LAT Flash Cards
2 mL of water weighs how many grams?
2 grams
5% dextrose contains how many mg of dextrose in each mL?
50mg of dextrose
An accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called
Blood (blue) from what animal is used to develop a test for pyrogens call the Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test?
Horseshoe crab
SCID mice lack what two types of immune cells?
B and T cells
Name two methods for inhibiting growth of bacteria in animal water bottles.
Acidification and chlorination
The splitting open of a surgical incision site is called…
The study of abnormal fetal development is called…
The study of poisons and the effects they have on living organisms is called..
Substances that damage the developing fetus are called…
teratogens or mutagens
Name commonly used gas anesthetics
halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane
What gas can sterilize surgical tools that would be damaged by heat autoclaving?
Ethylene oxide
Synonym for packed cell volume
Snuffles in rabbits
Pasturella multicida
Atrophic rhinitis in pigs
Bordatella bronchioseptica
Bacterial pneumonia in guinea pigs
Bordatella bronchioseptica
Kennel cough in dogs
Bordatella bronchioseptica
Rat pinworm sp.
Syphacia muris or syphacia obvelata
Toxocara canis
Canine roundworm
The neutrophils of rabbits and g.pigs are referred to as …
of sick animals divided by the total # of animals =
of animals that die divided by the total # of animals=
Q fever sp.
Coxiella burnetti (travels in the placenta)
Congenital disease
A condition that the animal is born with
What pathogen causes ringworm?
A fungus :microsporum and trichophyton
Transmission of a disease from parent to offspring in utero is called
vertical transmission
What system of the body is affected by mycoplasma pulmonis in rats?
Animals with a known microbial flora
of air changes per hour in animal rooms?
Who regulates standards for shipments of animals?
Marmota monax
Dasypus novemcinctus
Callithrix jacchus
Another term for platelets
Associate for Assessment and Accredidation of laboratory animal care
American Association of Lab animal Science
Most commonly used phenylthiazine tranquilizer
Acetyl or acepromazine
Relying on touch to navigate: gpigs.
Bacillus stearothermophilis
Biological indicators for autoclaving
Excess of blood to tissues or organs
Teeth grinding
ingested hair ball
Passalurus ambiguus
pinworm in rabbits
2.25% concentration = mg/mL?
% concentration is based on g/100mL
1: 1,000 1mg/mL 0.1%
1: 10,000 0.1mg/mL 0.01%
1: 100,000 0.01mg/mL 0.001%
1: 200,000 0.005mg/mL 0.0005%
Rana pipians
Leopard frog
Study of behavior
Germ free
2 classes of pain meds
NSAID and opioids
Mammary infection
horseshoe crab
immature heart-worm in blood
red colors white blood cells
Dirofilaria immitis
heart worm
blood infection
Larval stage entire life
removing the flight feathers (one side)
active at dawn and dusk
Provides peer evals. of animal care and use programs
Requires compliance with the GLP’s
Responsible for enforsing AWA
Inspects institutions using species covered by the AWA
Test system
includes animals or entities administered a substance
OLAW (office of lab animal welfare)
Expects institution to self regulate, (follow AWA and PHS policy) and report deviations. Oversees the care, compliance and use of research animals in Public Health Service (PHS)-funded research
PHS Policy
Publishes the policy on the humane care and use of lab animals
IACUC: 5 members; Enforced by OLAW
-a chairperson,
-a veterinarian,
-a practicing scientist with animal research experience,
-a nonscientist
-a community member.
Animal Welfare Act
regulations and requirement
Enforced by APHIS and USDA
Requires IACUC 3 members
- a chairperson,
- a veterinarian with training
- the nonaffiliated.
Animal Welfare Regulations: describes what a facility must do to comply with AWA, overseen by AWA
- Definition of terms
- Regulations
- Standards
- Rules of Practice
Post-approval monitoring (PAM)
PAM program is to ensure that IACUC-approved procedures are being followed
Category B animal
Animals being bred, conditioned, or held for use in teaching, testing, experiments, research, or surgery, but not yet used for such purposes
Category C animal
Teaching, research, experiments, or tests conducted that cause no pain or distress and thus do not require the use of pain-relieving drugs.
Category D animal
Experiments, teaching, research, experiments, or tests causing pain or distress to the animals, for which appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs were used.
Category E animal
Teaching, experiments, research, surgery, or tests causing pain or distress to the animals, for which appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs were not used because they would have adversely affected the procedures, results, or interpretation.
Class A Dealer
raise and sell animals themselves; these animals are known as purpose-bred
Class B Dealer
purchase and resell animals, including random-source dogs and cats (such as those from animal shelters or pounds), import nonhuman primates, and resell animals from research facilities.
“Must” in the guide
describe aspects of an animal care program that are considered essential or imperative
“Should” In the guide
strong recommendations for achieving a goal
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL)
describes a set of guidelines established by the CDC and the NIH for the safe handling and containment of biological agents in a laboratory setting, including infectious microorganisms and potentially hazardous biological materials
what two documents are used by AAALAC in the US to evaluate institutions for accreditation?
The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching
Which of the following agencies monitors compliance with Public Health Service (PHS) Policy?
