lastfingguide Flashcards
The Sheriff is committed to maintaining the safe and secure custody and control of inmates while offering extensive__________opportunities to effectively reduce ___________
Department philosophy to classify an inmate at a level of security consistent with public safety, and provide an appropriate range of needs-based____ _____
program services
The term ____ includes all vendors, contractors and volunteers of the department
The term includes detainees and pre-arraignment arrestees
The department has _______ for domestic violence
zero tolerance
_____or ______ conduct will not be tolerated
An employee’s uniform, badge, ID or other official insignia shall be used only as required in the course of his/her _______
official duties
_____ must be clearly worn at all times while on duty
ID badges
All employees must provide a minimum of ______ written notice of resignation to the D/HR
2 weeks
Employees must provide a minimum of ______ notice of intent to retire, using the appropriate form, for superannuation to D/HR
45 days
Employee’s must report all other employment to____, failure to do is grounds for discipline
The affairs of the Department and inmates are _____, and any discussion on these subjects shall be limited to that which is necessary in the performance of ones duties
Any unauthorized disclosure of confidential information shall constitute just cause for ________
disciplinary action
An inmate’s criminal history and related information are protected by law, and may only be released to _____
authorized persons
Details of any department investigation are confidential and the release of any information, unless authorized by a _____ , will be grounds for discipline
Official records, papers, reports or copies thereof shall not be removed from any Department facility without specific instruction or prior permission from the _______ except as is necessary in the performance of one’s duties
facility Superintendent
Formal tours of the institution may be arranged through the ______ or the ___________ .
Office of Communications and External Affairs (OCEA)
facility Superintendent
Unless assigned to OCEA, employees may conduct tours only with prior approval of the ___________
facility Superintendent
Employees are encouraged to publish or speak on subjects related to their position, but must first obtain approval from the _________
Special Sheriff
Only the _____or the ________ , or their designees, may make statements to the media or release news statements or bulletins concerning the business of the Department
Chief of External Affairs
The_______ reserves the right to determine whether or not the media will be permitted entrance into any facility
facility Superintendent
Employees shall not foster ____ or engage in any activity that could lower the morale of another employee or disrupt the work environment, and will be discreet in the discussion of personal matters
Employees shall not ____ against anyone who reports misconduct nor retaliate against anyone who cooperates in an investigation
• Employees may not conduct investigations unless approved by a ____ or the ____
facility Superintendent
• When interacting with inmates, employees must act solely in the furtherance of the department’s mission to provide for the ____ and ____ of inmates
• Staff shall protect inmates from physical, emotional or sexual abuse, corporal punishment, personal injury, disease, property damage, discrimination and sexual harassment.
______ against inmates for exercising their rights under any Department policy, state or
Federal law is strictly prohibited
Employees shall not discuss Department business with, or in the presence of, inmates except as required by their duties
Employees must not give inmates the impression that staff are in conflict with one another, since such impression may lead to ________
manipulative behavior
• Employees are prohibited from all forms of ____ and ____ or _____, whether directly or indirectly, with inmates
• Employees ____ ____ accept a fee, gift, gratuity or any item of value from an inmate.
shall not
• Employees shall maintain professional and proper boundaries with inmates and must consult with their _______ if they are unclear about boundary issues
• It is ______ that employees not associate with, accompany, correspond or have an intimate or personal relationship with any inmate or former inmate of any state or county facility except as is required by their duties
• If, however, an employee has or intends to have such contact or relationship, they must first notify the __________ ________in writing
facility superintendent
• Employees must notify the ______ if a relative or personal friend is committed to a Department facility
• Employees are ______ from reporting contact with relatives after their release from Department custody
• Any employee contact with an inmate’s relatives or friends that results in the receipt of information relative to the commission or possible commission of a crime regarding Department operations or security must be reported in writing to a _______ or the ______ within _____ hours
facility Superintendent
24 hours
• Employees shall not accept a fee, gift, gratuity or any item of value from an inmate’s family, friends, or any person acting on their behalf.
