Latin Phrases Flashcards
Ab Initio
‘From the beginning’ - if a contract is void (say for mistake) ab initio, this has the consequences that no innocent third parties can acquire rights under any subsequent contract (Bell v Lever Bros 1932)
Actus Reus
‘A guilty act’
Ad referendum
‘Subject to reference’ - denoting to a contract that is subject to agreement by other parties and finalisation of the details
Alieni Juris
‘Of another’s right’ - Describing the status of a person who is not of full age and capacity
Amicus Curiae
‘friend of the court’ - A non-party who gives evidence before the court as to assist it with research and argument.
De facto
‘In fact’ - Existing as a matter of fact rather than of right
De jure
‘Of law’ - As a matter of legal right; by right
De minimis (non curat lex)
‘The law is not concerned with trivial matters’
Ex parte
‘On the part of one side only’
‘On behalf of’
Ex post facto
‘In the light of subsequent events’ - Describing any legal act that has retrospective effect
In curia
In open court
In loco parentis
‘In place of a parent’ - loosely to describe someone looking after children on behalf of the parents
In personam
‘Against the person’ - Describing a court action/claim against a specific person or right affecting a particular person or group of people
In rem
‘Against the thing’ - Describing a right that should be respected by other people generally e.g. ownership of property
Inter alia
‘Among other things’ - The phrase is used to make it clear that a list is not exhaustive
Mens rea
‘A guilty mind’
Obiter dictum
‘A remark in passing’ - said by a judge
‘Load or burden’ - Something that is one’s duty or responsibility
Prima facie
‘At first appearance’ - on the face of things
Qui facet per album facit per se
‘He who acts through another, acts through himself’ - The traditional basis of vicarious liability. Means for example an employer is liable for the consequences of actions by employees in the course of their duties
Stare decisis
‘To stand by things decided’ - Maxim expressing underlying basis of the doctrine of precedent
Sui generis
‘Of its own kind’ - forming a class of its own; unique
Ultra vires
‘beyond the powers’
Volenti non fit injuria
‘No wrong is done to one who consents’ - The defence that the claimant consented to injury
Nemo dat (quod non habet)
You can’t give what you don’t have