Latin Phrases Of Philosophy Flashcards
What does Ignoratio elenchi mean?
A logical fallacy which consists in apparently refuting an opponent while actually disproving something not asserted (missing the point)
A Priori Knowledge
Knowledge acquired independent of any particular experience (math, tautologies, deduction from pure reason)
Posteriori knowledge
Empirical experience based knowledge (I know the sun will set this evening because I have always seen it do so)
Prima facie
Latin for “at first look”; means that something has presented sufficient evidence to be accepted as true until proven otherwise
Momento Mori, momento vivere
Remember that you have to die, remember to live
Summum bonum
The highest/ultimate good
Nota bene
observe carefully or take special notice (Latin for note well)
Ad majorem dei gloriam
For the greater glory of god
Aliis laetus, sibi sapiens
Cheerful for others, wise for himself
Causa finalis
Final cause
Amor fati
Love of fate
Prefix: end, goal
Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor
I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way
Prima quæ vitam dedit hora, carpit
the hour that gives us life begins to take it away
Nascentes morimur
From the moment we are born, we begin to die