- Employees shall not provide any fee, gift, gratuity, or any item of value to an inmate’s family, friends, or any person acting on his/her behalf except as is required in the
- performance of their duties or as otherwise instructed by the____ ________
• The Department will not tolerate the presence of _____ or _______ on its premises
• Any employee who, under doctor’s care or otherwise, is required to take medication while on duty that may affect their performance in any way must report this fact to ______ and the _______
• If the medication is brought onto Department property, it must not be kept on person in the secure perimeter; and it must be limited in amount to the dosage required during the work day
• No employee may dispense or give medicine of any type, prescribed or not, to an inmate unless the medication is administered, by a licensed nurse, physician or dentist, or expressly authorized by the ________ or his/her designee
• Any health problem, injury, or restriction which may affect an employee’s job performance, or for which an employee may require an accommodation, must be ______ and reported to _______
medically documented
Human Resources.
• Such documentation must satisfy the following requirements: (accommodations)
Be an original.
Be written on the stationery of the health care provider
Contain an original signature of the health care provider
Clearly state the specific physical restrictions the employee has due to the illness or injury
And specify the expected duration of the restriction(s).
• All documentation is subject to review and resubmission every _______ days
ninety (90)
• No employee may work for the Department for more than ______in a ____ period and, after working sixteen (16) hours, must not work in any capacity for ____ before returning to duty
sixteen (16hours)
twenty-four (24) hour
eight (8) hours)
• If an employee is suspended for any reason, they may not work an overtime shift, a paid detail, or an OCEA event during the _______ period comprising said suspension
twenty-four-hour (24)
• Employees must not engage in any activity while working which might interfere or distract them from the performance of their duties
• Reading materials, other than official Department publications, are prohibited while posted in a housing unit or control booth/center unless authorized by the ________
facility Superintendent
• Cell phones are prohibited inside the secure perimeters of the Jail and HOC unless authorized by the _________ , and then only in the area(s) specified
facility Superintendent
• All employees, regardless of their employment status (e.g. on leave of absence or suspension), must report in writing any involvement with _________ including, but not limited to, an investigation, arrest, allegation of domestic violence, issuance of a restraining order, or court appearance
law enforcement officials
• Such reports shall be made to the _____ within _____ hours of the involvement with law enforcement officials, or prior to the commencement of the employee’s next shift, whichever is sooner
facility Superintendent
twenty-four (24)
• If the facility Superintendent is unavailable, reports shall be made to the _____ or ______ at the appropriate facility
• If an employee’s ID, badge, or uniform articles which bear official Department insignia, are lost, stolen or otherwise unaccounted for, a written report shall be filed immediately with_____
• Department letterhead is for official Department use only, and no alterations may be made or used without explicit authorization from the
• Upon separation from service for any reason, employees must return all issued equipment, badges, ID cards, policy and training manuals/CDs, and any other Department property in their possession
• Employees must report suspected criminal activity to a _______ or _______unless the employee has a reasonable belief that such an internal report would result in retaliation by the employer
facility Superintendent or the ADS/SID,
• If an employee reasonably believes that making an internal report of suspected criminal activity would result in retaliation by the employer, then the employee must immediately make an external report to the _______, the__________, or the __________
Boston Police Department (BPD), the Massachusetts State Police (MSP), or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
• Employees are required to report in writing all ______ regarding Department operations or security in which they are involved or about which they have personal knowledge
significant events
• These reports must be submitted promptly, but no later than the the _____ employee’s shift, unless specifically authorized otherwise
end of
• Reports must be submitted to the ____ _____, unless instructed otherwise by an investigating official or Department policy
immediate supervisor
• Employees must also file a written report whenever ordered to do so by any _______, _____, or any other _______ ________authorized to conduct an investigation. Employees must be truthful and cooperate if requested by ___(or any other office or individual appointed to conduct an investigation) to submit to an interview, whether or not the employee has previously submitted an oral or written report.
supervisor, SID, Department official
• All reports generated in the course of an employee’s duties shall be treated as _____ _______ , in accordance with paragraph C (2), above.
confidential communications
• Failure to report, false reporting, incomplete reporting or inappropriately collaborating or interfering with another employee in the preparation of a report, may result in ____ and/or ________ _________
criminal prosecution
• Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all employees and excessive _______ or ______ will be dealt with firmly
absenteeism or tardiness
• Employees may not exchange duties or swap days or hours of work without prior authorization of their ________
Shift Commanders
• If off-duty but advised by any means that an emergency exists at any Department facility, all executive staff members, uniformed officers and medical staff must contact their respective ______and report for duty if so ordered.
