Latin Sayings Flashcards
pray and work
ora et labora
hello, teacher
salve, magistra
the mother of Italy-Rome
Mater Italiae-Roma
greetings, student
salvete, discipuli
my name is…
mihi nomen est
heaven and earth
caelum et terra
one out of many
e pluribus unum
what is your name?
quid est nomen tibi?
hello, friends of Latin
salvete amici Latinae
work conquers all
labor omnia vincit
my fault, I am guilty
mea culpa
in the year of the Lord
anno Domini, A.D.
how are you?
quid agis?
pretty well
satis bene
stand up
always faithful
semper fidelis
the senate and the people of Rome
senatus populusque Romanus
goodbye, students
valete, discipuli
wonder of the world
stupor mundi
Ever higher
ante bellum
before the war
Dominus Deus Sabaoth
Lord God of Hosts
Novus ordo seclorum
new order of the ages
nunc aut numquam
now or never
Veni, vidi, vici (said by Julius Caesar)
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Agnus, Dei, qui tollis peccata munti
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
Rident stolidi verba Latina
Fools laugh at the Latin language
Quo vadis?
Where are you going?