Latin Flashcards
Week 1: Latin Prepositions
- in -> in
- apud -> with
- per -> through
- sine -> without
Week 2: Latin Conjunctions
- et -> and
- ut -> that
- sed -> but
Week 3: Latin Pronouns
- hic, hoc -> this
- ipso, ipsum -> him
- cui -> whose
- quod -> that
- eam -> it
- Illum -> him
Week 4: Latin Verbs
- erat -> was
- sunt -> are
- est -> is
- venit -> came
- perhiberet -> bear
- crederent -> believe
Week 5: Latin Verbs
- factum -> made
- missus -> sent
- conperhenderunt -> comprehended
- lucet -> shineth
- fuit -> there was
Week 6: Latin Nouns
- verbum -> word
- Deus, Deum, Deo -> God
- principio -> beginning
- omnia, omnes -> all
- nihil -> nothing
Week 7: Latin Nouns (cont)
- vita -> life
- lux -> light
- homo, hominum -> man
- nomen -> name
Week 8: Latin Nouns (cont.)
- testimonium -> witness
- lumine -> light
- Iohannes -> John
- tenebris, tenebrae -> darkness
Week 9: Latin Rules - Verbs
- Latin verbs have different endings called conjugations.
Week 10: Latin Rules - Articles
- Latin has no translation for articles a, an, the. (These rules are observable in the passage you translated.)
Week 11: Latin Rules - Nouns/Pronouns
- Latin nouns and pronouns have different endings called declensions.
Week 12: Latin John 1:1
in principio erat Verbum
in the beginning was the Word
Week 13: John 1:1
et Verbum erat apud Deum
(and the Word was with God)
et Deus erat Verbum
(and the Word was God)
Week 14: John 1:2
hoc erat in principio apud Deum
this was with God in the beginning
Week 15: John 1:3
Omnia per ipso facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est.
All things were made through Him: without Him nothignw as made that was made.
Week 16: John 1:3
et sine ipso factum est nihil
and without him nothing was made
quod factum est
that was made
Week 17: John 1:4
in ipso vita erat
in him was life
et vita erat lux hominum
and (his) life was the light of men