• ______ cannot be used to significantly alter the employee’s regular work schedule
• If an employee does not understand a regulation, policy, post order or other directive, the employee is expected to seek explanation or clarification from their _______ _________
immediate supervisor
• Provisions of these and other rules may be temporarily waived or modified in an emergency by order of the ________ or a ________
S238-____ ______ ______
Equal Employment Opportunity
• To develop and maintain a workplace where ______ _______ opportunities exist for all persons
equal employment
• All employees, inmates, volunteers, vendors, contractors, interns and visitors have a right to a workplace environment free from any type of _____ _________ or practices
discriminatory behavior
• Allegations of ___ ____ or practices shall be promptly investigated in a timely and impartial manner and appropriate action taken against any employee found in violation of this policy
discriminatory treatment
• The Department has _____ _____for sexual abuse/harassment of an inmate
zero tolerance
• Discriminatory conduct by individuals may result in _____ ______ , up to and including referral for civil or criminal prosecution, dismissal for employees, loss of visiting privileges for inmates, denial of facility access and, or other appropriate action, to ensure such activity does not recur
disciplinary action
• The Department shall post notice of the Fair Employment Law prepared by the ________ in a conspicuous place at the Jail, the House of Correction (HOC), and all other facilities under its control
mass commission against discrimination
• The Department will make every effort to ensure that all complaints of discrimination are treated with _______ and shall not result in reprisal in any form to the informer or victim
• It is unlawful to ________ against an employee for making a report or filing a complaint of discrimination or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of discrimination
• Anyone who feels they have been treated in a discriminatory manner should present their complaint in writing, preferably within three (3) days of the occurrence, to one of the following individuals:
A Superintendent: (HOC)William Sweeney - 6511 (JAIL) Michael Colwell, ext. 6667 HOC John McLaughlin - 6548 An Assistant Superintendent: (JAIL) Matthew DeCastro, ext. 6662 (HOC) Sylvia Thomas, ext. 6547 (HOC) Rachelle Steinberg, ext. 6543 An Assistant Deputy Superintendent: (JAIL) Carlos Goulart, ext. 3071 (TRAINING) Jose Mojica, ext. 6903
• While the failure of the complainant to file a report or complaint within _______ of the incident will not prevent an expeditious and impartial investigation, a delay in reporting the allegations may adversely affect the weight of the evidence.
3 days
• Any report or complaint of discrimination under state or federal law may be filed directly with the following agencies:
The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
• All reports or complaints received, either ____or in ______, will be immediately reviewed by the person who received the report or complaint
• Depending on the ______ of the allegations contained in the report or complaint, either the alleged discriminator will be notified of the allegations and allowed to submit a written response, or a more in-depth investigation will be undertaken
• If the alleged discriminator is notified of the allegations and submits a written response, and the facts as represented in the report or complaint and the written response are in dispute, a further investigation may be conducted
• When so ordered, investigation into the incident(s) giving rise to the complaint shall be conducted by _______ and a ______, summarizing statements from all witnesses to the alleged misconduct as well as any and all other pertinent facts, submitted.
assigned staff
written report
• After review and acceptance of the investigation report, the ________ and the ________ ________ will be notified of the findings
alleged discriminator
• If there is cause to believe that a violation of this policy has occurred, the responsible employee will be appropriately _________
• Any employee disciplined under this policy shall be cautioned that “________________”
any repeated violation of this policy will be cause for further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.”
