lateral compartment of the leg Flashcards
subtalar joint
talus and calcaneus
Lateral malleolus comprises what dermatomes?
S1 and L5
What two structure running in the superficial fascia are posterior to the incision site?
small saphenous vein and sural nerve
What retinaculum covers the lateral compartment?
superior and inferior peroneal retinaculum
What is the relationship of the fibularis brevis and longus to the fibular trochlea of the calcaneus?
brevis is superficial (anterior) to the trochlea, longus is deep (inferior)
What ligament would need to be cut transversely to open the talocalcaneal joint capsule?
Calcaneofibular ligament
What is contained in the lateral osteofascial compartment?
Superficial fibular nerve, fib brevis and fib longus
What is the main blood supply to the lateral compartment?
branches of the fibular and anterior tibial arteries
What is the common action/fxn?
eversion of foot and weak ankle plantarflexion
Where does the fibular artery begin?
It arises from the posterior tibial artery at 2.5 cm distal to the inferior border of popliteus.
What artery gives off lateral calcaneal branches?
posterior lateral malleolar artery from the fibular artery, from the posterior tibial artery
What are the origins of fibularis longus?
head and sup 2/3 of lateral surface of fibular shaft, ant and post intermuscular septa, crural fascia, lat tib condyle, ASTFL
Fib longus tendon runs posterior to what structure of the ankle
Lateral malleolus, then runs inferior to peroneal trochlea to peroneal notch, traveling in close correspondence with the peroneal sulcus.
What are the insertions of fib longus?
Mainly MT 1 base, medial cuneiform
What are the actions of Fib longus?
everts foot, weak plantarflexion
What are the origins of fib brevis?
inferior 2/3s of lateral surface of fibula , ant and post intermuscular septa
Fib brevis tendons runs ant or post to the FL around the lat malleolus?
anterior and within the malleolar sulcus
What is the insertion of fib brevis?
lateral dorsum of MT 5’s tuberosity