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW)
Animal and Plant Health inspection: part of USDA; Administers AWA and AWR
Institutional Official, in charge or IACUC, make sure organization in compliance with AWA
3 R’s
Replace Reduce Refine
PHS Policy:
Public Health Service on Humane care and use of lab animals: Enforced by OLAW
PHS 1979 revision
Definition of animal expanded to all vertebrates
An outcross
mating scheme between two different strains or same inbred strains differing at a locus of interest (F1, F2 …)
heterozy X heterozy mating scheme (F)
Heterozy X Homozy mating: Hetero offspring mated back with parental homozy strain (N2, N3…
Homozy X homozy mating (sibling mating)
mutant that differs at only single locus from original strain
4 Stages of Estrous
Proestrus, estrus, Metestrus, diestrus
C to F
C * 9/5+32= F
F to C
(F-32) *5/9
has disease but does not show signs or symptoms
is the process by which the number of bacteria and other organisms living on inanimate objects is reduced to safe levels. Hard surface
destroy or irreversably inactive infectious pathogens but not their spores (alcohols, phenols and quats) Hard surface
Cost Centers
does not produce revenue with both indirect and direct costs
Direct Costs
Directly attributed to specific research project: cost of animals, per diems, supplies and some expenditures
Indirect costs (support cost)
incurred by animal facility that are not specifically identified with a certain specie or project (the animal facilities as a whole) Facility operations/maintenance security etc
Intensive Breeding
when the male remains with female or females.
Nonintensive breeding
Housed separately when rearing pups
Gestation (different species)
Mouse: 21 days Rat: 21 days Hamster: 16-20 days (Jills/ Hobs) Ferret: 38-44 days Chinchillas: 110 days (Doe/Buck) Rabbit: 31-32 days (Queens/Toms) Cat: 58-67 days Dog: 59-68 days NHP: 159-169 days Swine: 112-115 days
Drug absorption fastest to slowest
Negative pressure rooms
Biocontainment/ Quarantine Air flows in
Positive pressure rooms
Surgery/Barrier Air flows out.
Kills all forms of microbial life including spores (formaldehyde gas, Hperoxide gas, aldehydes, ethylene oxide gas) Hard surface
prevent infections by inhibiting growth (used on live organisms)
Outbred Stock nomenclature
Vendor : Stock symbol
Inbred stock nomenclature
Parent strain / Sub-strain Lab code
Five principle studies of Toxicology
acute,subacute,chronic, subchronic and reproductive
B virus
Cercopithrcine herpesvirus 1
Mycobacterium leprae
Yersinia pestis
Rabies virus
WBC’s Granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes
Granulocytes PMNs
Neutrophils: inflammatory response- phagocytosis
eosinophils: release stuff
Basophils: parasitic infection/allergic reactions
become macrophages- call to their brother monocytes (chemicals like cytokines)
Tcells, Bcells, NK cells- Search and destroy
Bcells- to plasma cells then release antibodies
NK make viruses more deader
Heart cirulation
R atrium->R ventricle->Pulmonary artery to lungs -> pulmonary vein from lungs-> L atrium->L ventricle-> to the aorta
Centralized management
Centralization often reduces operating costs, providing a more efficient flow of animal care supplies, equipment, and personnel; more efficient use of environmental controls; and less duplication of support services. Centralization reduces the needs for transporting animals between housing and study sites, thereby minimizing the risks of transport stress and exposure to disease agents; affords greater security by providing the opportunity to control facility access; and increases the ease of monitoring staff and animals.
Decentralized management
Decentralized animal housing and use occur in space that is not solely dedicated to animal care or support or is physically separated from the support areas and animal care personnel
IACUC’s are mandated by:
Federal Mandate
AWA (Animal Welfare Act)
- Established care and use standards for research animals
- USDA Enforces this law
- Requires institutions to have IACUC
APHIS: Animal & Plant Health Inspection service
Branch of USDA
Administers AWA/AWR
USDA officer inspects facilities
strains are generated in the laboratory by mating two inbred strains (usually rats or mice), and backcrossing the descendants 5-10 generations with one of the original strains, known as the recipient strain
% concentration to Mg/ml
2 % solution means= 2 gm in 100 ml
so it means= 2x1000 mg / 100 ml= 20 mg/ml
in this case % concentration is based on g/ml
a 2% solution is: (1ml x 2%)/100 = 0,02g/ml
0,02g/ml x 1000 = 20mg/ml (becouse 1g = 1000mg)
% concentration to Mg/ml
2 % solution means= 2 gm in 100 ml
so it means= 2x1000 mg / 100 ml= 20 mg/ml
in this case % concentration is based on g/ml
a 2% solution is: (1ml x 2%)/100 = 0,02g/ml
0,02g/ml x 1000 = 20mg/ml (becouse 1g = 1000mg)
Drip rates for IV
total volume to give / total time in min X drop factor/ 1
Total vol x Drop factor/ total time
Animal Welfare Assurance
Document signed by institution saying it will comply with AWA, PHS policy, AVMA, Guide
Institutional Animal care and use commitee: Required by PHS and AWR to inspect institutions, review protocols
Tropical amphibians temperature
Temperate Amphibs Temp
danio rario: 24-28c
How to dechlorinate water
Let sit for 24-48 hours (age)
sodium thiosulfate
carbon filters
Measures dissolved salts and minerals present as ions
High ion concentration in water
water will flow out of the frog
Low ion concentraion
Water will flow into frog
Total hardness
Measure of calcium and magnesium ions
water hardness
Measures specific ions dissolved in water