• Discipline could, dependent on circumstances, also result in more severe sanctions such as____ or_____
• In cases of blatant and intolerable severity, an employee may be ________ without a prior written warning
• All notes and records of the investigation shall remain confidential, except that any _______ letter issued will be placed in the employee’s personnel file
disciplinary letter
• Any supervisor, division manager, director or management team member notified of a discrimination report or complaint shall personally file a ____ _______ for submission
written report
• All employees are responsible for promoting an environment free from _______ and, to this end, are encouraged to be sensitive to what others consider offensive or inappropriate conversation or behavior in the workplace
• The ________ shall be consulted if questions of legal procedure arise The Department is committed to providing ________ ________ to those employees entitled to such under state or federal law
general cousel
reasonable accommodation’s
• Qualified employees may submit request(s) for _______ _________, accompanied by _______ _________ spelling out their specific restrictions, to HRD
reasonable accommodation’s
medical documentation
• After consultation with the appropriate facility ________, _____ will determine whether accommodation is possible
superintendent or designee
• If accommodation is possible, ____ must determine whether the employee’s requested accommodation (if any) is reasonable and, if not, what alternatives are available.
• If necessary, ____ may require a meeting with the employee to discuss the options available to reasonably accommodate their disability.
• Once a determination is reached, ___ will advise the employee in _______ of its decision.
• Employees are required to update their temporary restrictions at least ________ in order for accommodations to continue.
•_____ is the ultimate arbiter for the Sheriff of what constitutes a reasonable accommodation
• Applicant must provide sufficient information to substantiate the disability, and is encouraged to offer any _______ on how they may be accommodated.
• ______ is the ultimate arbiter for the Sheriff of what constitutes a reasonable accommodation
Sexual harassment
• Sexual harassment in the workplace is ________
• The goal of the department is to maintain a workplace free of ________/___________
Sexual abuse harassment
• Management will investigate all reports and complaints of sexual abuse/harassment, received either orally or in writing, in a______ and ________ __________.
Impartial Manner
• Immediate action will be taken against any ________ found to be in violation of this policy
• The Department has zero tolerance for sexual abuse/harassment of an inmate Sexual abuse/harassment may result in employee disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, loss of visiting privileges, referral for civil or criminal prosecution, or any other appropriate action, to ensure such activity does not recur
• __________: Making any unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
Sexual harassment
• ________________: Any non-consensual touching which violates the generally accepted norm of decency and propriety under the circumstances; OR any touching which violates the generally accepted norm of society and amounts to an indecency; this action may also constitute sexual abuse
Sexual or offensive contact
• Any workplace location or environment in which an inmate and/or an __________ of the Department may be reasonably found
On-duty employee
• No ________or_________ shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the employee’s employment, performance reviews, advancement, assigned duties, shifts, or any other condition of employment or career development
Supervisor or Employee
• Sexual abuse/harassment of an employee, inmate, inmate’s family member, visitor or outside vendor by an employee, inmate, inmate’s family member, visitor or outside vendor is strictly _______
• No employee shall accept or tolerate any _________ or invitation from any visitor, inmate or inmate’s family
Sexual advances
• No employee shall threaten, either________or_________, that the refusal of an inmate, an inmate’s family member, or a visitor, to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the inmate’s custodial status, eligibility for programs, visits, furloughs, parole, or any other condition of confinement
Implicitly or explicitysexual harassment
• Any employee who receives a report or complaint, either orally or in writing, or witnesses an act of sexual harassment, shall submit a written report of same to any one of the persons indicated in paragraph I B, below; said report shall be submitted BEFORE leaving duty on the day the information is received or known. In the event that the persons indicated in paragraph I B are not on duty, the report shall be submitted to the _______ in a ___________
shift commander
sealed addressed envelope
• The Department will make every effort to ensure that all complaints of sexual harassment are treated with ________, and shall not result in reprisal in any form to the informer or victim It is unlawful to_______ against an employee for making a report or filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating in an investigation
• Anyone who feels they have been sexually harassed should present their allegations in writing, as soon as possible, preferably within three days, to one of the following individuals:
A Superintendent: (HOC) William Sweeney, ext. 6511 (JAIL) Michael Colwell, ext. 6667 (HOC) John McLaughlin, ext. 6548 An Assistant Superintendent: (JAIL) Matthew DeCastro, ext. 6662 (HOC) Sylvia Thomas, ext. 6547 (HOC) Rachelle Steinberg, ext. 6543 An Assistant Deputy Superintendent: (JAIL) Carlos Goulart, ext. 6675 (TRAINING) Jose Mojica, ext. 690
• While the failure of the victim of alleged sexual harassment to file a report or complaint within _________ of the incident will not prevent an expeditious and impartial investigation, a delay in reporting the allegations may adversely affect the weight of the evidence
three (3) days
• Any report or complaint of sexual harassment under state or federal law may be filed directly with the following agencies:
• All reports or complaints received, either orally or in writing, will be immediately reviewed by the person who received the report or complaint.
