici
To conquer
Voco| Vocare| Vocavi
To call
Volo| Velle| Volui
To wish