Latin Suffixes that Make nouns and Adjectives Flashcards
We won't be tested on part of speech- just know the endings and what they mean)
Having the characteristic of, belonging to
-al, -ial; -an, -ian; -ar, -ary
having the characteristic of, belonging to
-il, -ile; -ine
full of, abounding in
-ose, -ous; -lent
office, group engaged in
quality of
-ity, -iety
abstract state or quality
-itude, ice, -mony, -y
place where
-arium (aquarium)
one who believes in
-ist (theist)
an abstract belief in
Indicates Smallness or Familiarity
-cule, -el, -il, -ole, -ule
state of, quality of
means of, place of, result of
-ble, -men, -or, -cle
capable of being
-ble, ile
inclined to
-acious; uous-; -ulous, -id
indicates present participle
-nt; -nce or -ncy
he who
she who
act of, result of
that which is used for
-ory; -orium
given to
state of, result of, process of
capable of being