• The person who initially received the report or complaint must refer it to a person listed in I B, above
• Depending on the____________ contained in the report or complaint, either the alleged harasser will be notified of the allegations and allowed to submit a written response, or a more in-depth investigation will be undertaken
severity of the allegations
• If the alleged harasser is notified of the allegations and submits a written response, and the facts as represented in the report or complaint and the written response are in__________, a further investigation may be conducted
• After review and acceptance of the investigation report, the________ and ____________ the will be notified of the findings
complainant alleged harasser
• Discipline shall consist of, at a minimum, a ________ that includes the phrase “any repeated violation of this policy will be cause for further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.”
written warning
• Sexual abuse of an inmate is a_________ offense
• Any supervisor, division manager, director or management team member notified of a sexual abuse/harassment report or complaint received, either orally or in writing, shall personally file a _________ ________
written report
• This report shall be in addition to any other written statements and complaints submitted by the victim or others, and shall be submitted ________ leaving work on the day such information is received. In the event that the persons indicated in paragraph I Bare not on duty, the report shall be submitted to the _______________
Shift Commander in a sealed, addressed envelope.
Prevention of inmate sexual abuse/harassment
• To strengthen and better enforce the Department’s for any sexual conduct in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003
zero tolerance policy
• Allegation: an oral, written or electronic statement that sexual abuse/harassment has occurred or might occur that is provided to a staff member or outside agency.
• Substantiated Allegation: an allegation that was investigated and the investigation determined that the event occurred
• Unsubstantiated allegations: an allegation that was investigated and the investigation produced insufficient evidence to make a final determination as to whether the event occurred.
•Unfounded Allegation: an allegation that was investigated and the investigation determined that the event did not occur
Credibility Assessment: an investigator’s process of conducting interviews and weighing the evidence to determine the truthfulness of victim, witness and suspect statements
•Exigent Circumstances: any set of temporary and unforeseen circumstances that require immediate action in order to combat a threat to the security or institutional order of a facility.
Gender Expression: a person’s expression of their gender identity including appearance, dress, mannerisms, speech and social interactions
Gender Identity: a person’s internal, deeply felt sense of being male or female, regardless of the person’s sex at birth
Gender Nonconforming: a person whose gender identity and/or expression do not conform to gender stereotypes generally associated with their biological sex
Intersex: a condition usually present at birth that involves reproductive, genetic, or sexual anatomy that does not seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
•LGBTI: acronym meaning lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and intersex
Need to know: a criterion limiting access of certain information to individuals who require the information to make decisions or take action with regard to an inmate’s safety or treatment or to the investigative process.
No Inmate Contact: an administrative status whereby a staff member is prohibited from assignment to any duties which would involve physical proximity to, or verbal/written communication with, an inmate
PREA Coordinator: the manager designated to monitor agency compliance
PREA Compliance Managers: the manager at each facility designated to monitor policy implementation.
•PREA Review Committee: individuals appointed by the institution Superintendents and responsible for conducting assessments of Department responses to allegations of sexual abuse/harassment.
Predator: an inmate either convicted of sexual abuse/harassment
Sexual Abuse: the subjection of another person, who is incapable of giving consent by reason of his/her custodial status, to sexual contact in any degree by persuasion, inducement, enticement, or forcible compulsion.
