Latin Literature Major Author Birth Dates Flashcards
What author was born in 284 B.C.?
Livius Andronicus
What author was born in 270 B.C.?
What author was born in 254 B.C.?
What author was born in 239 B.C.?
What author was born in 234 B.C.?
Cato the Elder
What author was born in 220 B.C.?
What author was born in 219 B.C.?
Caecilius Statius
What author was born in 195 B.C.?
What author was born in 180 B.C.?
What author was born in 170 B.C.?
What author was born in 84 B.C.?
What author was born in 99 B.C.?
What author was born in 106 B.C.?
What author was born in 86 B.C.?
What author was born in 116 B.C.?
What authors were born in 100 B.C.?
Caesar and Cornelius Nepos
What author was born in 59 B.C.?
What author was born in 70 B.C.?
What author was born in 65 B.C.?
What author was born in 69 B.C.?
Cornelius Gallus
What author was born in 50 B.C.?
What author was born in 55 B.C.?
What author was born in 43 B.C.?
What author was born in 34 A.D.?
What author was born in 35 A.D.?
What author was born in 60 A.D.?
What author was born in 39 A.D.?
What author was born in 26 A.D.?
Silius Italicus
What author was born in 40 or 45 A.D.?
What author was born in 40 A.D.?
What author was born in 4 B.C.?
Seneca the Younger
What author was born in 23 A.D.?
Pliny the Elder
What author was born in c. 70 A.D.?
What author was born in 61 A.D.?
Pliny the Younger
What author was born in 55 A.D.?
What author was born in c. 130 A.D.?
Aulus Gellius
What author was born in 160 A.D.?
What author was born in c. 245 A.D.?
What author was born in 354 A.D.?
In what year was Livius Andronicus born?
284 B.C.
In what year was Naevius born?
270 B.C.
In what year was Plautus born?
254 B.C.
In what year was Ennius born?
239 B.C.
In what year was Cato the Elder born?
234 B.C.
In what year was Pacuvius born?
220 B.C.
In what year was Caecilius Statius born?
219 B.C.
In what year was Terence born?
195 B.C.
In what year was Lucilius born?
180 B.C.
In what year was Accius born?
170 B.C.
In what year was Catullus born?
84 B.C.
In what year was Lucretius born?
99 B.C.
In what year was Cicero born?
106 B.C.
In what year was Sallust born?
86 B.C.
In what year was Varro born?
116 B.C.
In what year were Caesar and Cornelius Nepos born?
100 B.C.
In what year was Livy born?
59 B.C.
In what year was Vergil born?
70 B.C.
In what year was Horace born?
65 B.C.
In what year was Cornelius Gallus born?
69 B.C.
In what year was Propertius born?
50 B.C.
In what year was Tibullus born?
55 B.C.
In what year was Ovid born?
43 B.C.
In what year was Persius born?
34 A.D.
In what year was Quintillian born?
35 A.D.
In what year was Juvenal born?
60 A.D.
In what year was Lucan born?
39 A.D.
In what year was Silius Italicus born?
26 A.D.
In what year was Statius born?
40 or 45 A.D.
In what year was Martial born?
40 A.D.
In what year was Seneca the Younger born?
4 B.C.
In what year was Pliny the Elder born?
23 A.D.
In what year was Suetonius born?
c. 70 A.D.
In what year was Pliny the Younger born?
61 A.D.
In what year was Tacitus born?
55 A.D.
In what year was Aulus Gellius born?
c. 130 A.D.
In what year was Tertullian born?
160 A.D.
In what year was Lactantius born?
c. 245 A.D.
In what year was Augustine born?
354 A.D.