Latin I words Flashcards
ambulo, ambulare
to walk
habito, habere
to live
clamo, clamare
to shout
exclamo, exclamare
to exclaim
paro, parare
to prepare
porto, portare
to carry
rogo, rogare
to ask
amo, amare
to love
verbero, verberare
to beat
appropinquo, appropinquare
to approach
laboro, laborare
to work
intro, intrare
to enter
video, vidēre
to see
iubeo, iubēre
to order
habeo, habēre
to have
timeo, timēre
to fear
maneo, manēre
to remain
respondeo, respondēre
to respond
sedeo, sedēre
to sit
teneo, tenēre
to hold
soleo, solēre
to be accustomed
moveo, movēre
to move
duco, ducere
to lead
dico, dicere
to say
peto, petere
to ask
traho, trahere
to drag
mitto, mittere
to send
pono, ponere
to put
reprehendo, reprehendere
to scold
ago, agere
to do, drive
cado, cadere
to fall
gemo, gemere
to groan
relinquo, relinquere
to leave behind
surgo, surgere
to rise
ascendo, ascendere
to climb
descendo, descendere
to climb down
discedo, discedere
to depart
scribo, scribere
to write
lego, legere
to read
conspicio, conspicere
to catch sight of
facio, facere
to do, make
iacio, iacere
to throw