Latin and Greek Prefixes and Suffixes Flashcards
without, not
ex. anaerobic a-pathy-lack of feeling a-tom-indivisible an-emia-lack of blood an-esthesia-lack of sensation
ex. autonomic
auto-matism-a condition in which movements are made without
conscious exercise of the will
aut-opsy-seeing with one’s own eyes, post-mortem examination
without, not
ex. anaerobic dys-entery-bad intestine dys-pepsia-bad digestion dys-pnea-difficult breathing dys-trophy-bad nourishment
ec–, ex(o)–, ect–
out, outside
ex. exoskeleton ec-topic-out of place ec-zema-a boiling out, an inflammation of the skin ex-ophthalmos-eye (bulging) out ex-ostosis-bone outside, a bony tumor
within, inside, inner
ex. endometrium
over, above
ex. epidermis
excessive, high, over, above
ex. hyperextension
hyper-emia-excessive blood
hyper-thyroidism-symptoms caused by excessive activity of the thyroid
hyper-tonic-excessive in tension
hyper-trophy-excessive nourishment, overgrowth
deficient, below, under, insufficient
ex. hypothalamus
hypo-chondriac-under the cartilage, an imaginary disease
hypo-dermic-under the skin
hypo-glyc-emia-low proportion of sugar in the blood
hypo-physis-a growth under (the brain), pituitary body
between, among
ex. interoceptor
within, inside
ex. intraocular
equal, same
ex. isotope
iso-thermal-having the same temperature
iso-tonia-tonic equality
beside, after, beyond, change
ex. metacarpus
meta-bolism-change in throwing, tissue change
meta-morphosis-change in form
meta-stasis–change in position
met-encephalon-after the brain, hindbrain
straight, correct
ex. orthopedic
beside, near, alongside, apart from, abnormal
ex. parathyroid para-noia-abnormal in mind para-plegia-near stroke, paralysis of the extremities par-esthesia-abnormal perception par-otid-beside the ear
around, about
ex. pericardium
peri-cardium-around the heart, membrane covering the heart
peri-osteum-around the bone, membrane covering the bone
peri-stalsis-contraction around, contraction of the intestines
peri-toneum-(membrane) stretching around, lining of the abdominal cavity
ex. subcutaneous
across, beyond, through
ex. transplant
- to sprout, to make, to bud
ex. chloroblast
to break, broken
ex. osteoclast
- to release, to secrete
ex. endocrine
amphi-, ampho
on both sides, double
ex. amphi-bious-living on both sides (land and water)
amphi-theatre-a place for seeing around, an operating room
ampho-diplopia-double vision in both eyes
ampho-phil-fond of both, a cell which stains with either acid or dyes
ana-, an
up, upward, again
ex. ana-lysis-dissolution, breaking up (of chemical compounds)
ana-mnesis-recollection, medical history
ana-tomy-cutting up, dissection
an-a-phylaxis-renewed loss of protection
against, opposed to, opposite of
ex. anti-dote-against a given thing (poison)
anti-pyretic-against fever
anti-septic-against infection
ant-acid-against an acid, neutralizing an acid
off, away from
ex. apo-physis-a growth away, a projection (from a bone)
apo-plexy-a stroke away, a sudden stroke
apo-staxis-a trickling down, a slight hemorrhage
apo-thecary-a pharmacist (apotheke-a repository)
down, downward
ex. cata-menia-according to month, menses
cata-rrh-a flowing down, inflammation of the mucous membrane
cata-tonia-a downward tone, stupor
cat-hod-downward way, the return goal of an electron
through, across, completely
ex. dia-betes-a going through, syphon, syphon disease
dia-gnosis-knowing completely, determination of the nature of a disease
dia-rrhea-flowing through, fluid discharge
dia-thermy-heat going through, elevation of temperature by means of a current
en-, em
in, within
ex. en-cephalon-in the head, the brain
en-demic-in the people, present in a community
em-bolism-thrown in, a plugging of a vessel
em-bryo-grown in, fetus
before, forward, in advance
ex. pro-drome-running before, an early symptom
pro-geria-before old age, premature aging
pro-gnosis-knowing before, forecast
pro-phylaxis-advance protection
syn-, sym
with, together, union
ex. syn-drome-running together, an aggregate of symptoms
sy-stole (from syn-stole)-contraction, the rhythmic contraction of the heart
sym-biosis-living together of two or more organisms
sym-ptom-a falling together, a sign