Latin FInal Flashcards
Parse the main verb of the following Latin sentence.
Quis iussit illam rem pūblicam servitūte asperā līberārī?
Voice → active,
Tense → perfect,
Mood → indicative,
Number → singular,
Person → 3rd
Parse the main verb of the following Latin sentence.
Postea audīvimus servos donorum causa laboravisse, ut milites fideles heri narrāverant.
Tense → perfect,
Person → 1st,
Number → plural,
Mood → indicative,
Voice → active
Parse audiamus.
Mood → subjunctive,
Tense → present,
Voice → active,
Person → 1st,
Number → plural
Parse the verb in the dependent ut clause.
Princeps arma meliora in manibus militum posuit, ut hostes terrerent.
Person → 3rd,
Tense → imperfect,
Mood → subjunctive,
Voice → active,
Number → plural
Give the mood, tense, voice, person, and number for the word laudavisses.
Person → 2nd,
Number → singular,
Voice → active,
Tense → pluperfect,
Mood → subjunctive
Give the parsing for audiri
Voice → passive,
Tense → present,
Mood → infinitive
Match the person and number to the appropriate form of the Present Indicative Passive of audio. (123)
1 S→ audior,
2 S→ audiris,
3 S→ auditur,
1 P → audimur,
2 P → audimini,
3 P → audiuntur
Match the case and number to the appropriate forms of res.
N S → res,
G S → rei,
D S → rei,
Acc S → rem,
Abl S → re,
N P → res,
G P → rerum,
D P → rebus,
Acc P → res,
Abl P → rebus
Match the case and number to the appropriate forms of the masculine present participle of the verb ago. (NGD)
N S → agens,
G S → agentis,
D S → agenti,
Acc S → agentem,
Abl S → agenti,
N P → agentes,
G P → agentium,
D P → agentibus,
Acc P → agentes,
Abl P → agentibus
What is the main verb of the following Latin sentence?
Minerva, filia Iovis, nata est plena scientiae et ingenii.
nata est
Which of the following is the perfect active infinitive of laudo?
Which two words form an ablative absolute in the following Latin sentence?
Igne visō, omnēs virī et uxores territae sunt et ultra urbem ad litus insulae navigavērunt, ubi perfugium inventum est.
Igne viso
Type in the subject of the following Latin sentence.
Nemo fidem neglegēns timōre umquam carēbit.
Type in the Indicative, Imperfect, Passive, 3rd person singular form of laudo.
Type in the masculine nominative singular form of the comparative degree of the adjective carus (meaning dear, so the comparative means “dearer”).