Latin Verbs First 100 Flashcards
abeo, abire, abii, abitus
to go from, go away, go off, go forth, go, depart
abicio, abicere, abieci, abiectus
to throw from, cast away, throw away, throw down
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus
to be away from, be absent (in general)
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus
to go to, come to, come near, draw near, approach, enter
accido, accidere, accidit
to happen, fall upon, fall to, reach by falling
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus
to take without effort, receive, get, accept
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatus
to call to account, make complaint against, reproach, blame, accuse
acuo, acuere, acui, acutus
to sharpen, point, make sharp, encourage, practice
addo, addere, addidi, addidtus
to place upon, lay on, join, attach, add
adeo, adire, adii, aditus
to approach, submit a cause (to a referee)
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus
to furnish, apply, summon, hold toward, turn to, add to
adicio, adicere, adieci, adiectus
to throw toward, cast to, fling at, put to, put, set near
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus
to take away, take from, deprive of
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum
to come up with, arrive at, attain, obtain, reach, overtake
adolesco, adolescere, adolevi, adultus
to advance, to grow up / to burn, blaze upon, flame
aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatus
to make equal, level / to be equal, level
aestuo, aestuare, aestuavi, aestuatus
to be hot, heave, rage, burn
affero, afferre, attuli, allatus
to bring to, report, drive
affligo, affligere, afflixi, afflictus
to strike, ruin, lessen, strike down/dash to the Earth
affor, affari, affatus sum
to speak to, address
aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum
to attack, act, approach
ago, agere, egi, actus
to do, drive, lead, act, conduct, move, tend to, put in motion
to say, to affirm
alo, alere, alui, altus
to feed, nourish, support, sustain, maintain, cherish
ambio, ambire, ambii, ambitus
to go around, go about, surround
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus
to walk, walk about, take a walk, navigate
amicio, amicere, amicui, amictus
to clothe, cover, conceal, veil, surround
amo, amare, amavi, amatus
to love, like
annuo, annuere, annui, annutus
to nod, give assent, at the first nod
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus
to uncover, open, lay bare
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus
to name
arbitror, abritrari, arbitratus sum
to testify on information, perceieve, think
arceo, arcere, arcui, arctus
to enclose, ward off, protect, shut up
ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsus
to blaze, burn, be on fire, glow
armo, armare, armavi, armatus
to equip, arm, furnish with weapons
ascendo, ascendere, ascendii, ascensus
to mount, climb, scale, go up, ascend, rise
aspergo, aspergere, aspersi, aspersu
to scatter, sprinkle
attollo, attollere
to raise, raise up, elevate, lift up
audeo, audere, ausus sum
to dare, risk, venture
audio, audire, audii, auditus
to hear
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus
to take away, bare off, carry off, withdraw, remove
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus
to increase, enlarge, extend, spread, augment
bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitus
to drink
cado, cadere, cecidi, casus
to fall, fall down, descend
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesus
to cut, cut down, cut off, chop up, kill
caleo, calere, calui
to be warm, hot, glow
cano, canere, cecini, contus
to sing, utter in melody, make music, play musically
capio, capere, cepi, ceptus
to seize, take, take hold of, grasp
careo, carere, carui, caritus
to be without, free from, destitue of
carpo, capere, carpsi, carptus
to pluck, pluck off, crop, cull, gather
caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus
to beware, be on guard, take care, avoid
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessus
to go from, go away, depart, retire, remove, yield
celo, celare, celavi, celatus
to hide from, conceal from, be ignorant of
censeo, censere, censui, census
to tax, assess, rate, estimate
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus
to separate, part, shift, distinguish, understand, decide
certo, certare, certavi, certatus
to struggle, vie with, fight, contend, combat, do battle, vie
cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatus
to stop, loiter, cease from, give over, remiss
cieo, ciere, civi, citus
to set in motion, cause to go, move, drive, stir
cingo, cingere, cinxi, cinctus
to encircle, encompass, surround, wreathe, go around
circueo, circuire, circuii, circuitus
to go around, travel around, solicit
circumfero, circumferrere, circumtuli, circumlatus
to carry around, disseminate
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus
to shout, cry out, call, complain
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausis
to close, shut / to limp
coeo, coire, coii, coitus
to go together, meet, assemble, collect, unite
coepi, coepisse, coeptus
to begin, commence
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus
to become acquainted with, learn, learn of, perceive, understand
colo, colere, colui, cultus
to till, tend, care for, cultivate, cherish
comedo, comesse, comedi, comesus
to devour, eat up
comito, comitare, comitavi, comitatus
to accompany, attend, follow
commendo, commendare, commendavi, commendatus
to entrust, confide, deposit with, commit for protection
complector, complecti, complexus sum
to clasp, embrace, grasp, surround
concino, concinere, concinui
to sound in concert, sing harmoniously, harmonize
condo, condere, condidi, conditus
to found, establish, build, settle, put together, hide
confero, conferre, contuli, collatus
to bring together, collect, gather, unite, be useful
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus
to complete, accomplish, execute, consummate, fulfil, prepare, make
confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum
to confess, avow, concede, grant, acknowledge
confringo, confringere, confregi, confractus
to break, break in pieces, shatter
conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectus
to throw together, unite, collect, foretell, hurl
conor, conari, conatus sum
to try, endeavor, attempt, undertake, venture, seek, begin, make trial of
consecro, consecrare, consecravi, consecrsatus
to dedicate, devote, offer as sacred, consecrate, deify
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus
to put, place, set, station, decide, determine
consulo, consulere, consului, consultus
to deliberate, take counsel, consult, reflect, take care, look out
contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemtus
to despise, disdain, defy, value little, disregard
contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus
to hasten, stretch, bend, draw tight, strain, fight
contineo, continere, continui, contentus
to hold together, restrain, contain, comprise, enclose, surround
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactus
to touch, reach, take hold of, seize
contundo, contundere, contudi, contusus
to beat, bruise, grind, crush, pound, break to pieces
coquo, coquere, coxi, coctus
to cook, prepare food, bake, boil, roast, parch, heat, melt
credo, credere, credidi, creditus
to believe, entrust to, confide in / to lend to
creo, creare, creavi, creatus
to make, create, beget, produce, give origin to, bring forth
crepo, crepare, crepui, crepitus
To rattle, crack, creak, rustle, clatter, tinkle, jingle, chink
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus
to spring up, grow larger, come into being, increase
crucio, cruciare, cruciavi, cruciatus
to torture, to crucify, to put to the rack
cubo, cubare, cubui, cubitus
to lie down, recline, sleep
cunctor, cunctari, cunctatus, sum
to delay, linger, loiter, hesitate, doubt
cupio, cupere, cupii, cupitus
to desire, wish, long for
curo, curare, curavi, curatus
to care for, take pains with, attend to, regard
curro, currere, cucurri, cursus
to run
custodio, custodire, custodii, custoditus
to guard
debeo, debere, debui, debitus
to ought, owe