Sexual Contact: any touching (either directly or through the clothing) of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks that is unrelated to official duties, or penetration of the anal or genital opening of another person by a hand, finger or other object. This term shall include, but not be limited to, carnal knowledge, oral sodomy, and sexual assault with an object, sexual fondling or molestation of a person, rape, or sexual exploitation (e.g. prostitution)
•Sexual Harassment: repeated and unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, as well as verbal comments or gestures of a sexual nature, including demeaning reference to gender, sexually suggestive derogatory comments about body or clothing, or obscene language or gestures, verbal comments, or gestures or actions of a derogatory or offensive sexual nature.
Indecent Exposure: the display of uncovered genitalia, buttocks, or breast(s) in the presence of an inmate
Voyeurism: an invasion of the inmate’s privacy (for reasons unrelated to official duties or when otherwise not necessary for safety and security reasons), such as peering at an inmate who is using the toilet, requiring an inmate to expose their buttock, genitals, or breast, or taking images of all or part of an inmates naked body or of an inmate performing bodily functions and distributing or publishing them.
Sexual Relations: contact (either directly or through clothing) with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, mouth or buttocks with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.
Transgender: a term describing persons whose gender identity and/or expression do not conform to the gender roles assigned them at birth
•Victim Advocate: a person who has received education concerning sexual abuse and forensic examination issues in general and has been screened for appropriateness to serve in this role
• The Department is committed to the prevention and elimination of ___________/________ of inmates by staff members or other inmates
sexual abuse/harassment
• The Department has a ________ policy for sexual abuse/harassment of inmates.
zero tolerance
• The Department has a __________policy for discrimination or mistreatment of inmates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity
zero tolerance
• The Department shall appoint a _______and _________ ______ _________ for each housing facility
PREA Coordinator
PREA Compliance Managers
• The Shift Commander will immediately notify the ________ or ___________ of any allegations of sexual abuse/harassment
duty officer
• Violations of this policy by staff will result in disciplinary action, up to and including ____________
• Termination will be the presumptive disciplinary sanction for staff involved in sexual abuse of inmates
• The Department shall not conduct cross-gender strip searches or cross-gender body cavity searches except in __________ or when performed by medical practitioners
exigent circumstances
• The Department shall not conduct cross-gender pat down searches except in ______________
exigent circumstances
• Unit officers (HOC) or Housing Control officers (Jail), when granting access to a staff member of the opposite sex from the inmates in that unit, will announce ___________ loud enough to be heard by unit occupants
“female (or male) on the unit”
• ________and___________ inmates shall be given the opportunity to shower separately from other inmates
• The Department shall not physically examine a transgender or intersex inmate for the sole purpose of determining the inmate’s genital status unless it is done as part of a broader medical examination conducted, in private, by a ______________
medical practitioner.
• The Department shall perform an intake screening to obtain and use information about the inmate’s history to reduce the risk of sexual abuse/harassment of the inmate within _______ hours of him/her being booked
seventy-two (72)
• An inmate’s risk level shall be reassessed within a set time period, not to exceed _________days from the inmate’s arrival
thirty (30)
• Inmates shall be segregated from others only as a last resort when less restrictive measures are inadequate to keep them and others safe
• _________ inmates shall not be classified based solely on such identification or status
• Upon request, strip searches will be conducted by officers of the same _____________ as the inmate
gender identity
• If allegations of sexual abuse involve potentially criminal behavior, the matter may be referred to the ____, _______,__________
Boston Police Department (BPD), the Suffolk County District Attorney’s (DA) office or the Attorney General’s (AG) office
• All allegations and incidents of sexual abuse/ harassment of inmates shall be immediately reported by staff to the ___________
Shift Commander
• Failure to report these allegations or incidents by staff may result in disciplinary action up to and including __________
• The command staff, captains, lieutenants, and sergeants shall make unannounced rounds to identify and deter sexual abuse/harassment on every shift and document in unit ._____
log book
• Inmates shall receive PREA information during _______, at __________ , and from the _________________
inmate guide
• The _____________shall work with the command staff and the Training Division to develop a plan to educate and inform inmates about sexual abuse/harassment
PREA Coordinator
• The ________________ shall develop a plan to train staff in their responsibilities pursuant to this policy
Training Division
• All inmates shall be assessed (using an objective screening instrument) within _______ hours
seventy-two (72)
• Upon learning that an inmate has been identified as either a victim or a predator, or is at risk for such, the _________shall be notified
• A vulnerability assessment of the Jail and the HOC shall be conducted _________ AND Inmates shall be advised that they may call the SID hotline at (617) 704-6666 to report allegations of sexual abuse/harassment
• The Department shall provide inmates with the ability to contact a 3rd party public or private entity or office to report sexual abuse/harassment.
