Latin in Use | Expressions Flashcards
ipsō factō
by the fact itself
requīescat in pāce
rest in peace
ignōrantia lēgis nēminem excūsat
ignorance of the law is no excuse
ignōrantia lēgis nēminem excūsat
ignorance of the law is no excuse
quid pro quō
an equal exchange (lit.: something for something)
bonā fidē
in good faith, sincere
pax vōbīscum
peace be with you
sine quā nōn
an essential condition (lit.: without which not)
cum laude
with praise
habeās corpus
writ against illegal restraint (lit.: you may have the body)
nōlō contendere
no contest (lit.: I do not want to compete)
in sitū
in place
sub jūdice
before a judge, in court
legal writ requiring an official to perform a duty (lit.: we order)
ad vītam aut ad culpam
to life or to fault (right to hold office until convicted of misconduct)