Last Quiz Flashcards
Earthworms aid soil structure by physically surrounding particles and gluing them together through the secretion of organic compounds, mainly sugars.
FALSE (Microbes)
The benefits of organic matter in the soil include decreased water-holding capacity.
FALSE (Increasing)
Fungi, like plants, photosynthesize and are found near the soil surface
FALSE (Algae)
The rhizosphere, the narrow zone of soil directly surrounding plant roots, is the most biologically active region in the soil
Microorganisms represent the largest and most diverse abiotic group in the soil
FALSE (biotic)
Root channels will close right after the root decomposes
FALSE (remain open)
In healthy soil, the domestic animal weight above the ground surface is substantially exceeded by the weight of the organisms living in the soil
Soil flora work as a soil engineers, initiating the breakdown of dead plant and animal material, ingesting, and processing large amounts of soil, burrowing biopores for water and air movement
FALSE (Soil fauna)
Beats contain 15% to 20% organic matter
FALSE (Mineral soils)
The presence of high organic matter in the soil discourages the presence of living organisms in the soil
FALSE (encourages)
Soil flora initiate the breakdown of dead plant and animal material
FALSE (Soil fauna)
A fertile soil will contain only the major nutrients for basic plant nutrition
FALSE (contain all)
A fertilizer can be organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin
In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field’s subsoil by the natural physical forces of water and wind or through forces associated with farming activities such as tillage
FALSE (field’s topsoil)
When the foundations of any structure are constructed on compressible soil, it leads to plasticity
FALSE (it leads to settlement)
The calculated bearing pressures should be equal to the allowable bearing pressures
FALSE (need to be less than)
Footings are always subjected to lateral loads
FALSE (often)
The magnitude of the elastic settlement will depend on the flexibility of the foundation and on the type of soil that the foundation will rest on it
The reduction of soil volume may occur due to the removal of water
Macro organisms represent the soils largest and most diverse biotic group
FALSE (Microoganism)
Fungi are the smallest and most diverse soil mircrobes
FALSE (not the smallest)
Most of the nitrogen and potassium in fertilizers are water-soluble
Nuetralization of HNO3 with NH3 produces ammonium nitrate (NH4NO2)
Phosphate rock is a calcium fluorophosphate of sedimentary or igneous origin
Fluid fertilizers can be applied directly to plant foliage
Plant analyses can be used as a basis to recommend fertilizer for crops that are harvestable within a short period of time
FALSE (not within a short period of time)
The higher the fertility level, the less important the time of application and placement
Soil degradation conditions could accelerate the soil erosion process
Surface runoff occurs when the soil is saturated
Soil movement by rainfall (raindrop splash) is usually greatest and most noticeable during long-duration, low-intensity storms
FALSE (short-duration, high-intensity thunderstorms)
Tilling the soil up and down field slopes is more effective in reducing soil erosion than cultivating it across the slope
FALSE (Tilling accelerates soil erosion)
Terracing entails performing all tillage and planting of crops on or near the same elevation
FALSE (Contouring)
The maximum value of the cover management factor in the universal soil loss equation is 1
The lesser the control practice done in place, the higher the value of the erosion control practice factor in the universal soil loss equation
Higher value of specific gravity gives more strength to roads and foundations
Determination of soil conditions is the most important first phase of work for every type of engineering facility
The purpose of detailed explorations is to determine the physical properties of the soils for different strata
FALSE (engineering properties)
The loading capability of soil depends upon the type of soil
The soil plasticity is highly affected by the amount of soil moisture
Soil density is the ratio of the mass of soil solids to the mass of an equal volume of water
FALSE (Specific gravity)
Footings are designed based on the nature of the loading, the properties of the footing, and the properties of the soil
Non-uniform soil bearing can be caused by a foundation pedestal located at the footing center of gravity
FALSE (not being located)
Vertical loads are typically seismic or wind loads
Nitrogen deficiency is difficult to visualize until severe
FALSE (Phosphorus)
The fertilizer grade is the relative proportions of primary nutrients in a fertilizer grade divided by the highest denominator for that grade
FALSE (fertilizer ratio)
Soil fertility is the status of soil concerning its ability to supply elements essential for plant growth without a toxic concentration of any element
The best time to apply fertilizer is when plant nutrient deficiency symptoms become obvious
FALSE (too late to apply fertilizer)
Shallower soil sampling is advisable in tilled soil
FALSE (advised in no-till systems)
The higher the soil fertility level, the more important the time application and placement is
FALSE (the less important)
The soil food chain shows what healthy soil needs in the way of soil life
FALSE (soil food web)