• The ____________ shall work with the ____________ to develop and implement a plan to educate inmate families, constituents, other state agencies, and the general public on PREA and how they can support its enforcement
Office of Community and External Affairs
PREA Coordinator
• The Department shall make all aggregated sexual abuse/harassment data and its annual report readily available to the public at least __________
• A list of all known victims and predators shall be developed and kept up to date by the ________
• The _____________shall immediately be notified in the event of a sexual abuse/harassment allegation
Shift Commander
• The inmate victim shall be taken to the infirmary for emergency medical care and _____________
mental health treatment
• Inmates who are possible victims of sexually abusive vaginal penetration shall be offered a __________
pregnancy test
• If pregnancy results, inmates shall receive comprehensive information about, and timely access to, all lawful medical serviceS
• Inmates who are possible victims of sexual abuse/harassment shall be offered tests for __________ as needed
sexually-transmitted diseases
• Detailed report(s) shall be filed with the by the end of the shift
Shift Commander
• If the determination is made that the inmate should be sent to an outside hospital, and they consent, the inmate shall be sent to one with a _________________(SANE) program where they will receive preventative treatment
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
• The inmate shall be seen no later than the next business day unless at risk of harming themself, in which case they will be seen immediately by the mental health staff.
• Once cleared by medical and mental health staff, the _________OR_________ shall determine an appropriate housing assignment
• The ___________shall keep the inmate informed of their status, the progress of any disciplinary actions, and the status of any criminal prosecution of perpetrator
victim advocate
• When evidence is collected at an outside hospital, the transporting officer(s) shall retrieve it and coordinate with SID to transport it either to the facility for refrigerated storage or to the _________
BPD crime lab
• If the alleged perpetrator is a staff member, the ________ will retain the evidence
• If the Superintendent believes that a crime may have been committed, they will contact the —,—–OR THE_______
BPD, the DA or the AG
• Any inmate who is suspected of sexually abuse/harassment shall be placed in a __________ OR the_________ pending the investigation
special management unit or the medical unit
• The shall review and assess all reports regarding instances of sexual abuse/harassment within seventy-two
Superintendent, SID, and the PREA Coordinator
(72) hours
• SID will produce an investigative report within ________days of the incident unless the deadline is extended by the Superintendent
thirty (30)
• The Department shall inform the inmate as to whether the allegation was ——,________, or ___________
substantiated, unsubstantiated, or unfounded
• If the investigation determines that any staff member retaliated against other staff or an inmate for reporting sexual abuse/harassment, they will be disciplined up to and including termination
• A ___________ shall be appointed by the Superintendent after the investigation is complete to conduct a critical assessment of the Department’s response
PREA Review Committee
• Unless unfounded, the Department shall monitor the conduct and/or treatment of all staff and inmates for _____days following a report of sexual abuse/harassment
(90) days
• Credibility of an alleged victim shall be assessed on an individual basis and not solely determined by the person’s status as an inmate or staff member
• The Department shall use a____________ standard when determining whether allegations of sexual abuse/harassment can or cannot be substantiated
preponderance of the evidence
• Department investigation reports shall include the ——,______,_______, the reasoning behind the credibility assessment, and the investigative findings
physical, testimonial and documentary evidence
• The Sheriff must authorize any suspension lasting beyond __________ hours
forty-eight (48)
• The PREA Coordinator is William Sweeney
• The PREA Compliance Managers are as follows:
o HOC: Zezinha Mitchell, extension 6521
o Jail: Carlos Goulart, extension 6675
Inmate Property
• To allow for the secure storage of inmate property and provide an adequate supply of clothing and bedding with sufficient regularity so as to promote personal hygiene and accountability for usage