Latin Literature Flashcards
Fabulae palliantae
Latin comedies derived from Greek originals.
Livius Andronicus
Considered the founder of Latin literature. Born 284 BC. Greek from Tarentum and brought to Rome as a slave. Translated the Odyssey and wrote Fabulae palliatae.
Gnaeus Naevius
First native Roman writer if note. Born in 270 BC. Best known for Bellum Punicum (epic poem about 1st Punic war). Wrote Fabulae palliatae and invented Fabulae praetextae.
Fabulae praetextae
Dramas based on Roman subjects named for the garment.
Quietus Ennius
Writer of plays and poems. Born in Rudiae in Calabria in 239 BC. Knew 3 languages (Latin, Oscan, and Greek). Said he had 3 hearts. Most important work is Annales (18 book long epic poem). First writer to adapt Greek hexameter verse into Latin.
Titus Maccus Plautus
A comic playwright born in 255 BC. Wrote about 130 plays and only 20 fully survived. And a large fragment of one survives. Derived his plays from those of Greek.
(Plautus) concerns Jupiter’s love for Alcmena, wife of Amphitryon
(Plautus) “The Pot of Gold”
(Plautus) “The Captives” concerning a man Hegio searching for his list sons, it has no female characters.
Plautus’ favorite play.
(Plautus) “The Twin Menaechmi” one of Plautus’ most successful comedies. 2 speared brothers find each other and reunite in Syracuse.
Miles Gloriosus
“The Braggart Soldier”
“The Haunted House”
(“The Carthaginian”) Contains the only extant passages of Carthaginian language. Hanno stops his daughters from bring sold into prostitution.
The title character helps his master obtain money to free a courtesan named Phoenicium from Simo the procurer
Cato the Elder
Born inTesculum in 234 BC. Romes first prose writer. First to write roman history in Latin.
A lost work in 7 books dealing with beginnings of Italian civilization
Agri Cultura
Hand book on agriculture. First surviving Latin prose work.
First history written in Latin. Only name mentioned was the only elephant of Hannibal that survived the trek over the alps.
Comic playwright (Carthage 195 BC). Taken to Rome as a slave by